Gemma Humet - Crida'm - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gemma Humet - Crida'm

Call Me
Recorda'm que quan et vegi
Help me remember when I see you
No passi de llarg
Don't pass me by
Que la meva pell sigui
May my skin be
Aquella de fa uns anys
The same as it was years ago
Digue'm que no tingui por quan m'espanto
Tell me not to be afraid when I'm scared
Que segueixi sent el que canto
Tell me to keep singing what I sing
Que no m'aturi
Don't let me stop
Digue'm que cregui en tot el que dubto
Tell me to believe in all that I doubt
Que no per tot tenim respostes
That we don't have answers for everything
I sobretot
And above all
Call me
Avui alló que sóc
By whom I am today
Alló que visc
By what I live
Crida'm avui
Call me today
Qui sóc per si no em reconec
Who I am if I don't know myself
Qui sóc per si jo no em veig
Who I am if I don't see myself
Qui sóc
Who am I
Recorda'm que el camí que prenc
Help me remember the path that I take
L'he triat jo
I have chosen it
Que torni a somriure
May I smile again
Quan pensi en tot alló
When I think of all that
Digue'm que ès normal perdre l'equilibri
Tell me it's normal to lose your balance
Que la solitud no ès perversa
That solitude is not perverse
La pell ens crida
Our skin calls out
I digue'm
And tell me
Que em busqui fins a l'ultim dia
That I should seek myself until the last day
Que no, que ningú no ès perfecte
That no, nobody's perfect
I sobretot
And above all
Call me
Avui alló que sóc
By whom I am today
Alló que visc
By what I live
Crida'm avui
Call me today
Qui sóc per si no em reconec
Who I am if I don't know myself
Qui sóc per si jo no em veig
Who I am if I don't see myself
Qui sóc
Who am I
Digue'm que em veus
Tell me that you see me
Al fons dels ulls
At the depth of my eyes
Que encara hi sóc
That I am still here
I que els meus ossos
And that my bones
Encara són transparents
Are still transparent
I que no ha passat
And that it hasn't passed
El temps
I que no ha passat
And that it hasn't passed
El temps

Writer(s): Gemma Humet Alsius

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