Geru y Su Legion 7 - Ni Estando Borracho - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Geru y Su Legion 7 - Ni Estando Borracho

Ni Estando Borracho
Not Even When I'm Drunk
Una cosa es una cosa
One thing is one thing
Y otra cosa es otra cosa
And another thing is another thing
Me gustabas no lo niego
I liked you, I won't deny it
Pues la neta estás hermosas
Because, damn, you're beautiful
Pero no voy a prestarme
But I'm not going to lend myself
Para ser tu juguetito
To be your plaything
Si un día quería comerte
If I wanted to eat you one day
Ahora no traigo apetito
Now I have no appetite
Sobre aviso no hay engaño
Forewarned is forearmed
Y no quiero hacerte daño
And I don't want to hurt you
Ya no intentes seducirme
Don't try to seduce me anymore
Déjala de ese tamaño
Leave it at that
Porque ya no te me antojas
Because I don't fancy you anymore
Tu me pides que te bese
You ask me to kiss you
Mejor síguele derecho
Better keep going straight
Que el semáforo está en verde.
Because the traffic light is green.
Me acuerdo cuando yo te andaba rogando
I remember when I was begging you
Me dabas entrada y no tenías pa' cuando
You gave me entrance and you didn't have for when
Pero una princesa llegó con sus besos
But a princess came with her kisses
Te hizo pa' un lado y hoy puedo decir
She pushed you aside and today I can say
Que de ti ni me acuerdo.
That I don't even remember you.
Por darte a desear ya perdiste el encanto
By making me want you, you've already lost your charm
Ya no me persigas ni me ruegues tanto
Don't chase me or beg me so much anymore
Pa' no ser grosero ni verme muy gacho
So as not to be rude or look very mean
Mejor ni le muevas tu ya ni me gustas
It's better if you don't do anything because I don't like you anymore
Ni estando borrachoo
Not even when I'm drunk
Y hay te va chiquita es geru garcia mija
And there you go, little girl, it's Geru Garcia, my daughter
Me acuerdo cuando yo te andaba rogando me dabas entrada y no tenias
I remember when I was begging you, you gave me entrance and you didn't have
Pa cuando pero una princesa llego con sus besos,
For when, but a princess came with her kisses,
Te hiso pa un lado y hoy puedo decir que de ti ni me acuerdo
She made you aside and today I can say that I don't even remember you
Por darte a desear ya perdiste el encanto ya no me persigas ni me
By making me want you, you've already lost your charm, don't chase me or beg me
Rueges tanto pa no ser grosero ni verme muy gacho mejor
So much more so as not to be rude or look very mean, better
Ya ni le muevas tu ya no me gustas ni estando borrachooo
Don't do anything because I don't like you anymore, not even when I'm drunk.

Writer(s): Jesus Omar Tarazon Medina, Luciano Luna Diaz, Jesus Antonio Inzunza Montoya

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