GADORO feat. J-Rexxx - Challenger - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction GADORO feat. J-Rexxx - Challenger

Even dog poop becomes fertilizer
I'm still a rapper who's not useful
Wait a little longer for me, Mom
Life from here on out is a bad joke
A Jenga that's about to collapse
もう一度リメンバー 冷えたおまんま
Remember again that cold rice
If I can accept a fake version of myself
I'd rather be berated for who I am
I don't know what will happen tomorrow
This lyric is my will
The fleeting seconds of short days
I love this cityscape, baby
My name suits me well, in addition to this
Even if there's nothing to work for, I'll shut you up with music
Wassup haters, your diss is not enough
I'm spitting punchlines just by standing here
No retreat No surrender 声をからしても
No retreat, no surrender, even if my voice gives out
No retreat No surrender 歩みを止めず
No retreat, no surrender, keep moving forward
We get a money We get a power We get a respect We get a dream どうすりゃ良い?
We get a money, we get a power, we get a respect, we get a dream. What should we do?
分からなくなる また必ず腹から笑う 常人の枠遥かに超える そんな天才を黙らす極上のカス お墨付きという名の入れ墨
I don't know. I'll definitely laugh from my belly again. I'm a genius who goes far beyond the ordinary, an extreme piece of trash that will silence such a genius. A tattoo that says "approved."
寝ずに地下を徘徊するどぶネズミ 俺の言葉を味方にしな お前の半端な仲間よりは頼りになる 純粋な餓鬼徐々に濁る 大人になり姿を変える
A sewer rat that wanders underground without sleeping. Make my words your ally. I'm more reliable than your half-assed crew. A pure kid gradually becomes muddy. He becomes an adult and changes his appearance.
無我夢中握る泥だんご そっから野球ボール、今や握るマイクロフォン
A mud ball I clench in my unconsciousness, a baseball from that, now I hold a microphone.
賞賛の声さえも罵声のノイズ 羊の群れが言うダセエよコイツ だが週末のライブ大忙し あの頃のライバルにゃ興味もなし
Even the sound of cheers is just noise to me. A flock of sheep says, "You're so uncool." But I'm super busy with live shows on the weekends. I'm not interested in my rivals from back then.
No retreat No surrender 汚れていても No retreat No surrender 前に進んで行く We get
No retreat, no surrender, no matter how dirty. No retreat, no surrender, keep moving forward. We get
A money We get a power We get a respect We get a dream
A money, we get a power, we get a respect, we get a dream.
中指を立てた裏側の4本の指が今も俺を睨んでる それでも決しておろすことを辞めない 権力や金に踊らされないMy life 散々笑い者にされ
The four fingers behind the middle finger I put up are still glaring at me. But I still won't put it down. I won't dance for power or money. My life. I've been laughed at so much,
光は無くそこには影と崖 何故?自らに問う その答えに悶えながら生きる運命 ゴールドのネックレスもネクタイもねえ 必要もねえ
There's no light, just shadows and cliffs. Why? I ask myself. I'm destined to live in agony while seeking the answer. No gold necklaces, no ties, no need for them.
棺桶が最後のステージ 普通や当たり前に争い生きる はなからなかった俺に仲間意識
The coffin is the final stage. I live in a normal and typical way. I never had any sense of camaraderie with anyone from the beginning.
謙虚になれと俺を従わせる その謙虚でもねえ面が気にくわねえ 増えるしがらみ、それでも未だに 佇み戦える奴俺以外いない
Be humble, they tell me to obey them. I don't like that humble side of you. The entanglements grow, but I'm still the only one who can stand and fight.
No retreat No surrender 才能が無くても No retreat No surrender 全て覆す We get a
No retreat, no surrender, even if I have no talent. No retreat, no surrender, overturn everything. We get a
Money We get a power We get a respect We get a dream
Money, we get a power, we get a respect, we get a dream.
生き残るために息を殺す 駆け上がるために筆を下ろす 後世に残すライム限界を超す 地元からの強風が背中を押す この声轟かす全国の各地まで
To survive, I hold my breath. To rise up, I put down my pen. I leave behind rhymes that will last for generations. The strong wind from my hometown pushes me forward. I make my voice resound throughout the country.
死んでも残るヴァース吐くしかねえ ゴールが見えんからこそ走り続ける 喉が裂けるほど叫び続ける
I have to spit out verses that will remain even after I die. I keep running because I can't see the goal. I keep screaming until my throat tears.
No retreat No surrender 自分の弱さを No retreat No surrender 強さに変えて
No retreat, no surrender, turning my weakness into strength, no retreat, no surrender
We get a money
We get a money
We get a power
We get a power
We get a respect
We get a respect
We get a dream
We get a dream

Writer(s): kiwy, gadoro, j-rexxx,

GADORO feat. J-Rexxx - Suigara
date de sortie

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