Gertrudis - Bon Dia Vida - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gertrudis - Bon Dia Vida

Bon Dia Vida
Beautiful Day Life
Bon dia cel, bon dia ocells
Good morning, sky, good morning, birds
Bon dia rínxols dels teus cabells
Good morning, the curls of your hair
Bon dia pluja
Good morning, rain
Bon dia a cada raig que el sol dibuixa
Good morning to each ray that the sun draws
Bon dia a tots els arbres i les fulles
Good morning to all the trees and leaves
Bon dia des del llit mentre et despulles
Good morning from the bed as you undress
L'últim clar de lluna resisteix a la ciutat
The last bit of moonlight resists in the city
L'endemà és un món nou, ja ha començat
Tomorrow is a new world, it has already begun
Bon dia vida!
Good morning, life!
Bon dia a cada cos del món que avui respira
Good morning to every body in the world that breathes today
Bon dia orient des d'occident
Good morning, from east to west
Bon dia vida!
Good morning, life!
Bon dia al despertar gegant del qui somia
Good morning to the giant awakening of the one who dreams
En canviar-ho tot sense cap por
By changing everything without any fear
Bon dia vida!
Good morning, life!
Bon dia a la mentida, bon dia a la veritat
Good morning, to the lie, good morning to the truth
Bon dia roba estesa del teu terrat
Good morning clothes hanging on your terrace
Bon dia tinguin
Good morning, have
Perfums del teu cos nu vinguin d'on vinguin
The perfume of your naked body, wherever you come from
Mentre el carrer es va omplint de mica en mica
While the street fills little by little
Tu hi brilles al bell mig de tan bonica
You shine in the middle of it, so beautiful
Canta'm a cau d'orella les cançons d'aquesta nit
Sing to me in my ear the songs of this night
L'endemà ja és aquí, tu estàs amb mi
Tomorrow is already here, you are with me
Bon dia vida!
Good morning, life!
Bon dia a cada cos del món que avui respira
Good morning to every body in the world that breathes today
Bon dia orient des d'occident
Good morning, from east to west
Bon dia vida!
Good morning, life!
Bon dia al despertar gegant del qui somia
Good morning to the giant awakening of the one who dreams
En canviar-ho tot sense cap por
By changing everything without any fear
Bon dia vida!
Good morning, life!
(Bon dia vida!)
(Good morning, life!)
La força del primer crit
The strength of the first cry
L'últim badall de la nit
The last yawn of the night
Obres fràgil els teus ulls
You open your eyes fragilely
Em vols et vull
You want me, I want you
(Bon dia vida!)
(Good morning, life!)
Sense tocar de peus a terra
Without touching your feet to the ground
Avui saltem tots els paranys
Today we jump all the traps
Només cal que caminem
We only have to walk
Junts de les mans
Hand in hand
(Bon dia vida!)
(Good morning, life!)
Bon dia de nou aquest món
Good morning, again this world
Que gira i gira
That turns and turns
(Bon dia vida!)
(Good morning, life!)
Bon dia de nou aquest món
Good morning, again this world
Que tu respires
That you breathe
(Bon dia vida!)
(Good morning, life!)
Bon dia de nou aquest món
Good morning, again this world
Mentre tu em mires
While you watch me
(Bon dia vida!)
(Good morning, life!)
Bon dia de nou aquest món
Good morning, again this world
Que ens diu qui som
That tells us who we are
(Bon dia vida!)
(Good morning, life!)

Writer(s): Marc Mas Talens, Xavier Ciurans Trave, Eduard Acedo Many, Javier Freire Cano

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