Fyahbwoy - Hades - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fyahbwoy - Hades

El cielo tiene los motivos
Heaven has its reasons,
Y ese demonio desde abajo no tenía testigos
And that demon from below had no witnesses.
Tres Angeles se desangraban por que ya han caído
Three angels bled out, for they have fallen.
Y yo sin fe... y el cargador casi vacío
And me, without faith... and the magazine almost empty.
Dos más arriba que me miran y me sobrevuelan
Two more above me, watching, flying over.
Ya me bañé con el veneno para que lo huelan
I bathed myself in poison so they could smell it.
Averigüe el error más básico de su sistema
I figured out the most basic error in their system.
Y yo queriendo erradicar el mal con mis poemas
And me, wanting to eradicate evil with my poems.
Salgo a la calle me perseguia con cada detalle yo me raye
I go out to the street, he chased me, with every detail, I got stressed.
No se como me calle y no salte pa su cuello esa noche se ve que falle
I don't know how I kept quiet and didn't jump at his neck, I guess I failed that night.
Deja que truene y que llegue su tren
Let it thunder and let his train arrive,
que se estrene su peli que yo cancele
let his movie premiere, I'll cancel.
Y que ellos solos se condenen y que mis
And let them condemn themselves, and let my
metales resuenen: koum koum beng beng beng
metals resonate: koum koum beng beng beng
Siempre hay perra que ladra
There's always a bitch that barks,
Morirá y se reencarnara en sarna
She will die and be reincarnated as mange.
Todo vuelve pedazo de mierda quieras o no quieras creer en el karma
Everything comes back, piece of shit, whether you want to believe in karma or not.
Nos hicieron volver a las armas
They made us return to arms,
Pero sólo había que besar más
But we just had to kiss more.
Y ahora que ya no puedo dejarlas
And now that I can't leave them,
que a mi me perdonen que voy a sacarlas
May they forgive me, for I will take them out.
Me compré una pistola y salí pa la calle
I bought a pistol and went out to the street,
La sicaria me perseguía
The hitwoman was chasing me.
Lo contrario al amor era Roma y juré que en Italia me quemaría
The opposite of love was Rome, and I swore I would burn in Italy.
Llega bomberos y policía
Firefighters and police arrive,
Y es que esto nadie se lo creía
And nobody believed this.
Que tus ojos marcaron mi pecho
That your eyes marked my chest,
Con llamas una frase que decía
With flames, a phrase that said:
No me molesta
It doesn't bother me,
Que digan que he perdido la testa
That they say I've lost my head,
Cuando yo ando ganando la apuesta
When I'm winning the bet,
Y a su llamada nadie contesta
And no one answers their call.
No me lo digan que ya lo he catao
Don't tell me, I've already tasted it,
Encendido y bien arrebatao
Ignited and well snatched,
Que lo bendigan que ya lo he matao
Bless him, I've already killed him.
Dile que no me vuelvan loco por favor
Tell them not to drive me crazy, please,
Que a los maltratados solo les amansas con amor
The abused can only be tamed with love.
No presionen el botón de mi dolor
Don't push the button of my pain,
Que que la flor que huele no tiene el mismo sabor.
For I saw that the flower that smells does not have the same taste.
Que no me vuelvan loco por favor
Don't drive me crazy, please,
Que a los maltratados solo les amansas con amor
The abused can only be tamed with love.
No presionen el botón de mi dolor
Don't push the button of my pain,
Que que la flor que huele no tiene el mismo sabor
For I saw that the flower that smells does not have the same taste.
Blancos y Negros, gatas y cuervos
Whites and blacks, cats and crows,
No rescataron los cuerpos
They didn't rescue the bodies.
Todos hablando todos enfermos
Everyone talking, everyone sick,
Le dieron placas a puercos
They gave badges to pigs.
Pasaba lento se hizo violento
He passed slowly, became violent,
Me anticipé al movimiento
I anticipated the movement.
Dime si siento el vacío aquí dentro
Tell me if I feel the void within,
Y de lo que no me arrepiento
And what I don't regret.
Subaste mi dolor en la puja del odio movido en el mercado negro
They auctioned my pain in the bid of hatred, moved in the black market.
Y espere que pasase el otoño para pasar el invierno en el infierno
And I waited for autumn to pass to spend winter in hell.
Con sombrero de cowboy mantengo a ese
With a cowboy hat, I keep that
puto bicho agarrado de los cuernos
fucking beast by the horns.
Y pregunten arriba que cuando me
And ask up there when they will
abrirán la puerta que esto se hace eterno
open the door for me, this is becoming eternal.
Me compré una pistola y salí pa la calle
I bought a pistol and went out to the street,
La sicaria me perseguía
The hitwoman was chasing me.
Lo contrario al amor era Roma y juré que en Italia me quemaría
The opposite of love was Rome, and I swore I would burn in Italy.
Llega bomberos y policía
Firefighters and police arrive,
Y es que esto nadie se lo creía
And nobody believed this.
Que tus ojos marcaron mi pecho
That your eyes marked my chest,
Con llamas una frase que decía
With flames, a phrase that said:
No me molesta
It doesn't bother me,
Que digan que he perdido la testa
That they say I've lost my head,
Cuando yo ando ganando la apuesta
When I'm winning the bet,
Y a su llamada nadie contesta
And no one answers their call.
No me lo digan que ya lo he catao
Don't tell me, I've already tasted it,
Encendido y bien arrebatao
Ignited and well snatched,
Lo bendigan que ya lo he matao
Bless him, I've already killed him.
Dile que no me vuelvan loco por favor
Tell them not to drive me crazy, please,
Que a los maltratados solo les amansas con amor
The abused can only be tamed with love.
No presionen el botón de mi dolor
Don't push the button of my pain,
Que vi que la flor que huele no tiene el mismo sabor.
For I saw that the flower that smells does not have the same taste.
Que no me vuelvan loco por favor
Don't drive me crazy, please,
Que a los maltratados solo les amansas con amor
The abused can only be tamed with love.
No presionen el botón de mi dolor
Don't push the button of my pain,
Que vi que la flor que huele no tiene el mismo sabor
For I saw that the flower that smells does not have the same taste.

Writer(s): alexis ventier, otoniel hidder

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