Gera MX - Pedrito - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gera MX - Pedrito

(Padre Nuestro que estás en el cielo
(Our Father who art in heaven
Santificado sea tu nombre
Hallowed be thy name
Venga a nosotros tu reino
Thy kingdom come
Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Danos, hoy, nuestro pan de cada día
Give us this day our daily bread
Perdona nuestras ofensas
And forgive us our trespasses
Como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden
As we forgive those who trespass against us
No nos dejes caer en la tentación
And lead us not into temptation
Y líbranos de todo mal, amén)
But deliver us from evil, Amen)
(Te vo' a contar una historia, esto pasa en tu colonia)
(Let me tell you a story, this happens in your neighborhood)
(Todos son del mismo barrio, pero entre pandillas se odian)
(Everyone is from the same hood, but gangs hate each other)
(A veces, los miro tanto que la situación me agobia)
(Sometimes, I watch them so much that the situation overwhelms me)
(Y entiendo, el código es firme, por eso le tienen fobia)
(And I understand, the code is firm, that's why they have a phobia)
Camina en tierra de nadie, esta es la historia de Pedrito
He walks in no man's land, this is the story of Pedrito
Bienvenido a la ganga, le dijeron de chiquito
Welcome to the gang, they told him when he was little
Todo comenzó tranquilo pateándole al baloncito
It all started peacefully, kicking the little ball
Pero, llegaron los quince y se le complicó poquito
But, fifteen came and things got a little complicated
Botellas, piedras y picos, la cuadra escupiendo fuego
Bottles, stones and spikes, the block spitting fire
Todos guardaban respeto, era máster pa'l rejuego
Everyone respected him, he was a master of the game
Serio su negocio, nunca se anduvo con juegos
Serious about his business, he never played around
"Prohibido meterse crico", era el mensaje pa' los nuevos
"Forbidden to mess with the kid," was the message for the newcomers
"Me elevo, no me escondo y pago lo que debo"
"I rise, I don't hide, and I pay what I owe"
Palabra del buen Pedrito, al barrio en el cora' lo llevo
Word of the good Pedrito, I carry the hood in my heart
La vida lleva su curso, las cartas son tu destino
Life takes its course, the cards are your destiny
Él siempre veía convertido en un padrino
He always saw himself becoming a godfather
Comenzó a vender por kilos, te juro, no me alucino
He started selling by the kilos, I swear, I'm not tripping
Por eso, si de Pedro me acuerdo, siempre me persigno
That's why, if I remember Pedro, I always cross myself
Se me han ido para el cielo varios compas y hasta primos
Several friends and even cousins have gone to heaven
Aprendimos que es el precio de los ghettos potosinos
We learned that it's the price of the ghettos in Potosí
Yah, de los ghettos potosinos, que en paz descanse mi primo
Yah, from the ghettos in Potosí, may my cousin rest in peace
Que en paz descanse mi primo (Que en paz descanse mi primo)
May my cousin rest in peace (May my cousin rest in peace)
Educa al niño pa' no castigar al hombre
Educate the child so you don't have to punish the man
I'm sorry, mama, sólo tenía hambre
I'm sorry, mama, I was just hungry
Educa al niño pa' no castigar al hombre
Educate the child so you don't have to punish the man
Quería ser todo, pero menos pobre
I wanted to be everything, but not poor
Educa al niño pa' no castigar al hombre
Educate the child so you don't have to punish the man
I'm sorry, mama, sólo tenía hambre
I'm sorry, mama, I was just hungry
Educa al niño pa' no castigar al hombre
Educate the child so you don't have to punish the man
Quería ser todo, pero menos pobre
I wanted to be everything, but not poor
Personaje de este cuento, leyenda del vecindario
Character of this story, legend of the neighborhood
Prófugo de la justicia, para el judicial "sicario"
Fugitive from justice, for the police "hitman"
Años corriendo, son varios juntando lo necesario
Years running, several of them gathering what's necessary
Conectado por Bolivia, la venta cerró en Ontario
Connected through Bolivia, the sale closed in Ontario
Contraseñas especiales, wow, código binario
Special passwords, wow, binary code
Lenguaje con las pandillas complica el vocabulario
Language with gangs complicates vocabulary
Malabares espectaculares a la hora de venta
Spectacular juggling at the time of sale
Lo siento, si no te gusta lo que Pedro representa
I'm sorry if you don't like what Pedro represents
Las ventas subieron, perdieron si no lo vieron
Sales went up, they lost if they didn't see him
Parece un maldito ninja corriendo con el dinero
He looks like a damn ninja running with the money
Era vato verdadero, ponía a los suyos primero
He was a true dude, he put his people first
Les tocaba a todos una parte del botín entero
Everyone got a share of the entire loot
Algo como Robin Hood, pero versión dosmilero
Something like Robin Hood, but 2000s version
Aunque, todo tiene su final, recuerdo aquel enero
Although, everything has its end, I remember that January
La calle se puso fría, mientras gritaba su tía
The street got cold, while his aunt screamed
Pasaron en cuatro motos jurando que volverían
They passed by on four bikes swearing they would return
Su hermano menor estaba pintando frente a la vía
His younger brother was painting in front of the road
Y, de pronto, ¡bah!, nueve disparos a sangre fría
And, suddenly, ¡bah!, nine shots in cold blood
Pequeño de quince, pagando los platos rotos
A fifteen-year-old, paying for the broken dishes
Viendo plomo de una corta mientras se aleja la moto
Seeing lead from a pistol as the bike moves away
Pedro que se vuelve loco, la verdad que loco es poco
Pedro goes crazy, the truth is crazy is not enough
Quiere de vuelta a su hermano y matar a todos
He wants his brother back and to kill everyone
Los locos, deudas personales por nada se olvidan
Crazy people, personal debts are never forgotten
Terminan pagando con la sangre de familia
They end up paying with the blood of family
Se cobró a la mala, me cuentan las vecinas
He took revenge the hard way, the neighbors tell me
Después de matar cinco, también perdió la vida
After killing five, he also lost his life
Y que en paz descansen todos los Pedritos
And may all the Pedritos rest in peace
De todos los barrios del mundo, yah
From all the neighborhoods in the world, yah
(Perdió la vida)
(He lost his life)
Educa al niño pa' no castigar al hombre
Educate the child so you don't have to punish the man
I'm sorry, mama, sólo tenía hambre
I'm sorry, mama, I was just hungry
Educa al niño pa' no castigar al hombre
Educate the child so you don't have to punish the man
Quería ser todo, pero menos pobre
I wanted to be everything, but not poor
Educa al niño pa' no castigar al hombre
Educate the child so you don't have to punish the man
I'm sorry, mama, sólo tenía hambre
I'm sorry, mama, I was just hungry
Educa al niño pa' no castigar al hombre
Educate the child so you don't have to punish the man
Quería ser todo, pero menos pobre
I wanted to be everything, but not poor
(Pedro, eoh, eoh)
(Pedro, eoh, eoh)
(Que en paz descanse, mi)
(May he rest in peace, my)
(Pedro, eoh, eoh)
(Pedro, eoh, eoh)
(Que en paz descanse, mi)
(May he rest in peace, my)
(Pedro, eoh, eoh)
(Pedro, eoh, eoh)
(Que en paz descanse, mi)
(May he rest in peace, my)
(Pedro, eoh, eoh)
(Pedro, eoh, eoh)
(Que en paz descanse, mi)
(May he rest in peace, my)

Writer(s): gerardo torres montante

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