Fvck_kvlt - Tu II - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fvck_kvlt - Tu II

Nepočujem cez deň nič
Can't hear a thing during the day
V noci počujem toho moc
At night I hear a little too much
Hlasné výkriky z pekla
Loud cries from hell
Mi dávajú dobrú noc
Wish me goodnight
Žije len pavúk čo z výšky
Only the spider stays alive in the distance
Pozerá na moju mdlú tvár
Looks at my faint face
Cítim, že sa to blíži
I sense it's getting close
Viem aký údel mám
I know the fate I face
Že počujem tmu
That I hear darkness
Počujem hmlu
I hear fog
Počujem ludí jak trpia
I hear people suffering
A ju, jak čaká ju
And her, waiting until I
Konečne zavolám
Finally call out her name
Počujem tmu
I hear darkness
Počujem hmlu
I hear fog
A jak potajme plačeš
And how you're secretly crying
Počujem ju, jak čaká ju
I hear her, how she waits until I'll
Prejde bolest
Get over this pain
Z vlasov sype sa mi piesok
Sand falls from my hair
Oči kmitajú sem a tam
My eyes flicker here and there
Včera mi príde jak dnešok
Yesterday's feeling like today
A dnešok za deň ani nerátam
And I don't count today at all
Obetoval som všetko chvíli
I've sacrificed so much for a moment
Kedy zdalo sa to byt fajn
When everything seemed fine
Neostal mi ani kúsok sily
I've got no strength left
A zvyšok nedávam
And I'm not giving up the rest
Stále počujem tmu
I keep hearing the darkness
Počujem hmlu
I hear the fog
Počujem ludí jak trpia
I hear people suffering
A ju, jak čaká ju
And her, waiting until I
Konečne zavolám
Finally call out her name
Počujem tmu
I hear darkness
Počujem hmlu
I hear fog
A jak potajme plačeš
And how you're secretly crying
Počujem ju, jak čaká ju
I hear her, how she waits until I'll
Prejde bolest
Get over this pain
Ležíme na zemi
We lie on the ground
Nezvládame nič iné len pozerat do steny
Can't do anything but stare at the wall
Soaked in sweat
Ludia vonku blažení
People outside are blissful
Len my dvaja vieme, že sme navždy stratení
Only the two of us know that we are lost forever
To sme my
That's us
Stačí nám chvílka
A moment's all we need
A nič neni také jak bývalo
And nothing will ever be the same
Zasyp moju tvár
Bury my face
Tvojimi bozkami
With your kisses
Nič nepomože takým prípadom
Nothing will help hopeless cases like these
Jak sme my
Like us
The three of us
Stále počujem tmu
I keep hearing the darkness
Počujem hmlu
I hear the fog
Počujem ludí jak trpia
I hear people suffering
A ju, jak čaká ju
And her, waiting until I
Konečne zavolám
Finally call out her name
Počujem tmu
I hear darkness
Počujem hmlu
I hear fog
A jak potajme plačeš
And how you're secretly crying
Počujem ju, jak čaká ju
I hear her, how she waits until I'll
Prejde bolest
Get over this pain

Writer(s): Denis Bango

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