GReeeeN - Bokurano Monogatari - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction GReeeeN - Bokurano Monogatari

Bokurano Monogatari
Our Story
ほらね 僕の行方に 強く吹いてる
See, the strong winds blowing opposite me
To which I might lose
誰よりも ただ胸を張って
More than anyone, I stood tall
As I wished only to move forward
もしも この世界が誰かの為で
If this world is for someone else
I'm just an extra, then
What should I do about my loneliness?
ねぇ 誰でもいいから教えてよ
Hey, someone, just tell me
限られた時間 毎分毎秒
Every second of this limited time
Passes me by
If my life were to end now
How many people would cry?
Unheard emotions
Gripped my chest as it threatened to burst
Someday, a happy day will come...
Even on this sleepless night
“When the morning comes”
強くなれる 強くなれる 言い聞かせた自分に何度も!!
I can be strong I must be strong I kept telling myself over and over again!!
生まれたとき 誰も同じ はじまりはきっと笑顔
When we were born We are all the same We surely all began with a smile
これまでの傍観者は これからの冒険者に
Those who have been spectators until now will become adventurers from now on
強くなれ 強くあれ until I die
Be strong Stand tall until I die
ねぇdad 僕の 名前を付けた
Hey, dad You gave me my name
What were your wishes and reasons for it? Am I that person?
あぁ わかんない そんなものかもな
Oh, I don't know Maybe that's just how it is
理想通り 生きれたらどれだけ楽だろうな!
How easy it would be if we could all live according to our ideals!
もう 窮屈が膨張し続ける
My frustrations are reaching a boiling point
何も 聞こえないフリの
Pretending not to hear a thing
僕の 冷静が
My composure
Cried out in anguish!!
僕の声よ 僕の声よ 誰かに聞こえていますか?
My voice My voice Can anyone hear me?
淋しくて あげた声は 産声のような涙
My lonely voice raises a cry like that of a newborn
笑ってやれ 何一つ ゆずる必要なんてない
Laugh it off There's no need to give in to anything
生きてれば 生き残れwar until I die
If we live We'll survive war until I die
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
悲しくても泣きたくても 必ず明日がくるぞ
No matter how sad or how much I want to cry, tomorrow will surely come
悔しくても死にたくても 必ず明日がくるぞ
No matter how regretful or how much I want to die, tomorrow will surely come
捨てないで あんなやつらに笑顔 見せつけるんだ
Don't give up Show those jerks a smile
生き残るぞ 生き残るぞ
We'll survive We'll survive
強くなれる 強くなれる 言い聞かせた自分に何度も!!
I can be strong I must be strong I kept telling myself over and over again!!
生まれたとき 誰も同じ はじまりはきっと涙
When we were born We are all the same We surely all began with a cry
悔しくたって 辛くたって 夢は必ず叶う
No matter how regretful or how difficult it may be, our dreams will surely come true
負けないように 枯れないように until I die
Don't let yourself be defeated Don't let yourself wither until I die
Never say die
Never say die

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