Fvck_kvlt - Skurvensko II. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Fvck_kvlt - Skurvensko II.

Skurvensko II.
Skurvensko II.
Mainstream raperi chcú byt punk, znejú jak Desmod
Mainstream rappers want to be punk, they sound like Desmod
Ja nejsom raper, mne možeš verit, ja nehrajem to
I'm not a rapper, you can believe me, I don't play that
Žádne fighty v ringu, nijaké lóve, testosteron nejde krájat
No fights in the ring, no money, no testosterone to spare
Ale ked mi povíš, že som napiču, neurazím sa a nezačnem plakat
But if you tell me I'm shit, I won't be offended and I won't cry
Že ludia načo ten hejt? Jebte na to, prídte podporiť na moj gig
People ask, why the hate? Fuck that, come and support me at my gig
Kámo nijaký kolagén, nijaké CBD nevylieči, že si dick
Dude, no collagen, no CBD will cure you being a dick
Skurvensko je v hovnách celé odspodu po vrch
Skurvensko is in shit from top to bottom
Ty si hlas generácie?
Are you the voice of the generation?
Daj mi statement! Hm? Pcháš mi další produkt
Give me a statement! Hm? You're pushing me another product
A nápisy trans-queer na stenách
And the graffiti "trans-queer" on the walls
Tagy na historických budovách
Tags on historical buildings
Som v piči, mám z toho strach
I'm scared as hell
Lebo jediný, koho počúvam, je Marek Mach
Because the only one I listen to is Marek Mach
Kropotkin, Bakunin
Kropotkin, Bakunin
Kropotkin, Bakunin
Kropotkin, Bakunin
Tento štát sa asi nedá dokopy
This country probably won't get its act together
Kým nepadne porádne na hubu
Until it gets its head kicked in
Som prepatý, v sebe ketamín
I'm sorry, I have ketamine in me
Dobre ťa nevidím a tak to byť
I can't see you very well and that's how it should be
Robím čo sa dá, aby som nevnímal čo sa tu deje
I do what I can not to notice what's going on here
Len tak sa žiť
That's the only way to live
Som produkt vašej výchovy a neschopnosti to tu riadiť
I'm a product of your upbringing and your inability to run this country
Predtým, než nám svet zhorí pred očami
Before the world burns down before our eyes
Dojdem osobne vaše cribs vypálit
I'll come and burn your cribs down personally
Na tomto vyjebanom Skurvensku je zle
Something's wrong in this fucked up Skurvensko
Samý tupý ksich
Nothing but stupid faces
Dupni na to nech sme preč
Hit the gas so we can get out of here
Na tomto vyjebanom Skurvensku je zle
Something's wrong in this fucked up Skurvensko
Samý tupý ksich
Nothing but stupid faces
nech sme sme preč
Let's get out of here
Na tomto vyjebanom Skurvensku je zle
Something's wrong in this fucked up Skurvensko
Samý tupý ksich
Nothing but stupid faces
Dupni na to nech sme preč
Hit the gas so we can get out of here
Na tomto vyjebanom Skurvensku je zle
Something's wrong in this fucked up Skurvensko
Samý tupý ksich
Nothing but stupid faces
nech sme sme preč
Let's get out of here

Writer(s): Denis Bango

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