George Balga feat. Lenka Lašová - V kľude - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction George Balga feat. Lenka Lašová - V kľude

V kľude
In Peace
Spomeň si na chvíle, keď si bol malé decko
Remember those times when you were just a happy kid
Smial si sa zo všetkého, neriešil si nič, (You)
You used to laugh at everything, you didn't care (You)
Spomeň si na moment, kedy to prišlo všetko
Flashback to the moment when that all went down
A ty si zmenil postoj, ty si vymenil (Yh)
And your perspective changed, your views were exchanged (Yh)
Normálny úsudok za hejt na každom rohu
You traded common sense for judgements on every corner
A s pokojom dnes dokážeš podraziť druhým nohu
And now you manage to bring others down with scorn
Že vraj ťa nerozhádže, keď sa susedovi darí viac
You claim their success doesn't bother you somehow
No stále nevieš prijať, že práve ten druhý začal rásť
Yet you can't accept that it's someone else who's growing now
Svet by bol krajšie miesto, keby sme to chceli my
The world would be a better place, if we all tried
Mám pocit, že sme šťastní keď sme žiarliví, (Oh)
I have this nagging feeling, that we're happy when we're envied (Oh)
Akoby robili nás lepšími, tie horšie veci
As if our self-worth came from those inferior things
Azda som hore nohami, či skutočne to letí?
Maybe I've got it backwards, or is it really taking flight?
Zrazu je normálne, čo bolo donedávna choré
Suddenly it's normal, what used to be perceived as sick
Zrazu je vzorom blázon a z nás je len lacná obeť
Suddenly a crazy person's seen as cool, and we are just cheap victims
Nemáme vlastný názor, vytočia nás maličkosti
We don't have our own opinions, and little things drive us wild
Pre nepodstatné veci sa ideš vykúpať v zlosti
You tend to have an outburst of anger over something so small
Prosím nechaj tie trápne chvíle ležať v kúte
Please leave those embarrassing moments buried in the past
Chcem počuť iba smiech, tak prosím ostaň v kľude
I wanna hear nothing but laughter, so please be at peace
Vidím ti na očiach, že je to všetko iba póza
I can see in your eyes, that it's all just a front
Na chvíľu zastaviť, nemusí byť taká hrôza
Stopping for a second, doesn't have to be that frightening
Ako si myslíš
Like you think it is
Kladiem si otázku, prečo sme takí popletení
I wonder, why are we so messed up
Kde mame súkromie, internet dávno zboril steny
Where's our privacy, the internet's torn down the wall
Aká si vlastne osobnosť a čo je pravá tvár,
What is your true personality and what is your real face,
Jediný, kto ti vidí do hlavy, si len ty sám
You're the only one who can see inside your own mind
Nikto ti nemôže povedať, že si sa dnes zmenil
No one can tell you that you've changed your ways today
Keď pred týždňom ťa ani trochu nepoznal(You)
When a week ago they didn't even know you (You)
Ja viem, že tie reči odídu za zenit
I know that your opinions will eventually reach their peak
Že ty to pochopíš a nebudeš živiť len strach
That you'll understand it and you won't just be filled with fear
Prosím vysvetli mi, prečo stále riešiš hate
Please explain to me, why you're always dealing with hate
Zároveň tvrdíš, že ťa vôbec netrápi (čo?)
And at the same time claiming it doesn't even bother you (what?)
Postoje krívajú a sako máš plné dier
Your attitudes are flawed and your jacket is full of holes
Oheň do vlastných radov ako piráti
You're aiming fire at your own ranks like pirates
Chceme len čistý vzduch a menej zloby medzi sebou
We just want clean air and less anger between us
Chceme len pochopenie, chceme byť v tom všetkom s tebou
We just want understanding, we want to experience it all with you
Ty vieš, že sa inak, kráčať inak, hľadať nebo
You know that it's possible to walk differently, to seek the sky
My začíname od seba likvidovať to ego
We're starting with ourselves to get rid of that ego
Prosím nechaj tie trápne chvíle ležať v kúte
Please leave those embarrassing moments buried in the past
Chcem počuť iba smiech tak prosím ostaň v kľude
I wanna hear nothing but laughter so please be at peace
Vidím ti na očiach, že je to všetko iba póza
I can see in your eyes, that it's all just a front
Na chvíľu zastaviť, nemusí byť taká hrôza
Stopping for a second, doesn't have to be that frightening

Writer(s): Juraj Balga

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