Paroles et traduction George Gershwin feat. Stephen Collins Foster, Antonín Dvořák, Daniel Emmett, William Steffe & Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra - フックト・オン・アメリカ(ラプソディ・イン・ブルー~草競馬~ラプソディ・イン・ブルー~パリのアメリカ人~ラプソディ・イン・ブルー~交響曲第9番《新世界より》第1楽章~オールド・ブラック・ジョー~交響曲第9番《新世界より》第4楽章~ディキシー~リパブリック讃歌
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Hooked on America (Rhapsody in Blue~Camptown Races~Rhapsody in Blue~An American in Paris~Rhapsody in Blue~Symphony No. 9《From the New World》1st Movement~Old Black Joe~Symphony No. 9 《From the New World》4th Movement~Dixie~The Battle Hymn of the Republic)
終わらない夏 君が変わった Rhapsody in Blue
Endless summer, you have changed Rhapsody in Blue
なびく髪が 触れるたび ユレる la la la Body'n 愛情
Your flowing hair, every time it touches me, it makes my Body'n Love sway la la la
ああ また暑い季節 焼け付いた アスファルトの街抜け出し
Oh, the hot season has come again, the scorching hot asphalt
Let's escape the city streets and have an affair, just kidding
ああ 毎年同じ 恋人じゃないけれどやっぱり今年も
Oh, it's the same every year, even though we're not lovers, we'll still be working part-time jobs this year too
I guess I'll be spending time with you
(RAP)気温上昇 道路情報 じゃどこも渋滞中
(RAP)Temperature rising, traffic reports, everywhere is jammed
俺の気持ちまんまそんな感じ 息も絶え絶え 今年もピンチ
My feelings are exactly the same, suffocating, this year is tough too
Ice cream on my cheek -- what a nice little prank!
You're in good spirits today (Good!). Your sense of humor is
汗にも負けぬその笑顔ちょっと やばっ 胸の痛み YesYesyo!
Not losing to the sweat, that smile of yours is a little, oh, my heart hurts YesYesyo!
終わらない夏 君が変わった Rhapsody in Blue
Endless summer, you have changed Rhapsody in Blue
なびく髪が 光りはじくたび sala sala blow my 感情
Your flowing hair, every time it starts to glow, sala sala blow my feelings
終わらせない夏 俺も変わろう Rhapsody in Blue
I won't let the summer end, I will change too Rhapsody in Blue
焼けた胸が 揺れるたび ふえる la la la your&my dream!
My sunburned chest, every time it sways, it increases la la la your&my dream!
もう こんなに君がそばにいる 兄貴にかりた オープンの2シーター
Now you are so close to me, I borrowed my brother's open 2-seater
Everyone envies our couple? Just kidding
ああ 兄妹みたいにはしゃいでた 俺達の育んだ歴史が
Oh, we used to play around like siblings, the history we have built together
Will surely become pure love
(RAP)ヒュー 巻き込む風 君の髪からかおる夢だぜ
(RAP)Whew, the wind blowing through your hair smells like a dream
夏の匂い 君がふりまけば 空は青い 悩みけす Flavor
The scent of summer, when you wave it, the sky is blue, it's a Flavor that erases worries
白い砂浜 永遠 Summr 期待大幅に ふくれるまま
White sandy beaches, eternal Summr, expectations swell as they should
汗にも負けぬその笑顔やっぱ やばっ 胸にズバリ YesYesYo!
Not losing to the sweat, that smile of yours is still a killer, it hits me right in the chest YesYesYo!
終わらない夏 君がいとしい Rhapsody in Blue
Endless summer, I love you Rhapsody in Blue
なびく髪が 光りはじくたび sala sala blow my 感情
Your flowing hair, every time it starts to glow, sala sala blow my feelings
終わらせない夏 抱きしめるのさ Rhapsody in Blue
I won't let the summer end, I'll hold you close Rhapsody in Blue
焼けた胸が 揺れるたび ふえる la la la your&my dream!
My sunburned chest, every time it sways, it increases la la la your&my dream!
Year!DA PUMP in Summer Time!
Year!DA PUMP in Summer Time!
終わらない夏 君が変わった Rhapsody in Blue
Endless summer, you have changed Rhapsody in Blue
なびく髪が 光りはじくたび sala sala blow my 感情
Your flowing hair, every time it starts to glow, sala sala blow my feelings
終わらせない夏 俺も変わろう Rhapsody in Blue
I won't let the summer end, I will change too Rhapsody in Blue
焼けた胸が 揺れるたび ふえる la la la your&my dream!
My sunburned chest, every time it sways, it increases la la la your&my dream!
終わらせない夏 抱きしめるのさ Rhapsody in Blue
I won't let the summer end, I'll hold you close Rhapsody in Blue
焼けた胸が 揺れるたび ふえる la la la your&my dream!
My sunburned chest, every time it sways, it increases la la la your&my dream!
Rhapsody in Blue
Rhapsody in Blue
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