Gor - A L'Entrada Del Temps Clar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gor - A L'Entrada Del Temps Clar

A L'Entrada Del Temps Clar
A L'Entrance Of Clear Weather
A l'entrada del temps clar eya
At the onset of bright skies
Per joia recomencar eya
I begin anew with joy
E per jelos irritar eya
And to kindle jealousy
Vol la regina mostrar
The queen desires to show
Qu'el es si amorosa
How loving she is
A la vi'a la via jelos
Jealousy, get thee hence
Laissatz nos laissatz nos
Let us be
Balar entre nos
To dance amidst ourselves
El'a fait pertot mandar eya
She has sent word far and wide
Non sta jusqu'a la mar eya
As far as the distant sea
Piucela ni bachalar eya
To every maiden and bachelor
Que tuit non vengar dancar
That all should come to dance
En la danca joiosa
In joyful revelry
Lo reis i ven d'autra part eya
The king arrives from afar
Per la danca destorbar eya
To disrupt the dance
Que el es en crementar eya
For he is consumed by jealousy
Que om ni livohl' emblar
That his beloved queen
La regin'aurilhosa
Might be stolen from him
Mais per nient lo vol far eya
But his efforts prove futile
Qu'ela n'a sonh de vielhart eya
For she dreams of an old man
Mais d'un leugier bachalar eya
But rather, of a youthful bachelor
Qui ben saphea solacar
Who alone knows how to please
La domina saborosa
The lady of his desire
Qui la vezes dancar eya
He who sees her dance
E son gent cors deportar eya
And delights in her graceful form
Ben pogra dir de vertat eya
May truly say
Qu'el mon non aja sa par
That her equal is not to be found
La regina joiosa
In all the world


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