Galileo Galilei - Colors - traduction des paroles en anglais

Colors - Galileo Galileitraduction en anglais

君の隣にいる時だけが 輝く無限の色彩になって
Only when I'm next to you, does everything become a brilliant, infinite spectrum of colors.
My heart and mind overflow like a bouquet of flowers.
Everything else fades into obscurity.
そのぶん僕の世界は 小さくなって
Because of that, my world shrinks.
君の隣に居座る悪魔と 肩よせあって絵を描いている
I sit beside the devil perched on your shoulder, and together we paint.
あの空も頭の中も 楽園だ!
That sky, even inside my mind, it's paradise!
It's all I can paint anymore.
僕を 見てくれ
Look at me.
僕を 鳥籠の中の鳥だと言って放ってよ
Call me a bird in a cage and set me free.
僕を 肩に留まらせて
Let me perch on your shoulder.
Only when I'm next to you,
does everything become devastatingly beautiful colors.
胸の上も頭の上も プリズムみたいだ
My heart and mind, they're like prisms.
Everything else turns to sorrow.
そのぶん僕の世界は 君を傷つける?
Because of that, does my world hurt you?
地獄の門に花束投げつけ 呼びかけては笑われている
I throw a bouquet at the gates of hell, call out, and am laughed at.
"また来たな" 天使の粉で 分別も区別もつかなくなる
"You're back again," they say. Angel dust clouds my judgment, blurring all distinction.
僕を 愛して
Love me.
僕の この混乱を美しいと言って笑ってよ
Call this chaos of mine beautiful and laugh with me.
僕を 僕で いさせて
Let me be myself.
君の隣にいる時だけが あるべき全てが色彩になって
Only when I'm next to you does all that should be become color.
僕の上に君が昇って 月と太陽だ
You rise above me, my moon and sun.
それ以外は 存在しちゃいけない
Nothing else should exist.
そのうち僕の瞳は 色を失う
Soon my eyes will lose their color.

Writer(s): Yuuki Ozaki

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