Gor - Eximi Possit Imperio - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gor - Eximi Possit Imperio

Eximi Possit Imperio
Eximi Possit Imperio
Eximi Possit Imperio
You Can Stand Out
Lux oscura
Dark light
Eximi Possit Imperio
You can stand out
Crux, forma penitencie
Cross, a form of repentance
Gracie clavis, clava
Graceful key, club
Peccati venie vena, radix
Vein of sin forgiveness, root
Ligni iustitie
Of the tree of justice
Via vite, vexillum glorie
Path of life, banner of glory
Eximi Possit Imperio
You can stand out
Sponsi lectus in meridie
Lover's bed in broad daylight
Lux plenarie
Complete light
Nubem luens tristicie
Healing the cloud of sorrow
Serenum coscientie
A serene conscience
Hac homo portet
With this, a person carries
Hac se confortet
With this, comforts himself
Crucem oportet
One must carry the cross
Eximi Possit Imperio
You can stand out
Magnus dea mater
Great goddess mother
Anima mea cum tua
My soul with yours
Eximi Posit Imperio
You can stand out

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