George Balga - Vtáča - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction George Balga - Vtáča

Znovu nemám ani euro
Again, I don't even have a dime
Vlak mieri netuším kam
The train is headed to nowhere land
To sme my, mladí a spontánni (Ye)
This is us, young and reckless (Ye)
Voľnosť sa mení na zbraň
Freedom turns into a weapon
Znovu je mi všetko jedno (Ha)
Again, I don't care at all (Ha)
Chcem vypnúť aj Instagram (Chcem)
I want to turn off even Instagram (I want to)
Prečo si to stále myslím (Ha)
Why do I keep thinking that (Ha)
Že vnímate ma aspoň tam (Prečo)
You will notice me at least there (Why)
Túžil som si kúpiť zase niečo nové
I wanted to buy something new again
Mysliac si, že Vás to zaujme (Ha)
Thinking that you would be interested (Ha)
No radšej to utratím na hudbe (Ja)
But I'd rather spend it on music (Me)
A radšej to utopím v záľube (Tam)
And I'd rather drown it in my hobby (There)
Aké nosím boty a čo mám na sebe
What kind of shoes I wear and what I have on
Vám o mne vôbec nič nepovie (Ee)
Doesn't tell you anything about me (Ee)
A predsa sa dívame po sebe
And yet we keep looking at each other
A vôbec nás neruší svedomie
And our conscience doesn't bother us at all
Prečo riešia také zbytočnosti
Why do they deal with such nonsense?
Ľudstvo trpí, hľadám zbytok čnosti
Humanity suffers, I search for the rest of the virtue
V sebe (V sebe)
Inside myself (Inside myself)
V hlbinách duše to drieme
It slumbers in the depths of my soul
V tebe (V tebe)
Inside you (Inside you)
Zachráňme prosím čo vieme
Please let's save what we can
V sebe (V sebe)
Inside myself (Inside myself)
Nájdime to, čo je bdelé (Ja)
Let's find what is awakened (Me)
Neviem si predstaviť, aké je to žiť
I can't imagine what it's like to live
Sám, niekde bez otca bez mamy
Alone, somewhere without a father without a mother
Netuším aký si spútaný
I wonder how you're tied up
No modlím sa sa za vás, ste vítaní (Amen)
But I pray for you, you're welcome (Amen)
Rešpekt vám, ktorí ste vyhrali
Respect to you all who won
Strata, no veľa ste získali (Ye)
Loss, but you gained a lot (Ye)
Silnejší než by sme čakali
Stronger than we could expect
Ste povzbudením pre tých zúfalých
You are an encouragement to those who despair
Viem, že sila sa prejavuje v slabosti a viera v skutkoch, tak kráčam
I know that strength manifests itself in weakness and faith in deeds, so I walk
Verím, že iba Ním ostanem v milosti
I believe that only through Him will I remain in grace
Nevzdávam sa, hoc som krehký jak vtáča
I won't give up, though I'm as fragile as a bird
Viem, že sila sa prejavuje v slabosti a viera v skutkoch, tak kráčam
I know that strength manifests itself in weakness and faith in deeds, so I walk
Verím, že iba ním ostanem v milosti (V milosti) hoc slabé som vtáča
I believe that only through Him will I remain in His grace (In grace) even if I am a weak bird
Povedz mi, čo pre teba znamená sľub
Tell me what does a promise mean to you
Chcem skúsiť niekomu veriť
I want to try to believe someone
Dávaj si pozor čo vypúšťaš z úst
Be careful what you say
Pravda sa míňa jak kredit (Cink)
The truth is running out like credit (Clink)
Pýtam sa ako prežiť vzťah
I ask myself how to survive a relationship
Keď nedodržujeme pravidlá
When we don't follow the rules
Egoizmus kvitne sa mi zdá
Egoism is flourishing, it seems to me
Svetlo nám nahradila iba tma
Only darkness has replaced our light
Spolu a predsa sme sami (Ja)
Together and yet we are alone (Me)
Spolu a predsa len známi (My)
Together and yet we are just acquaintances (We)
Spútaní na jednej lodi
Bound on the same boat
A siete nám zmotali hlavy
And the networks have tangled our minds
Sny zostávajú len snami
Dreams remain just dreams
Vždycky je ten druhý planý (Vždy)
The other one is always a bore (Always)
No ja stále neprestávam dôverovať (Nie)
But I still don't stop believing (No)
Že raz to pochopia aj davy (Oh)
That one day the crowds will understand (Oh)
Túžim, aby zanechali sme to všetko, kde sme sami
I wish that we would leave it all, where we are alone
Túžim, aby hľadali sme lásku (lásku)
I wish that we would seek love (love)
Prosím, aby skrachovali zloby, čo sme budovali
Please, let the malice we have built collapse
Najme odpusť viac, ako len hlášku (Hlášku)
Forgive more, especially than just a phrase (Phrase)
Vďačný za vás všetkých, za váš život pestrý
Grateful for all of you, for your wonderful life
Ďakujem za každý jeden vzor (Díky)
Thank you for every single example (Thanks)
Aj keď je to krehké, verím, že sa cesty
Even though it is fragile, I believe that the paths
Stretnú raz tam hore, nad obzor
Will meet once up there, over the horizon
Viem, že sila sa prejavuje v slabosti a viera v skutkoch, tak kráčam
I know that strength manifests itself in weakness and faith in deeds, so I walk
Verím, že iba Ním ostanem v milosti
I believe that only through Him will I remain in grace
Nevzdávam sa, hoc som krehký jak vtáča
I won't give up, though I'm as fragile as a bird
Viem, že sila sa prejavuje v slabosti a viera v skutkoch, tak kráčam
I know that strength manifests itself in weakness and faith in deeds, so I walk
Verím, že iba ním ostanem v milosti (V milosti) hoc slabé som vtáča
I believe that only through Him will I remain in His grace (In grace) even if I am a weak bird

Writer(s): Juraj Balga

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