George Balga - Trailer - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction George Balga - Trailer

Poznáme cieľ, sme na jednej lodi
We know our goal, we're on the same ship
Poznáme cieľ, tu nejde o plody
We know our goal, it's not about the profits
Poznáme cieľ, tak vylez hore schodmi
We know our goal, so climb up the stairs
A daj si bacha na vzory, nie každý je vhodný
And watch out for the models, not everyone is suitable
Poznáme cieľ, sme na jednej lodi
We know our goal, we're on the same ship
Poznáme cieľ, tu nejde o plody
We know our goal, it's not about the profits
Poznáme cieľ, tak vylez hore schodmi
We know our goal, so climb up the stairs
A daj si bacha na vzory, nie každý je vhodný
And watch out for the models, not everyone is suitable
Viera v Boha nie je hard ani easy
Faith in God is neither hard nor easy
Žiaden flex a ani nové yeezy (No flex)
No flex and no new Yeezys (No flex)
Práca celý život, áno stále busy
Working all my life, yes, always busy
Radosť strieda strach, no to ľudské schýzy (Yeah)
Joy alternates with fear, but those are human flaws (Yeah)
Iba naše stavy (Aha) iba naše hlavy
Only our states (Aha) only our minds
Boh je vždy ten istý, to my meníme strany (Aha)
God is always the same, it is we who change sides (Aha)
Rozdávame rany, zlyhania a pády (Pfiu, pfiu)
We inflict wounds, failures and falls (Pfiu, pfiu)
No raz budeme radi, že sme to spolu zvládli (Grr)
But one day we'll be glad that we got through it together (Grr)
Si online na wifi s tvojou wife (Wife)
You're online on wifi with your wifey (Wife)
Rozhovor žiadny, lovia sa lajky (lajky)
No conversation, hunting for likes (likes)
Ten stratený čas sa nevráti (Nie, nie)
That lost time will never come back (No, no)
Dlhá cesta, na nohách najky (Najky)
Long journey, sneakers on my feet (Sneakers)
Boh si ťa vybral, áno práve ty (Iba ty)
God has chosen you, yes, you (Only you)
Mám plán, mám plán, mám plán
I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan
Kristus nie je z inej planéty
Christ is not from another planet
Je môj Pán, je môj Pán, je môj Pán
He is my Lord, He is my Lord, He is my Lord
Som vždy nad vecou, v hudbe len hrám sa (Yee)
I'm always on top of things, I just play in music (Yee)
Cestujem bez limitov a to je krása (Yee)
I travel without limits and that's the beauty (Yee)
Čo sloha, to nový flow, do stredu zásah
Every verse, a new flow, a hit in the middle
Zároveň vždy posuniem, že kto je spása
At the same time, always moving forward, who is the salvation
Divoký západ bro, divoký zápas
Wild West, bro, wild match
Nemusíš byť vo väzení, viem po čom pátraš
You don't have to be in prison, I know what you're looking for
Bežíme stále za svetlom, nebol to len nápad (Fu, fu, fu)
We're running towards the light, it wasn't just an idea (Fu, fu, fu)
Veríme, že sa stane to, čo druhí nebudú chápať
We believe that what others won't understand will happen
Počítam do tri, Otec, Syn a Svätý duch
I count to three, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Neobraciam sa naspať, keď chytím do ruky pluh
I will not turn back when I take the plow in my hand
Používam slovník a rap to je moj slovný druh
I use a dictionary and rap is my vocabulary
Hoďte kameň bez viny, brácho prosím never v blud
Cast a stone without guilt, brother, please don't believe in delusion
Rap game je film, hmm, toto je len trailer
Rap game is a movie, hmm, this is just a trailer
Horí to jak Rím, hmm, šíri sa jak malvér
It burns like Rome, hmm, it spreads like malware
Vyzbrojený duchom a takto je mi dobre
Armed with the Spirit and that's how I feel good
Nemusíš to chápať, nebo nie je vždy modré (Ha)
You don't have to understand it, the sky is not always blue (Ha)
Myslím to vážne, idem dnu
I mean it, I'm going in
Štúdio, majk, dobrý beat
Studio, mic, good beat
Duch Sväty, moja crew
Holy Spirit, my crew
Tomi za kompom, bude to hit
Tomi on the beat, it will be a hit
Žijeme life, sme tu na čas
We live life, we're here for a time
Nechcem byť laik, makáme zas
I don't want to be a layman, we're working again
Pre Boží plán, hoci aj Mars
For God's plan, even Mars
Pre neho všetko, pre neho bars (Ha)
For Him everything, for Him bars (Ha)
Poznáme cieľ, sme na jednej lodi
We know our goal, we're on the same ship
Poznáme cieľ, tu nejde o plody
We know our goal, it's not about the profits
Poznáme cieľ, tak vylez hore schodmi
We know our goal, so climb up the stairs
A daj si bacha na vzory, nie každý je vhodný
And watch out for the models, not everyone is suitable
Poznáme cieľ, sme na jednej lodi
We know our goal, we're on the same ship
Poznáme cieľ, tu nejde o plody
We know our goal, it's not about the profits
Poznáme cieľ, tak vylez hore schodmi
We know our goal, so climb up the stairs
A daj si bacha na vzory, nie každý je vhodný
And watch out for the models, not everyone is suitable
Nie každý to pochopí
Not everyone will understand
Nie každý to pochopí
Not everyone will understand
Nie každý to pochopí
Not everyone will understand
Nie každý to pochopí
Not everyone will understand
Nie každý to pochopí
Not everyone will understand
Nie každý to pochopí
Not everyone will understand
Nie každý to pochopí
Not everyone will understand
Nie každý ma pochopí
Not everyone will understand me
Ale to vôbec nevadí
But that doesn't matter at all

Writer(s): Juraj Balga

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