Geeflow feat. Defkhan - Davinçi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Geeflow feat. Defkhan - Davinçi

Herif popstar olmuş kahvede!
Dude became a popstar in the cafe!
Olsa n'olur nağmeler?
So what if he has melodies?
O çorap kokulu sahnene git komşularını davet et!
Go to your sock-smelling stage and invite your neighbors!
Sen sevgilinle tango yap, Gee flowlarıyla dans eder!
You do tango with your girlfriend, Gee flow will make her dance!
Bak fotoğrafım Gazze'de, sen joplanırsın lan velet!
Look, my picture is in Gaza, you'll get lost, kid!
Çaylar soğudu kalk hemen, doldur oğlum tazele
The tea got cold, get up now, refill it, son, freshen up
Geeflow inşaat mühendisi gibi beton kaplı kalplere!
Geeflow is like a construction engineer to concrete-covered hearts!
Beyni high yap aynı Amy Winehouse gibi haze ve ayran
His brain is high, like Amy Winehouse on haze and ayran
Bu tayfa orijinal ve gerçek, gerisi made in China!
This crew is original and real, the rest is made in China!
Geeflow ve Defkhan, aynı Twista ve Makaveli!
Geeflow and Defkhan, like Twista and Makaveli!
Bu buz dağının görünmeyen yanı batar Titanic
The unseen side of this iceberg sinks the Titanic
Çapraz ateşe girdin saklan lan keriz!
You're caught in crossfire, hide, you fool!
Mic-mic-mic mikrofon ve ben kayboldum
Mic-mic-mic microphone and I got lost
Geeflow her zaman saykoydu
Geeflow has always been respectful
Senin giydiğin donun hep naylondu
The underwear you wear has always been nylon
Bizlere karşı sadece faytondun
You were just a phaeton against us
Senin yaptığın music değil
What you do is not music
Benim yapım Dirty Beatz
My production is Dirty Beatz
Sınırları tanımam dirty-free
I don't recognize boundaries, dirty-free
Kelimelerimi kim çevirecek emin değilim
I'm not sure who will translate my words
Şifre Da Vinci'yi ağlatır
The code makes Da Vinci cry
Kalpten kalbe giden yoluna da barikat
There's a barricade on the road leading from heart to heart
Sana bir şey diyeceğim
I'll tell you something
Yerin kulağı vardır ama kalbin de gözü var
The earth has ears, but the heart also has eyes
Da Vinci'yi ağlatır
Makes Da Vinci cry
Kalpten kalbe giden yolun sonuna da barikat
There's a barricade at the end of the road leading from heart to heart
Sana bir şey diy'ceğim
I'll tell you something
Yerin kulağı vardır ama kalbin de gözü var
The earth has ears, but the heart also has eyes
Sokaklarım pis koçum bak çamurdan koşulmaz!
My streets are dirty, dude, you can't run through the mud!
Kokain kokar eller, bur'da ekmek hamurdan yoğrulmaz!
Hands smell of cocaine, bread isn't kneaded from dough here!
Def yazar bildiği kadar, bu flow yağmurdan oluşmaz
Def writes as much as he knows, this flow doesn't form from rain
Haddini bilen herkes bur'da susar, savurgan konuşmaz! (Def)
Everyone who knows their limits shuts up here, the prodigal doesn't speak! (Def)
Olursa Def öyle basit başından kovulmaz
If it happens, Def won't be easily dismissed
Çelik yelek de giysen Def sıkar, kaburgan korunmaz!
Even if you wear a bulletproof vest, Def will shoot, your ribs won't be protected!
Çabuk sanıy'sın koçum fakat bak tabutla koşulmaz
You think you're fast, dude, but look, you can't run with a coffin
Burda derman kalmasa bile bazuka yorulmaz
Even if there's no cure here, the bazooka doesn't get tired
Hamm City Berlinfield, bu battle değil bu arabesk
Hamm City Berlinfield, this isn't a battle, this is arabesque
Basınca bass-drum gövdene görürsün patlar apandis!
When the bass drum hits your body, you'll see your appendix explode!
Seninki flowsa Def şelale, okyanusa akar bitch!
If yours is flow, Def is a waterfall, flowing into the ocean, bitch!
Çünkü ben ve rap aynı, aynı tütün ve cannabis!
Because me and rap are the same, like tobacco and cannabis!
MC gaza gelmiş, söz yazıp atarmış bana diss
MC got excited, wrote lyrics and threw a diss at me
Çevresinde moda diye o da olmuş anarşist
He became an anarchist because it's trendy around him
Beni bilen bilir kimseye karışmam be dostum ama
Those who know me know I don't mess with anyone, my friend, but
Çoğu yalan işte moruk, moda diye ateist!
A lot of it is a lie, dude, they're atheists because it's trendy!
Şifre Da Vinci'yi ağlatır
The code makes Da Vinci cry
Kalpten kalbe giden yoluna da barikat
There's a barricade on the road leading from heart to heart
Sana bir şey diyeceğim
I'll tell you something
Yerin kulağı vardır ama kalbin de gözü var
The earth has ears, but the heart also has eyes
Da Vinci'yi ağlatır
Makes Da Vinci cry
Kalpten kalbe giden yolun sonuna da barikat
There's a barricade at the end of the road leading from heart to heart
Sana bir şey diy'ceğim
I'll tell you something
Yerin kulağı vardır ama kalbin de gözü var
The earth has ears, but the heart also has eyes
Hakettiğin yol değil
It's not the path you deserve
Yaptığın Hip-Hop değil
What you do is not Hip-Hop
O nasıl sound?
What kind of sound is that?
Wave sanki çok
Wave is like a lot
Fame sanki John
Fame is like John
Wave sanki Brown
Wave is like Brown
Wave benim sound
Wave is my sound
Strange ve de O-K!
Strange and O-K!
Beni istiyo'san yedi tane wrecking ball getir
If you want me, bring seven wrecking balls
Çek lan geri, bu tayfa aynı Death Row gibi!
Back off, this crew is like Death Row!
Örnek al bi' şablon gibi
Take an example like a template
Ghetto President, rap'te boss biziz, yok kibir!
Ghetto President, we're the boss in rap, no arrogance!
Çek nefesi hisset bak, ciğerlerinde koru
Take a breath, feel it, keep the ember in your lungs
Sözlerim önerdi kaç kendini ciğerlerinden koru!
My words suggested you run, protect yourself from your lungs!
Geeflow'un başlangıcı diğerlerinin sonu!
Geeflow's beginning is the end of others!
Mezarlar "Bana bi' şey olmaz." diyenlerle dolu!
Graves are full of those who said "Nothing will happen to me!"
Gereksizler her tarafta
Useless people everywhere
Ta kalmak için
To stay
Olmayan sebep gitmek için en iyi sebepleri bak vesselam!
There's no reason to leave, look, the best reasons are goodbye!
Elbet var her elvedanın getirdiği yeni bi' merhaba
Of course, every goodbye brings a new hello
Gel de bak dur rap demektir ter ve kan
Come and see, rap means sweat and blood
Şifre Da Vinci'yi ağlatır
The code makes Da Vinci cry
Kalpten kalbe giden yoluna da barikat
There's a barricade on the road leading from heart to heart
Sana bir şey diyeceğim
I'll tell you something
Yerin kulağı vardır ama kalbin de gözü var
The earth has ears, but the heart also has eyes
Da Vinci'yi ağlatır
Makes Da Vinci cry
Kalpten kalbe giden yolun sonuna da barikat
There's a barricade at the end of the road leading from heart to heart
Sana bir şey diy'ceğim
I'll tell you something
Yerin kulağı vardır ama kalbin de gözü var
The earth has ears, but the heart also has eyes
Da Vinci'yi ağlatır
Makes Da Vinci cry
Kalpten kalbe giden yolun sonuna da barikat
There's a barricade at the end of the road leading from heart to heart
Sana bir şey diy'ceğim
I'll tell you something
Yerin kulağı vardır ama kalbin de gözü var
The earth has ears, but the heart also has eyes
Da Vinci'yi ağlatır
Makes Da Vinci cry
Kalpten kalbe giden yolun sonuna da barikat
There's a barricade at the end of the road leading from heart to heart
Sana bir şey diy'ceğim
I'll tell you something
Yerin kulağı vardır ama kalbin de gözü var
The earth has ears, but the heart also has eyes

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