Fvck_kvlt - Je fakt, že nemám mieru - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fvck_kvlt - Je fakt, že nemám mieru

Je fakt, že nemám mieru
It's a fact, I have no measure
Je fakt, že nemám mieru
It's a fact, I have no measure
Alkohol a drogy vyvŕtali do mňa dieru
Alcohol and drugs drilled a hole in me
Vyhrabal som sa z benzákov, neprepadol som periu
I dug myself out of the benzodiazepines, I didn't fall for feathers
A nemyslím, že tým je koniec celému príbehu
And I don't think this is the end of the whole story
Veru, veru, nemám mieru
Really, really, I have no measure
Je to fuckup keď ťa žerú myšlienky na to, jak ťa týpci v bielych plášťoch berú
It's a fuckup when you're eaten by thoughts of guys in white coats taking you away
blaženosť pri predstave, že ťa nepreberú
That bliss at the thought that they won't take you again
Ale teraz trčíš tu a pomaly strácaš vieru
But now you're stuck here and you're slowly losing faith
Grg hehe
Grg hehe
Ja mám taký dar
I have such a gift
Viem niečo zrýmovat a trieskat do gitár
I can rhyme something and slam on guitars
Mám rád Iron Maiden, neznášam Manowar
I love Iron Maiden, I hate Manowar
A každý o mne vie, že niekedy som tupý kár
And everyone knows about me that sometimes I'm a stupid card
Hráme sa tu na revolúcie
We're playing revolutions here
Pritom každý z nás by chcel byť aspon chvílu ducce
While each of us would like to be at least a little bit of a duce
V hlave mám jednu velkú zlú party a mučiareň
I have one big bad party and torture chamber in my head
Mučím sa tu sám, stratil som od nej klúče
I'm torturing myself here, I lost the keys to it
Lavá pravá, lavá pravá všetci svorne vzad
Left right, left right, all back together
Myslím, že nám všetkým došlo, čo je to tu zač
I think we all already realized what this is all about
Že život a to okolo nebol dobrý nápad
That life and everything around it wasn't a good idea
Ale šak čo, nesklamali sme sa prvý ani posledný krát
But what the hell, we didn't disappoint ourselves for the first or last time
Viem sa demotivovať tak, že mám chuť aj na to, čo viem najlepšie, sa vyjebat
I can demotivate myself so much that I even feel like doing what I do best, fucking off
Asi by som si mal sám v sebe najprv upratat
I guess I should clean up inside myself first
Ale na to by som sa asi musel mat viac rád
But I guess I'd have to like myself more for that
Občas chcem niekam patrit, a potom utečem
Sometimes I want to belong somewhere, and then I run away
Kukajú na mna jak na kokota vždy, ked odídem
They look at me like a dick every time I leave
Hovorim im chlapci, ja to tu proste neznesem
I tell them guys, I just can't take it here anymore
Všetko bolo tak fajn, mám z toho blbý den
Everything was so good that it's giving me a bad day
Vieš čo to je, vnímat svet naruby, šak asi vieš
You know what it's like to perceive the world upside down, you probably do
Výjsť z postele je jak vyjst Záruby
Getting out of bed is like getting out of the doorframe
Strach a des
Fear and terror
Najzahmlenejší vnem dátumy
The most blurred perception is dates
Jaký je den?
What day is it?
Dnes v kostole bude najlepší party jam, yeah
Today in church there's gonna be the best party jam, yeah
Boli dni, ked som chcel utiecť do kláštora
There were days when I wanted to run away to a monastery
Nesrandujem, fakt, ora et labora
No kidding, really, ora et labora
Lákalo ma šecko
I was attracted to everything
Bhagavadgíta, Tóra aj Korán
Bhagavad Gita, Torah and Koran
Dnes ma láka tvoja sprostá manka, áno som buran
Today I'm attracted to your stupid cunt, yes, I'm a peasant
Daj mi čas, všetko ti vysvetlím
Give me time, I'll explain everything to you
Zomriem v zabudnutí, najradšej zastrelením
I will die in oblivion, preferably by shooting
Nenávidím sa tým viac čím viac toto píšem
I hate myself more the more I write this
A zisťujem, že ozaj nemám mieru fakt, že v ničem, že v Nietzschem
And I'm finding out that I really have no measure, really in anything, in Nietzsche
Je fakt, že nemám mieru
It's a fact, I have no measure
Alkohol a drogy vyvŕtali do mňa dieru
Alcohol and drugs drilled a hole in me
Vyhrabal som sa z benzákov, neprepadol som periu
I dug myself out of the benzodiazepines, I didn't fall for feathers
A nemyslím, že tým je koniec celému príbehu
And I don't think this is the end of the whole story
Veru, veru, nemám mieru
Really, really, I have no measure
Je to fuckup keď ťa žerú myšlienky na to, jak ťa týpci v bielych plášťoch berú
It's a fuckup when you're eaten by thoughts of guys in white coats taking you away
blaženosť pri predstave, že ťa nepreberú
That bliss at the thought that they won't take you again
Ale teraz trčíš tu a pomaly strácaš vieru
But now you're stuck here and you're slowly losing faith
Ach bože, zas?
Oh God, again?
Kámo, ja nevydržím v tejto hlave ani sekundu
Dude, I can't stand being in this head for another second
Bohaté gádže sa hrajú na cigošov
Rich gadgets are playing gypsies
So samohrajkami si robia bašavel
They're making a mess with toy guns
Čo ti jebe?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
A kamoši dostanú päsť za vlajku s dúhou
And friends get punched for a rainbow flag
Toto nevyrieši ani ten najchrumkavejší raper, au
Even the crunchiest rapper won't solve this, ouch
Väčšina ludí nechápe, že odkial sme
Most people don't understand where we come from
Roky agitujeme, roky tie vlajky vešiame
Years of campaigning, years of hanging those flags
Antifa, refugees welcome, antihomophobe action
Antifa, refugees welcome, antihomophobe action
Pre nás samozrejmosť, pre bežného slováka zle
Obvious for us, bad for the average Slovak
Proate si priznajte, že ste svet nepochopili tak úplne
Please admit that you didn't quite understand the world
Bude sa vám dýchat lepšie, keď si raz uznáte chybu
You'll breathe easier once you admit your mistake
Ja viem, že som jebnutý a tažko ma brat vážne
I know I'm fucked up and it's hard to take me seriously
Len tvoje decko chytá stres, ked ideš navštíviť izbu
It's just your kid getting stressed when you go visit the room
Lebo je ťažko žiť, s ludmi čo ta chápu
Because it's hard to live with people who understand you
Tažko hladat súcit tam, kde ti serú na hlavu
Hard to find compassion where they shit on your head
A hladat šťastie, keď nevieš, či si nejdeš pre ranu
And looking for happiness when you don't know if you're not going for a wound
Bože, nech vám nejebe
God, stop fucking around
Nekazte nám zábavu
Don't spoil our fun
A ma to nebaví
And I'm not enjoying it anymore
melem moc dlho, je to otravné
I've been grinding for too long, it's getting annoying
Ešte túto pičovinu, čo tu mám
Just this crap I have here
S The W sme napluli do ksichtu miestnej kultúre
With The W we spat in the face of the local culture
To mi bohato stačí abych spokojne skapal jak pes
That's enough for me to happily drop dead like a dog
Som zmierený, že skonám v zabudnutí a chudobe
I am resigned to the fact that I will die in oblivion and poverty
Budem len rád, ked som niečo pre teba spravil aspon dnes
I'll just be glad if I did something for you at least today
Je fakt, že nemám mieru
It's a fact, I have no measure
Alkohol a drogy vyvŕtali do mňa dieru
Alcohol and drugs drilled a hole in me
Vyhrabal som sa z benzákov, neprepadol som periu
I dug myself out of the benzodiazepines, I didn't fall for feathers
A nemyslím, že tým je koniec celému príbehu
And I don't think this is the end of the whole story
Veru, veru, nemám mieru
Really, really, I have no measure
Je to fuckup keď ťa žerú myšlienky na to, jak ťa týpci v bielych plášťoch berú
It's a fuckup when you're eaten by thoughts of guys in white coats taking you away
blaženosť pri predstave, že ťa nepreberú
That bliss at the thought that they won't take you again
Ale teraz trčíš tu a pomaly strácaš vieru
But now you're stuck here and you're slowly losing faith
Je fakt, že nemám mieru
It's a fact, I have no measure
Alkohol a drogy vyvŕtali do mňa dieru
Alcohol and drugs drilled a hole in me
Vyhrabal som sa z benzákov, neprepadol som periu
I dug myself out of the benzodiazepines, I didn't fall for feathers
A nemyslím, že tým je koniec celému príbehu
And I don't think this is the end of the whole story
Veru, veru, nemám mieru
Really, really, I have no measure
Je to fuckup keď ťa žerú myšlienky na to, jak ťa týpci v bielych plášťoch berú
It's a fuckup when you're eaten by thoughts of guys in white coats taking you away
blaženosť pri predstave, že ťa nepreberú
That bliss at the thought that they won't take you again
Ale teraz trčíš tu a pomaly strácaš vieru
But now you're stuck here and you're slowly losing faith

Writer(s): Denis Bango

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