Fvck_kvlt - Cigán v meste - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fvck_kvlt - Cigán v meste

Cigán v meste
Gypsy in the City
Nájdeš nás u psychiatrov
You'll find us at the psychiatrists
Čakať na lieky a s minerálkou
Waiting for medication and mineral water
Sme v slow-mo a bez nákupov
We're in slow-mo and without purchases
Lebo v panike utekáme von z obchodov
Because in panic we run out of stores
nás, more, plné fabriky
There are many of us in factories
Chceli sme sa živiť umením a dat ti shit
We wanted to make a living from art and give you shit
Uverili sme rečiam, že nemáme hit
We trusted the rumors that we don't have a hit
Tak sme stále tu, vraj to tak byt
So we're still here, it's supposed to be so
Vidíš nás ísť zo školy zbitých jak psi
You see us coming from school beaten up like dogs
Myslá že sme jebnutí, tak si každý rád uderí
You think we're fucked up, so everyone is happy to hit
Tak čo je? Hlavy hore, nikdy dole
So what is it? Heads up, never down
Hovoril som, že toto úbohé mesto je moje, tak phome
I said that this pathetic city is mine, so phome
Nebudem sa tu prechádzat jak v kóme
I'm not going to walk around here like I'm in a coma
Idem von a mám v piči, robím zlo
I go out and don't care, I do evil
Cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan,cigan
Gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy
Tak sa pýtam kde ste, keď je chaos v meste?
So I ask where are you when there's chaos in the city?
Cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan,cigan
Gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy
Tak sa pýtam kde ste? Som tu, cigán v meste
So I ask where are you? I'm here, a gypsy in the city
Vieš jaké to je biť sa so svojou hlavou o kúsok pokoja
Do you know what it's like to fight with your head for a piece of peace?
Ppriznám sa ti, že občas v tom čo robím, nevidím význam
I can admit that sometimes I don't see the point in what I do
A občas to, čo robím, ozaj nemá význam
And sometimes what I do really has no point
Život je dráma, alebo sranda
Life is drama, or fun
Alebo niečo medzi tým, a potom hanba
Or something in between, and then shame
Neviem sa baviť jak Paťa a Vanda Janda
I can't have fun like Paťa and Vanda Janda
Vždy keď si začnem veriť, chytím z toho stav
Every time I start to believe in myself, I get a state from it
Asi vyjdem von a rozbijem nejakého týpka
I'll probably go out and beat up some dude
Nevidím dôvod neísť, tri roky si posedím rád
I don't see the point of not going, I'll be happy to spend three years sitting
Nehulím trávu, takže sa tu ničoho nemusím báť
I don't smoke weed, so I don't have to be afraid of anything here
Mama ma vyprdla v krajine snov, mám ťa rád
Mom kicked me out in the land of dreams, I love you
Jasné, daj mi beat, čo znie jako niečo, čo letelo v Amerike dva roky dozadu
Sure, give me a beat that sounds like something that was flying in America two years ago
Prečo nezarobiť na neznalosti a na bohatých deťoch?
Why not make money on ignorance and on rich kids?
Budem punk, budem post, budem trap, mávaj cashom
I'll be punk, I'll be post, I'll be trap, wave your money
Som basic antifa, tlačím ti to do hlavy, aj keď nepýtaš sa ma
I'm a basic antifa, I'm pushing it into your head, even if you don't ask me
Keď sa chceš radikalizovať, tak drž sa nás
If you want to become radicalized, then stick with us
Záborskej prajem, aby sa dnes v noci dosrala
I hope Zaborska shits herself tonight
Jebat hru a bejt real je pre mňa viac, než meno a skills
Fucking the game and being real is more to me than name and skills
Nie sme v Trebaticiach na hodoch, tak chill
We're not at a Trebatice festival, so chill
Jebem tvoj incel bullshit a tvoje red pills
Fuck your incel bullshit and your red pills
No tak
Well, then
Cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan,cigan
Gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy
Tak sa pýtam kde ste, keď je chaos v meste?
So I ask where are you when there's chaos in the city?
Cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan, cigan,cigan
Gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy
Tak sa pýtam kde ste? Som tu, cigán v meste
So I ask where are you? I'm here, a gypsy in the city
Dovidenia a nabudúce sa skúste starať o svoju maternicu
Goodbye and next time try to take care of your uterus

Writer(s): Denis Bango

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