Gertrudis - No Sé si - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gertrudis - No Sé si

No Sé si
No I don't know
Res comparat amb el què vull
Nothing compares with what I want
Disfressat del què un escull
Disguised as what one chooses
Si no fossis tan bonica
If you weren't so beautiful
Et guanyaria mica en mica
I would win you over little by little
Res ha cremat tan poc a poc
Nothing has burned so slowly
Com la brisa del record
As the breeze of memory
Que n'he fet mil gotes d'or d'un sol tresor
That I have made a thousand drops of gold from a single treasure
No si val la pena abandonar
I don't know if it's worth leaving behind
Un trist deixar-ho estar, fins demà
A sad let it be, until tomorrow
No si val la pena abandonar
I don't know if it's worth leaving behind
Un trist deixar-ho estar
A sad let it be
O potser si seria, millor així
Or maybe it would be better that way
Res com compartir aquest sol camí
Nothing like sharing this lonely path
Potser triar va ser el fallar
Maybe choosing was the mistake
Si no fossis tan petita
If you weren't so small
Et trobaria cada dia
I would find you every day
Un altre cop d'on bufa el vent
Another time when the wind blows
No hi ha notícies per llegir
There is no news to read
Dissimulant cada matí
Concealing every morning
Jo em sento així
I feel this way
No si val la pena abandonar
I don't know if it's worth leaving behind
Un trist deixar-ho estar, fins demà
A sad let it be, until tomorrow
No si val la pena abandonar
I don't know if it's worth leaving behind
Un trist deixar-ho estar
A sad let it be
O potser si seria, millor així
Or maybe it would be better that way

Writer(s): Marc Mas Talens, Xavier Ciurans Trave, Eduard Acedo Many, Javier Freire Cano

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