George Balga - Pray4me - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction George Balga - Pray4me

Christ Jesus all the way up
Christ Jesus all the way up
Snažím sa byť stále lepší, yee, bro pray for me
I'm trying to be better always, girl, pray for me
On musí rásť, ja byť menšiť, yee, bro pray for me
He must increase, I must decrease, girl, pray for me
Stále som iba ten hriešny, yee, bro pray for me
I'm just a sinner saved by grace, girl, pray for me
Stále sa mám na čo tešiť, yee, bro pray for me
I still have much to be excited for, girl, pray for me
Snažím sa byť stále lepší, yee, bro pray for me
I'm trying to be better always, girl, pray for me
On musí rásť, ja byť menšiť, yee, bro pray for me
He must increase, I must decrease, girl, pray for me
Stále som iba ten hriešny, yee, bro pray for me
I'm just a sinner saved by grace, girl, pray for me
Stále sa mám na čo tešiť, yee, bro pray for me
I still have much to be excited for, girl, pray for me
Učím sa žiť s Bohom každý deň a byť v tom dospelý
I'm learning to live with God every day and be a grown man in it
Nemôžem sa iba flákať, (oh) sflausený v posteli
I can't just be lazy, (oh) lying in bed idly
Občas sme povedali niečo viac, aj čo sme nechceli
Sometimes we say more than we want, even what we don't want
Preto som hrdý, že ťa texty bavia aj keď to prestrelím (pa pa pa)
That's why I'm proud that you enjoy the lyrics even when I overdo it (pa pa pa)
Povedz mi, čo je tvoja message, (ha?) ukáž mi aký máš mindset
Tell me what your message is, (ha?) show me your mindset
Ked nedávaš si pri tom pozor, tak ťažko sa ti vracia naspať (back, back)
If you don't watch out, it's hard to get back (back, back)
Viem, že tu nebudem navždy, nemám strach, hoci stojím na daždi (aha)
I know I won't be here forever, I'm not afraid, even though I'm standing in the rain (aha)
Nechcem byť tak ako každý, prechádzam boje a mám skill (aha)
I don't want to be like everyone else, I'm going through battles and I have skill (aha)
Autotune (ye, ye) z teba nespraví Travisa Scotta (Travis)
Autotune (ye, ye) won't make you Travis Scott (Travis)
Naber kurz, buď sám sebou, nech ťa nič nemotá (yea)
Take a course, be yourself, don't let anything hold you back (yea)
Dobrý beat, to je základ, kope to jak bota (punch, punch)
Good beat, that's the basis, kicks like a boot (punch, punch)
Máme hit, (hit) veríme si, spolu sme jak rota
We have a hit, (hit) we believe in each other, together we're like a squad
Off ako white, (white) fresh ako Sprite (Sprite)
Off like white, (white) fresh like Sprite (Sprite)
Stojím mimo blbých rečí, chcem byť clean ako Jay (TeeJay)
I stand above the nonsense, I want to be clean like Jay (TeeJay)
Ja píšem to jak sprej, (ya) žijem ako viem ja
I write it like spray, (ya) I live as I know how
Boh je moja cesta, na lodi drží veslá
God is my way, holding the oars on the boat
Snažím sa byť stále lepší, yee, bro pray for me
I'm trying to be better always, girl, pray for me
On musí rásť, ja byť menšiť, yee, bro pray for me
He must increase, I must decrease, girl, pray for me
Stále som iba ten hriešny, yee, bro pray for me
I'm just a sinner saved by grace, girl, pray for me
Stále sa mám na čo tešiť, yee, bro pray for me
I still have much to be excited for, girl, pray for me
Snažím sa byť stále lepší, yee, bro pray for me
I'm trying to be better always, girl, pray for me
On musí rásť, ja byť menšiť, yee, bro pray for me
He must increase, I must decrease, girl, pray for me
Stále som iba ten hriešny, yee, bro pray for me
I'm just a sinner saved by grace, girl, pray for me
Stále sa mám na čo tešiť, yee, bro pray for me
I still have much to be excited for, girl, pray for me
Album platím zo štipka
I pay for the album with a scholarship
Silná vízia, žiadna penzia
Strong vision, no pension
Nestopne ma ani bitka
Not even a fight can stop me
Vonku je zima, nespoznali ma
It's cold outside, they don't recognize me
Hráčov všade veľa, kto tie karty
A lot of players everywhere, who has the cards
Dam to acapella, nič netrápi ma
I'll give it a capella, nothing bothers me
Čo je málo pre mňa, inde stačí a
What's too little for me is enough somewhere else
Čo je pre nich veľa, mna nedojíma (vôbec)
And what's too much for them doesn't affect me (at all)
Vdačný za mojich boys (woo)
Grateful for my boys (woo)
Make some crazy noise (woo)
Make some crazy noise (woo)
Voláme veci pravým menom,
We call things by their right name,
Je to naša choice (woo)
It's our choice (woo)
Boh si vybral nás, (yeah) pre neho aj na Mars
God chose us, (yeah) to Mars for him too
Rakety jak NASA, no my nechceme byť stars (hviezdy)
Rockets like NASA, but we don't want to be stars
Nemám rád, (aha) keď majú iba prázdne reči (uh)
I don't like it (aha) when they only have empty words (uh)
Nemám rád, (aha) ticho v skutočnosti lieči (uh)
I don't like it (aha) silence actually heals (uh)
Cítim chlad, (aha) občas je to aj o meči (uh)
I feel the cold, (aha) sometimes it's even about a sword (uh)
Sekám zas, (ya) nedám dýchať zlu na pleci (uh)
I'm chopping again, (ya) not letting evil breathe on my shoulder (uh)
Nemusíš ma iba chváliť, kritika je cukor a k tomu bič
You don't have to just praise me, criticism is sugar and a whip to it
Povedz mi otvorene, čo ti vadí, kľudne mi napíš, či na mna skrič
Tell me openly what's bothering you, feel free to write to me or yell at me
Plány mi to nedokáže zmariť, bez spatnej vazby je tvorba na nič (tak, tak)
It can't ruin my plans, without feedback creation is nothing (so, so)
Cením si pravdu, nejdem si závisť, za uprimné slová nedostaneš lynč
I value the truth, I don't go for envy, you won't get lynched for honest words

Writer(s): Juraj Balga

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