GADORO - G-ism - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction GADORO - G-ism

今日もタラタラしてんじゃねえよ ポケットに in
Even today, I'm not slacking, mic in my pocket, girl.
The moment I grab it, a sudden earthquake erupts.
Even you, with your fake swagger and insecurities,
俺のリリックを聴いたら最後 小便をチビる
Will piss yourself after hearing my lyrics.
お勉強ビリだが脳内高性能 PC
I might be last in class, but my brain's a high-performance PC.
今日からこれを機に この曲もトレンド入り
Starting today, with this track, we're trending, baby.
レジェンドとか知らねえから 退けよジジい
I don't know any legends, move over, old men.
My grandma in heaven is my only hero.
A dull city without a bullet train.
Honing my lyrics in the underground.
Live でもバイブレーション イカセっぱなし
Keeping the vibrations high at every live show.
Another story to bring back to my hometown.
A life of downfall for those without conviction.
My character might be trash, but I'm living off royalties.
I've always said I'd become a hero.
A pinky promise with grandma on the veranda.
Ay シャンパンよりファンタオレンジをラッパ呑み
Ay, chugging Fanta Orange instead of champagne, girl.
Ay ガンジャより焚くのはバルサンのみ
Ay, burning bug spray instead of ganja.
Ay 母ちゃんより受け継いだばあちゃんの血
Ay, inherited my grandma's blood, not my mom's.
Carrying the weight of this city on my shoulders.
Ay シャンパンよりファンタオレンジをラッパ呑み
Ay, chugging Fanta Orange instead of champagne, girl.
Ay ガンジャより焚くのはバルサンのみ
Ay, burning bug spray instead of ganja.
Ay 母ちゃんより受け継いだばあちゃんの血
Ay, inherited my grandma's blood, not my mom's.
Carrying the weight of this city on my shoulders.
Sorry for my thick accent, darling.
てか最近の Hip Hop は変わったこっせん?
Hasn't hip hop changed a lot recently?
They're hiding their weed and cocaine.
My pockets are full of cheap candy.
Music over girls on both sides.
Rocking Converse over Jordans, fit for a king.
The unemployed guy, drowning in debt,
Now signs autographs at the local diner.
Hitting home runs like Ohtani, way outta the park.
これが剣客商売 未だ限界もなし
This is swordsmanship, with no limits in sight.
また名作をだし やっぱり絶賛の嵐
Another masterpiece, met with a storm of praise.
Left my front door unlocked again today.
やたらラッパー共が Youtuber に枕営業
All these rappers pillow-talking to YouTubers.
Me? I'm 100% pure microphone juice.
知らねアルファベット 母国語でやるだけっしょ
Don't know the alphabet, just spitting in my native tongue.
流石でしょ? 常にカップラーメンとスキル蓄えちょる
Impressive, right? Always stocked up on instant ramen and skills.
Ay シャンパンよりファンタオレンジをラッパ呑み
Ay, chugging Fanta Orange instead of champagne, girl.
Ay ガンジャより焚くのはバルサンのみ
Ay, burning bug spray instead of ganja.
Ay 母ちゃんより受け継いだばあちゃんの血
Ay, inherited my grandma's blood, not my mom's.
Carrying the weight of this city on my shoulders.
Ay シャンパンよりファンタオレンジをラッパ呑み
Ay, chugging Fanta Orange instead of champagne, girl.
Ay ガンジャより焚くのはバルサンのみ
Ay, burning bug spray instead of ganja.
Ay 母ちゃんより受け継いだばあちゃんの血
Ay, inherited my grandma's blood, not my mom's.
Carrying the weight of this city on my shoulders.
Back then, I locked my heart away.
Gave up, thinking I had no talent for life.
Couldn't buy anything, house got repossessed.
Just tasteless rice crackers to fill my belly.
Ay 未だ語り継がれている名古屋のトコナ
Ay, the legend of Tokona in Nagoya still lives on.
Ay ハマーじゃなくママチャリ乗るアホな男さ
Ay, a foolish man riding a mama-chari, not a Hummer.
Ay 地元からの信頼すら何もかんも及ばん
Ay, lacking trust from my hometown and everything else.
だが胸元には YAOYA のロゴマーク
But on my chest, the YAOYA logo mark.
普段ならば印象無さげ 人任せでちと哀れ
Usually unimpressive, leaving things to others, a bit pathetic.
だが舞台じゃ異常なまでに気性が荒れえ 一歩下がれ
But on stage, my temper flares abnormally. Back off.
これに身を捧げ 美女や金よりかはビートか酒
Dedicated to this, beats and booze over women and money.
早くマイクと引導渡せ 俺は一生若手だ
Hurry up and let me die with my mic, I'll be a young gun forever.
Certified, top-notch, the real deal.
上品なリムジンよりか beats に乗りたい主義
Prefer a ride in a beat over a fancy limo.
I might mess up sometimes, but I pretend to be unfazed.
踏みまくる俺が帰ってきたよ お久しぶり
I'm back, stepping all over the place, long time no see.
Ay シャンパンよりファンタオレンジをラッパ呑み
Ay, chugging Fanta Orange instead of champagne, girl.
Ay ガンジャより焚くのはバルサンのみ
Ay, burning bug spray instead of ganja.
Ay 母ちゃんより受け継いだばあちゃんの血
Ay, inherited my grandma's blood, not my mom's.
Carrying the weight of this city on my shoulders.
Ay シャンパンよりファンタオレンジをラッパ呑み
Ay, chugging Fanta Orange instead of champagne, girl.
Ay ガンジャより焚くのはバルサンのみ
Ay, burning bug spray instead of ganja.
Ay 母ちゃんより受け継いだばあちゃんの血
Ay, inherited my grandma's blood, not my mom's.
Carrying the weight of this city on my shoulders.

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