Gatibu - Prest - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gatibu - Prest

Ke ba!
Hear me darling!
Hemen ez dau
I'm out here
Begire nabil ta ez dot ikusten
Look and you'll see I'm in your sights
Kale zikinetan arrastorik ez
On the grimy streets you won't see me crawling
Barraritik barra ez da agertzen
From the top of the wall I surely won't appear
Bile nabil, bile-bile nabil
I know where I'm going, I know exactly where I'm going
Askatasune noiz iritsiko zain.
Waiting for the day freedom arrives
Nahi dot
I don't want to
Ta ez dekot
And I won't
Biher dot!
I'll turn around!
Lortu eingo dot, neuretzat nahi dot
I'll get there, I want to for myself
Emoten ez badabe
If they don't give it to me
Hartu eingo dot
I'll take it
Itxaroten banago ez dot lortuko
If I keep waiting I won't get anywhere
Bile nabil, bile-bile nabil
I know where I'm going, I know exactly where I'm going
Neure ordue noz iritsiko zain
Waiting for the day my turn comes
Ie ie
Yes yes
Ni, ni banago
Me, I am
Oraingoan enabe gelditxuko
This time I will not stay
Ie ie
Yes yes
Ni, ni prest nago!
Me, I am ready!
Ie ie!
Yes yes!
Ni, ni banago
Me, I am
Seigarren martxie sartunde dekot
I've entered the sixth march
Ie, ie
Yes, yes
Ni, ni prest nago!
Me, I'm ready!
Bai and bai
Yes and yes
Bai, bai!
Yes, yes!
Eo, hor zagoz zu?
Hey, are you there?
Ez zaitut ikusten!
I can't see you!
Ezer ein barik beti bildurtute
Always frightened without saying anything
Sugien moduen zagoz ezkuteute
Like a shadow hidden in the shadows
Altzeu hadi! Altzeu-altzeu hadi!
Rise up! Rise up! Rise up!
Egunsentixe iritsi aurretik!
Before sunrise comes!
Ie ie
Yes yes
Ni, ni banago
Me, I am
Oraingoan enabe gelditxuko
This time I will not stay
Ie ie
Yes yes
Ni, ni prest nago!
Me, I am ready!
Ie ie!
Yes yes!
Ni, ni banago
Me, I am
Seigarren martxie sartunde dekot
I've entered the sixth march
Ie, ie
Yes, yes
Ni, ni prest nago!
Me, I'm ready!
Ni, ni, ni, ni
Me, me, me, me
Prest nago
I'm ready
Ni, ni, ni, ni
Me, me, me, me
Martxan nago
I'm on my way
Ta zu zer? hor zagoz?
And you? Where are you?
Zu zer? martxan zauz?
You? Are you on your way?

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