Fvck_kvlt - Geiss-Zen - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fvck_kvlt - Geiss-Zen

Oblečieme sa ako Geissen
Let's dress up like the Geissens
V prestrojení za buranov obletíme celú zem
In our disguise as rednecks we'll orbit the whole earth
Na účte pár stoviek, nevadí, bude to náš sen
A few hundred in the account, no matter, it will be our dream
Cigy a pivo, och, v tom ja vidím pravý zen
Cigarettes and beer, oh, in this I see true zen
Občas premýšľam, či nie som príliš veľký mizantrop
Sometimes I wonder if I'm not too much of a misanthrope
Nadával som na tento svet toľko, že mám stavy z toho
I've railed against this world so much that I'm in a state from it
Vieš, niečo je ego a niečo je strach o ludí, ktorých máš rád, tak sa obávaš viac
You know, some things are ego and others are fear of the people you love, so you worry more
Len proste nedávam silnú dávku reality
I just don't give that strong dose of reality
Kam vlastne utiecť, keď úteky z duše nenávidím
Where to escape, when I hate escapes from the soul
Každá minúta tu je len ďalší schod do hrobu
Every minute here is just another step to the grave
Pozeráš sa na ludí a čakáš ďalšiu pohromu, tak o čom to je? Čo?
You look at people and wait for the next disaster, so what's it all about? What?
Vynechaj diskusie o tom, čo je zlo
Leave out the discussions about what is evil
Neriešme či toto je najhlbše dno
Let's not worry about whether this is the deepest bottom
Ja rád by som ti dodal chuť žiť
I would love to give you the desire to live
Len neviem jak, robím hudbu pre divnú minority, jak som ja, možno ty
But I don't know how, I make music for a weird minority, like me, maybe you
Dáme si seansu pri pesničkách pre smutných ludí
Let's have a séance with songs for sad people
Na koncerte sa objímeme, jo, to pomôže vždy
At the concert we'll hug each other, yeah, that always helps
Čo nám zostáva, keď nie držať spolu?
What's left for us if not to stick together?
Urobme deal
Let's make a deal
Ked to tu nebudeme dávat, tak žiadne lieky, žiletky, ani podobné veci, na ktoré sme zvyknutí
When we can't make it here, no more pills, razors, or anything like that, that we're used to
Daj to bokom, aj ja to odložím, pár dní to vyriešime uplne inak
Put it away, I'll put it away too, we'll work it out totally differently for a few days
Stačí pár drobných a
A few cents is enough and
Oblečieme sa ako Geissen
Let's dress up like the Geissens
V prestrojení za buranov obletíme celú zem
In our disguise as rednecks we'll orbit the whole earth
Na účte pár stoviek, nevadí, bude to náš sen
A few hundred in the account, no matter, it will be our dream
Cigy a pivo, och, v tom ja vidím pravý zen
Cigarettes and beer, oh, in this I see true zen
Oblečieme sa ako Geissen
Let's dress up like the Geissens
V prestrojení za buranov obletíme celú zem
In our disguise as rednecks we'll orbit the whole earth
Na účte pár stoviek, nevadí, bude to náš sen
A few hundred in the account, no matter, it will be our dream
Cigy a pivo, och, v tom ja vidím pravý zen
Cigarettes and beer, oh, in this I see true zen
Zaplatím dobre, tankuj benzín
I will pay well, tank up on gas
Postačí nám fábia nepotrebujeme limuzínu
A Fabia will suffice, we don't need a limousine
So životom to nejako uhráme na remízu
With life, we'll somehow manage a draw
Že nás nechápu, tak tomu vobec neni divu
That they don't understand us is no wonder
Pozri sa na nás, vyzeráme jak z koša
Look at us, we look like we're out of the gutter
Sme divní, lebo nezdielame citáty od Osha
We're weird because we don't share quotes from Osho
Nečakáme, že nás vobec niekto bude mať rád
We don't expect anyone to like us at all
Trvá to od školky dodnes
It's been that way since kindergarten
Nikto sa s nami nechce hrať
Nobody wants to play with us
Iný vkus, iné hodnoty a sny
Different tastes, different values and dreams
Veríme v to, aj keď ostatní sa dávno zmenili
We believe in it, even though everyone else changed a long time ago
Boli sme takí a stále sme to my
We were like that and we still are
A to je na tom krásne, tak to nechajme tak byť
And that's the beauty of it, so let's leave it at that
A urobme deal
And let's make a deal
Keď to tu nebudeme dávať
When we can't make it here
Tak žiadne triky, nožíky, psychiatri, žiadne tiesňové linky
Then no more tricks, no more knives, no more shrinks, no more helplines
Počkáme s tým a zbalíme si všetky veci, nasadíme falošné fúzy, úsmev vlasy a
We'll wait with that and pack all our things, put on fake mustaches, smiles, hair and
Oblečieme sa ako Geissen
Let's dress up like the Geissens
V prestrojení za buranov obletíme celú zem
In our disguise as rednecks we'll orbit the whole earth
Na účte pár stoviek, nevadí, bude to náš sen
A few hundred in the account, no matter, it will be our dream
Cigy a pivo, och, v tom ja vidím pravý zen
Cigarettes and beer, oh, in this I see true zen
Oblečieme sa ako Geissen
Let's dress up like the Geissens
V prestrojení za buranov obletíme celú zem
In our disguise as rednecks we'll orbit the whole earth
Na účte pár stoviek, nevadí, bude to náš sen
A few hundred in the account, no matter, it will be our dream
Cigy a pivo, och, v tom ja vidím pravý zen
Cigarettes and beer, oh, in this I see true zen

Writer(s): Denis Bango

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