George Balga - Preč - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction George Balga - Preč

Po víťazných bojoch všetko zlé odišlo v mene Boha
After victorious battles all evil left in the name of God
Zdvíham ruky uzdravený, zatvára sa kapitola
I raise my hands, healed, the chapter closes
Vďaka, že nie som šteňa, sadám rovno za vrch stola
Thanks that I’m not a puppy, I sit straight at the head of the table
V živote sa bude dariť, stačí chodiť do kostola (vôbec)
Life will be great, it’s enough to go to church (at all)
Postupne našiel som to, čo som hladal neustále
Gradually I found what I was looking for all the time
Zrazu to mám a nič mi nechýba tak letím ďalej
Suddenly I have it and I don’t miss anything so I fly further
Neni to problém odísť z cesty, hoc si priamo na nej
It’s not a problem to leave the road, even if you’re right there
Ide to ľahko stratiť sa a zabudnúť na nádej (ye)
It’s easy to get lost and forget about hope (ye)
Vidíš ma baviť dav, vidíš na stage-i (hu, hu)
You see me entertaining the crowd, you see me on stage (hu, hu)
Počuješ beaty, zvuk, je to masterpiece (hu, hu)
You hear the beats, the sound, it’s a masterpiece (hu, hu)
Sleduješ Instagram, stories, príspevky
You follow Instagram, stories, posts
Vravíš mi, že mi fandíš, chodia hlasovky (raa)
You tell me that you’re rooting for me, voice messages come (raa)
To je len špička ľadovca, ktorú máš možnosť vidieť
This is just the tip of the iceberg that you can see
Chcem ti povedať, že vždy padám, zase som v špine (yee)
I want to tell you that I always fall, I’m in the dirt again (yee)
Zabudol som na svojho Otca, cítim sa vinne (yee)
I forgot about my Father, I feel guilty (yee)
Príklad si beriem so sveta, život mi plynie (yee)
I take my cue from the world, my life goes by (yee)
Je pravda, že Boh netrestá no posiela nám skúšky
It’s true that God does not punish, but sends us tests
Je pravda, že mi skrze chorobu ukázal súcit
It’s true that he showed me mercy through my illness
Je pravda, že som naňho volal a On vystrel ruky
It’s true that I called out to him and he reached out his hands
Je pravda, že som ho moc nehľadal, keď bol som skúpy
It’s true that I didn’t look for him very much when I was stingy
Živej vody prameň, pi, ešte viac si nalej
Spring of living water, drink, pour yourself some more
Vždy, aj keď sa ti darí, ži, brácho, neprežívaj
Always, even when things are going well for you, live, bro, don’t just get by
Bež si pre viacej, pridaj, ty si ten, čo vyhrať
Run for more, add on, you’re the one who is going to win
Hriech čaká gilotína, hľadaj iba pozitíva
Sin is waiting for the guillotine, look for the positive only
Uh zima, ye
Uh, cold, ye
Zas zima, ye
Cold again, ye
Stoj pri nás, ye
Stand by us, ye
Stoj pri nás ye
Stand by us, ye
Uh zima, ye
Uh, cold, ye
Zas zima, ye
Cold again, ye
Stoj pri nás, ye
Stand by us, ye
Stoj pri nás ye
Stand by us, ye
Stoj pri nás, my sme slabí, aj keď sme tu s tebou
Stand by us, we are weak, even though we are here with you
My voláme sa tvojími, predsa nás stíha demon
We call ourselves yours, yet a demon pursues us
Hocikto sa môže premeniť na zlo ako Venom
Anyone can turn into evil like Venom
Preto mi ukazuj, koho smiem volať priateľom
So show me who I can call a friend
Uh zima, ye
Uh, cold, ye
Zas zima, ye
Cold again, ye
Stoj pri nás, ye
Stand by us, ye
Stoj pri nás ye
Stand by us ye
Uh zima, ye
Uh, cold, ye
Zas zima, ye
Cold again, ye
Stoj pri nás, ye (stoj)
Stand by us, ye (stand)
Stoj pri nás ye (stoj)
Stand by us ye (stand)

Writer(s): Juraj Balga

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