George Balga feat. Empo - Pózer - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction George Balga feat. Empo - Pózer

Nie to len frázy, veď ja verím v Boha (Verím v Boha)
These are not just phrases, you know I believe in God (I believe in God)
Ale fakt je odžitá každá tvoja sloha? (Tvoja sloha?)
But, is every single verse of yours really lived? (Your verse?)
Boh, rovná sa deep, veď sme nová škola (Nová škola)
God equals deep, we are the new school (New school)
Ale je pre teba viac, ako v texte slová? (V texte slová)
But is He more to you than just words in the text? (Words in the text)
Nie to len frázy, veď ja verím v Boha (Verím v Boha)
These are not just phrases, you know I believe in God (I believe in God)
Ale fakt je odžitá každá tvoja sloha? (Tvoja sloha?)
But, is every single verse of yours really lived? (Your verse?)
Boh, rovná sa deep, veď sme nová škola (Nová škola)
God equals deep, we are the new school (New school)
Ale je pre teba viac, ako v texte slová? (V texte slová)
But is He more to you than just words in the text? (Words in the text)
Chlapci flexia, no nevedia, čo je to byť kresťan
The boys are flexing, but they don't know what it means to be a Christian
Tak prestaň volať Boha energiou tlieskam
So stop calling God energy, I applaud
A vieš kam smeruje cesta, no si predstav
And you know where this path leads, just imagine
Že Kristus nie je automat a môže ťa aj trestať
That Christ is not a vending machine and can punish you
Nie je to len o tom dostať, ale vedieť dať (Vedieť dať)
It's not just about receiving, but knowing how to give (Knowing how to give)
Nie je to len o kamošoch, aj chudák je brat (Je tvoj brat)
It's not just about friends, the poor man is also your brother (Is your brother)
Nie je to len o pohodlí a keď cítiš strach
It's not just about comfort and when you feel fear
Tak iba vtedy voláš nebo, osobnostný krach
That's when you call Heaven, a personal crash
Je to trendy v rape, priznať aj do sväté
It's trendy in rap to confess even to the holy
Každý chutný raper zrazu niečo trepe
Every tasty rapper is suddenly babbling something
Domotaný new age exemplár rozhodil svoje siete
The confused new age exemplar cast his net
Radšej budem ticho, ako hlásať nezmysly, veď viete
I'd rather be silent than preach nonsense, you know
Aha, je mi ľúto, že si iba vlažný
Aha, I'm sorry you're just lukewarm
Uh, yeah, čo máš z toho, že si teraz slávny
Uh, yeah, what do you gain from being famous now?
Na konci to nebude nič platné, what?
At the end of the day, it won't matter, what?
Koho si mal za boha, to fakt ne?
Who did you have as God, really?
Nie to len frázy, veď ja verím v Boha (Verím v Boha)
These are not just phrases, you know I believe in God (I believe in God)
Ale fakt je odžitá každá tvoja sloha? (Tvoja sloha?)
But, is every single verse of yours really lived? (Your verse?)
Boh, rovná sa deep, veď sme nová škola (Nová škola)
God equals deep, we are the new school (New school)
Ale je pre teba viac, ako v texte slová? (V texte slová)
But is He more to you than just words in the text? (Words in the text)
Nie to len frázy, veď ja verím v Boha (verím v Boha)
These are not just phrases, you know I believe in God (I believe in God)
Ale fakt je odžitá každá tvoja sloha? (Tvoja sloha?)
But, is every single verse of yours really lived? (Your verse?)
Boh, rovná sa deep, veď sme nová škola (Nová škola)
God equals deep, we are the new school (New school)
Ale je pre teba viac, ako v texte slová? (V texte slová)
But is He more to you than just words in the text? (Words in the text)
Sedíš na dvoch stoličkách, tak to nie (Nie nie)
You're sitting on two chairs, that's not it (No no)
Len zaberáš miesto v medzere (Ye ye)
You're just taking up space in the gap (Ye ye)
Bipolárna osobnosť sa neberie
Bipolar personality is not taken seriously
Nemôžeš byť odpadlík, nie si v hre (Nope)
You can't be a renegade, you're not in the game (Nope)
Dvojité váhy a dvojitá tvár, to Bohu vôbec nevonia (Prra)
Double scales and a double face, God doesn't like that at all (Prra)
S takými činmi márna je snaha, blúdiš v bludných pohoriach (Wo)
With such deeds, the effort is futile, you wander in errant mountains (Wo)
Štýlový merch a fajnová značka neurobia kresťana (Ver)
Stylish merch and a fancy brand won't make a Christian (Trust)
To musíš cítiť osobne, nech vnútri vatry zahoria
You have to feel it personally, let the fires burn inside
Boh je cesta, s Ním tráviť čas
God is the way, spending time with Him
Nenasádzať masku ako strýko Scar
Don't wear a mask like Uncle Scar
Toto aj ja chcem, pózam dať šach mat
This is what I want too, to checkmate the poses
Teraz o mne môžete čistý obraz mať
Now you can have a clear picture of me
Lebo pózer nevydrží a sám to dobre vie (Vie)
Because a poser won't last and he knows it himself (Knows)
No ak doteraz si klamal, vitaj opäť v hre (Hre)
But if you've been lying so far, welcome back to the game (Game)
Šanca je tu stále, len to musíš chcieť (Sám chcieť)
The chance is always there, you just have to want it (Want it yourself)
Hlavne nikdy nevzdať ten náš neskutočný beh (Ya)
The main thing is never to give up our incredible run (Ya)
Nie to len frázy, veď ja verím v Boha (Verím v Boha)
These are not just phrases, you know I believe in God (I believe in God)
Ale fakt je odžitá každá tvoja sloha? (Tvoja sloha?)
But, is every single verse of yours really lived? (Your verse?)
Boh, rovná sa deep, veď sme nová škola (Nová škola)
God equals deep, we are the new school (New school)
Ale je pre teba viac, ako v texte slová? (V texte slová)
But is He more to you than just words in the text? (Words in the text)
Nie to len frázy, veď ja verím v Boha (verím v Boha)
These are not just phrases, you know I believe in God (I believe in God)
Ale fakt je odžitá každá tvoja sloha? (Tvoja sloha?)
But, is every single verse of yours really lived? (Your verse?)
Boh, rovná sa deep, veď sme nová škola (Nová škola)
God equals deep, we are the new school (New school)
Ale je pre teba viac, ako v texte slová? (V texte slová)
But is He more to you than just words in the text? (Words in the text)

Writer(s): Juraj Balga, ľuboš Krukár

George Balga feat. Empo - Pózer
date de sortie

1 Pózer

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