Gertrudis - Marianos i Marietes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gertrudis - Marianos i Marietes

Marianos i Marietes
Marianos and Marietes
El jove Mariano era un noi complidor.
Young Mariano was a good boy.
Puntual a la feina i treballador.
Punctual at work and hardworking.
De la nit en feia dia, però ell n'anava fent via.
He turned night into day, but he was getting by.
Un ritme esgotador, pura carn de canó.
An exhausting rhythm, pure cannon fodder.
La jove Marieta el futur molt clar.
Young Marieta has a clear future.
Si vol seguir vivint només li cal pagar.
If she wants to keep living, all she has to do is pay.
La vida és prou indigna per entendre això.
Life is too unfair to understand this.
Per tant, alça la veu per fer-ne ressò.
Therefore, raise your voice to make it known.
Tots som Marianos, tots som Marietes.
We are all Marianos, we are all Marietes.
Aquí tots ens en anem a fer punyetes.
Here we are all going to hell.
El jove Mariano va marxant tot sol.
Young Mariano is leaving alone.
No li cal companyia, només vol consol.
He doesn't need company, he just wants comfort.
Una minsa xineta o un vaset d'alcohol.
A tiny cigarette or a glass of alcohol.
Quan toca la butxaca només hi ha borrissol.
When he checks his pocket, there's only fluff.
Marieta, una mossa prou sencera.
Marieta, a pretty honest girl.
Però aixecar-se a les sis li tocava la pera.
But getting up at six was a pain in the neck.
Quan ho va deixar tot es va quedar ben seca.
When she left it all, she was left dry.
Digui'm senyor ministre, qui pagarà la hipoteca.
Tell me, Mr. Minister, who will pay the mortgage.
Tots som Marianos, tots som Marietes.
We are all Marianos, we are all Marietes.
Aquí tots ens en anem a fer punyetes.
Here we are all going to hell.

Writer(s): Eduard Acedo

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