Gertrudis - Ara Volo Alt - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gertrudis - Ara Volo Alt

Ara Volo Alt
Ara Volo Alt
La mare mai va dir que no pogués
Mother never said I shouldn't fly
Salta tan enlaire fins on arribés
I jump up high until I arrive
Que les ales són dins meu
For the wings are within me
I em va comentar que l'instant més pre més d'instint de
And she told me that the most precious instinct of all
Despertar, d'arrancar el vol, de començar i de fugir sol
Is to wake up, to take flight, to begin and to flee alone
Caminava de puntetes a la vora del carrer per ser prudent
I walked on tiptoes on the edge of the street to be careful
Saludava les senyores perquè em féssin
I greeted the ladies so that they would give me
Un petó buscant la protecció de la gent
A kiss in search of the protection of the people
I ara volo alt
And now I fly high
Per burlar totes les trampes
To avoid all the traps
I ara volo alt
And now I fly high
Per no caure en la soca dels arbres
So as not to fall into the trap of the trees
I ara volo alt
And now I fly high
I ara volo alt
And now I fly high
Sóc jo, qui saluda des del cel
It's me, who greets you from the sky
Sempre al costat de les estrelles, sempre al costat dels estels
Always beside the stars, always beside the stars
Sóc jo, qui saluda des del cel
It's me, who greets you from the sky
Que a mi no em calen les sabates, fa temps que he perdut l'arrel
For I have no need of shoes, I have long since lost my roots
La mare mai va dir que no saltés, de dalt de les estrelles
Mother never said I shouldn't jump, from the top of the stars
Fent'ho per ell, Es diu que el sostre no existeix
Doing it for him, they say the ceiling doesn't exist
I segueix apelant allò des de l'univers
And he continues to call upon that from the universe
Creu en l'essència de la lluna de València
He believes in the essence of the moon of Valencia
Devota i creient no viurem caient
Devout and believing we will not live falling
La mare no te por, la mare no hi veu perill
Mother is not afraid, mother sees no danger
En dir-li adéu al seu fill
In saying goodbye to her son
I ara volo alt
And now I fly high
Per burlar totes les trampes
To avoid all the traps
I ara volo alt
And now I fly high
Per no caure en la soca dels arbres
So as not to fall into the trap of the trees
I ara volo alt
And now I fly high
I ara volo alt
And now I fly high
Sóc jo, qui saluda des del cel
It's me, who greets you from the sky
Sempre al costat de les estrelles, sempre al costat dels estels
Always beside the stars, always beside the stars
Sóc jo, qui saluda des del cel
It's me, who greets you from the sky
Que a mi no em calen les sabates, fa temps que he perdut l'arrel
For I have no need of shoes, I have long since lost my roots
I ara volo alt, i ara volo alt, i ara volo alt
And now I fly high, and now I fly high, and now I fly high
I ara volo alt, i ara volo alt, i ara volo alt
And now I fly high, and now I fly high, and now I fly high
I ara volo alt, i ara volo alt, i ara volo alt
And now I fly high, and now I fly high, and now I fly high
I ara volo alt, i ara volo alt, i ara volo alt
And now I fly high, and now I fly high, and now I fly high
Sóc jo, qui saluda des del cel
It's me, who greets you from the sky
Sempre al costat de les estrelles, sempre al costat dels estels
Always beside the stars, always beside the stars
Sóc jo, qui saluda des del cel
It's me, who greets you from the sky
Que a mi no em calen les sabates, fa temps que he perdut l'arrel
For I have no need of shoes, I have long since lost my roots
Sóc jo
It's me

Writer(s): Marc Mas Talens, Xavier Ciurans Trave, Eduard Acedo Many, Javier Freire Cano

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