George Balga - So mnou - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction George Balga - So mnou

So mnou
With Me
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Yeyeeee, yeyeee, ja sa nebojím
Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm not afraid
Lebo moj Boh je mocný
Because my God is mighty
Yeyeee, yeyeee, ja sa nebojím
Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm not afraid
Lebo smrť zrazil do tmy
For He has conquered death
Je to boj, každý deň (Aha)
It's a battle, every day (Oh yeah)
Dobro a zlo každý deň (Aha)
Good and evil, every day (Oh yeah)
Idú po mne protivníci
My enemies pursue me
Chcú mi zdemolovať sen
They want to destroy my dream
Je to boj, to čo mám
It's a battle, what I have
Versus to, čo spraviť chcem
Versus what I want to do
Často bývam mysľou inde
My mind often wanders
Tažko sa vracia na zem (Na zem)
Hard to come back down to earth (To earth)
Mám kráčať v tieni, či na svetle, no kto vie (Ha)
Should I walk in shadow or in light, who knows (Oh)
Mám sa báť hieny čo moje meno povie (Ha)
Should I fear the hyenas who speak my name (Oh)
A čo sa zmení, keď žiješ iba v strachu (Ha)
And what will change if you only live in fear (Oh)
Satan nech pení, keď odídeš mu z fachu (Ha)
Let Satan rage when you leave his ways (Oh)
Niektoré dni žasnem, že tak vládzem (Vládzem)
Some days I wonder how I have the strength (The strength)
Pochyby neprestajný tandem tandem (Tandem)
Doubts are a constant tandem tandem (Tandem)
Chceli by ma vidieť padať na zem (Na zem)
They would like to see me fall to the ground (To the ground)
Chceli by, aby som bol z nich blázen (Blázen)
They would like me to be a fool like them (A fool)
Haleluja, amen, za každú jednu výhru
Hallelujah, amen, for every victory
Haleluja, amen, pre boje, čo len prídu
Hallelujah, amen, for the battles to come
Haleluja, amen, chvály to neobídu
Hallelujah, amen, praise will not pass them by
Nestihne ma Batman, kým sily neodídu
Batman won't catch me before my strength runs out
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Yeyeeee, yeyeee, ja sa nebojím
Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm not afraid
Lebo moj Boh je mocný
Because my God is mighty
Yeyeee, yeyeee, ja sa nebojím
Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm not afraid
Lebo smrť zrazil do tmy
For He has conquered death
Volám jeho meno, mám zlosť
I call His name, I have anger
Volam jeho meno, keď mi je dobre
I call His name when I'm feeling good
Volám jeho meno, som lost
I call His name, I'm lost
Poznám jeho meno, viem sa oprieť
I know His name, I can lean on Him
Starší každým dňom (Ja)
I'm getting older every day (Me)
No viem, že blízko som (Ja)
But I know I'm close (Me)
Možno nie som perfect
I may not be perfect
No točím to, jak dron (Ja)
But I'm spinning it like a drone (Me)
Mám plný hardisk života, čo prežil som si s Bohom (S Bohom)
I have a full hard drive of life that I have lived with God (With God)
Tankujem naftu z biblie, to je najlepší pohon (Yessir)
I fill up on diesel from the Bible, it's the best fuel (Yessir)
Dlhá cesta ako z Indie, no nedávam jej zbohom (Zbohom)
Long journey like from India, but I won't say goodbye (Goodbye)
On je ten víťaz, robí divy, ja som jeho domom
He is the victor, He does wonders, I am His home
Ty si jediný, ty si jediný, ty si jediný
You are the only one, you are the only one, you are the only one
Ja chcem byť bez viny
I want to be without guilt
Ty si jediný Pane, Ty si jediný
You are the only Lord, You are the only one
Chcem byť bez viny
I want to be without guilt
Pane, chcem byť bez viny
Lord, I want to be without guilt
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Boh je so mnou, nemám strach
God is with me, I have no fear
Yeyeeee, yeyeee, ja sa nebojím
Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm not afraid
Lebo moj Boh je mocný
Because my God is mighty
Yeyeee, yeyeee, ja sa nebojím
Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm not afraid
Lebo smrť zrazil do tmy
For He has conquered death

Writer(s): Juraj Balga

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