Gianni Vezzosi - A te Maurizio - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gianni Vezzosi - A te Maurizio

A te Maurizio
To You, Maurizio
A te maurizio
To you Maurizio
A te ca t piacevn tutt e canzon meje
Who loved all my songs
A te ca t appiccecave cu tutt quante si parlavavn male e me
Who would hang out with whoever would talk bad about me
E dicevn '"vezzosi, no, nun sape cantà"
And say '"Vezzosi, no, he can't sing"
Chill o facevn a post pe te fa danna e tu...
They would do it on purpose so as to put me in trouble but you...
Parol,addo e trov e parol
Words, where can I find the words
P fa chesta canzon maurizij aiutamme tu
To write this song, Maurizio, help me
O figlij ven a du me tutt e journ
Your children come to me every day
P sape si agghj scritt a canzon p papa
To know if I've written a song for daddy
Nun saccj quant foglij agghj stracciat
I don't know how many sheets I've torn
Davide arezzi ma dat na man
Davide Arrezzi, come on, lend a hand,
(Maurizij ij lagghj fatt co o core)
(Maurizio, these lines are written from the heart)
E chest ca mis in difficolta
And that's what makes it hard for me
Tu maurizij sigarett
You Maurizio, you’re gone
Mo ca staje a lato munn
Now that you’re in the next world
Nziem a dij e tutt e sant
Together with God and all the saints
Tu maurizij sigarett
You Maurizio, you’re gone
Piazza palesto chiagne
Piazza Palesto cries
Nziem a tutt e cumpagne
Together with all your friends
Fabio ca nun se po rassigna
Fabio who can't come to terms with it
Ce tien assaje e vo sape a verita
Cares a lot and wants to know the truth
E ind a nu chiosc na birr e nu cafe
In a bar a beer and a coffee
Pavat a n ato nun e o stess p me
Paying for someone else, it's not the same for me
Tu maurizij sigarett
You Maurizio, you’re gone
Nun te arrubba nient in ciel
You don't need anything in heaven
Pcche apparten a dij
Because you belong to God
Na chies (na chies)
A church (a church)
Tutt affullat e cumpagne
All your friends packed in
(Tutt affullat e cumpagne)
(All your friends packed in)
Na famiglij c chiagne
A family crying
Ij a luntan o facev
I was doing it from afar
Perdon ij te cerc perdon
I beg for your forgiveness
Sul nun ca facev l'ave maria a la canta
Only you didn't make me sing the Ave Maria
A voce me trmmav e nun assev
My voice was trembling and I didn’t feel like it
(A voc me trmmav e nun assev)
(My voice was trembling and I didn’t feel like it)
Fors pe tutt e lacrime chiagnut
Maybe because of all the tears I was shedding
(Fors pe tutt e lacrime chiagnut)
(Maybe because of all the tears I was shedding)
N apploaus po t accumpagnat nciel
An applause accompanied you to heaven
A ret nuje cantavamo ossessione
We played Obsession after that
Tu maurizij sigarett
You Maurizio, you’re gone
Mo ca staje a lato munn
Now that you’re in the next world
Nziem a dij e tutt e sant
Together with God and all the saints
Tu maurizij sigarett
You Maurizio, you’re gone
Piazza palesto chiagne
Piazza Palesto cries
Nziem a tutt e cumpagne
Together with all your friends
Fabio ca nun se po rassigna
Fabio who can't come to terms with it
Ce tien assaje e vo sape a verita
Cares a lot and wants to know the truth
E ind a nu chiosc na birr e nu cafe
In a bar a beer and a coffee
Pavat a n ato t nun e o stess p me
Paying for someone else, it's not the same for me
Tu maurizij sigarett
You Maurizio, you’re gone
Nun te arrubba nient in ciel
You don't need anything in heaven
Pcche apparten a dij
Because you belong to God
Ma t arricorde quand me chiammave e tre ra nott
But do you remember when you used to call me at three in the morning
E vuliv ca ij subbit era a vni addu te
And wanted me to come over to you right away
P me cerc che cos
To keep you company
No nient vulev sul nu poc e cumpagnij
No, you didn't want anything, just a little company
Par ca o sapive ca m aviva lassa
Because you knew that she had left me
E ij t vniv accuntenta
And I came right away

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