GeilerAsDu - Gedankegäng - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais GeilerAsDu - Gedankegäng

Thought Train
1 (Luzi):
1 (Luzi):
Es ish eifach, es isch kei Erchlärig wert/
It's easy, it's not worth explaining
Weltflucht, ich stell mir vor det wäri gern
Escapism, I imagine being there
Bruche mini fantasie so als öb sie Ernährig wär/
Using my imagination as if it were nourishment
Ungefähr mit siebni gründi en imaginäri Gang/
Around the age of seven, I founded an imaginary street
Jede mitere Adresse und ere Lebensgschicht/
Each with its address and life story
Jede i mine Hobbys besser als mis echte Ich/
Each of them better at my hobbies than my real self
Weltflucht, was wetsch si chlemme Karton zwüsched d'Speiche und dis Velo tönt wien es Töffli/
Escapism, why do you squeeze a piece of cardboard between the spokes of your bike, it sounds like a motorcycle
S'Hochbett isch leer, nur es Buech liit no det
The loft bed is empty, only a book remains there
Wenn mi suechsch gang zwüsche de siite en Tennisschläger, ä Gitarre, es Stofftier min Beschützer und Wrestling Gegner/
If you're looking for me, go between the pages, a tennis racket, a guitar, a stuffed animal, my protector, and wrestling opponent
Nach drü Gable fertig gässe/
After three tries, I finished eating
Wieder use go spiele wart mal /
Going out to play again, wait a minute,
Mir sind scho gross worde, mir müend üs zemenäh/
We've already grown up, we have to pull ourselves together
Uf eimal isch alles irgend en Erchlärig wert/
Suddenly everything is worth explaining
Ahh leeri Wert bruchemer als obd Ernährig wäred/
Oh, yes, we need empty values as if they were nourishment
Lebed id sinere andere Art vo Märliwält/
Living in another kind of fairy-tale world
Wäred gern Prinzessine, Pirate, kenned alli Harry Potter Characktere bim Name/
Wanting to be princesses, pirates, knowing the names of all the Harry Potter characters
Aber düend de coolers halbe als würs de gad ned ifalle/
But acting cool as if you don't even notice
Ich gseh immerno die Musig in Farbe/
I still see music in colors
Bescheidig für dini Nerdness ischmer gliich alte/
Although I apologize for my nerdiness
Ich bhalte ebbis i mir wo öbbe immer glich alt ish/
I keep something in me that always stays the same
Falls i vergisse zuezlose wenn e ziitlang redsch/
In case I forget to listen when you talk for a while
Luegi is leer lueg s'leere chasch gad usmale wie du wetsch/
Look at the void. You can paint it in any way you want.
Mini Gedankegäng das sind gar kei Gäng
My train of thought, those aren't paths at all
Meh so einsami Strasse ade Küste
More like lonely roads on the coast
(Und sind so breit wo niemerd stoppt, niemerd gfind, niemerd fahrt ufem gliche Film)
(And they're so wide that no one stops, no one finds, no one drives on the same film)
Mini Gedankegäng das sind gar kei Gäng
My train of thought, those aren't paths at all
Es ish meh so es jogge über d'Milchstrass
It's more like jogging through the Milky Way
(Gliich gschwingigkeit, niemerd wo seit übertribs ned, min Film Action)
(Same speed, no one says "don't overdo it," my film is action)

Writer(s): Ryo Roesch

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