Gigi D'Alessio - Medley Napoletano (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gigi D'Alessio - Medley Napoletano (Live)

Medley Napoletano (Live)
Neapolitan Medley (Live)
Fernesce napule!
Naples is ending!
Nun po' mai nascere: nisciune te po' assumiglia' m'
It can never be born again: no one can resemble you'
Che pozzo fa?
What can I do?
E fa finta che era na carezza fatta solo un po' piu' forte primm'
And pretend it was a caress, just a little stronger before'
E te pute' abbraccia'.
And I could hold you.
Ha vennuto è nu pazzo '
He sold is a crazy '
Tremmo quando t'
I tremble when you'
Avvicine sulo si cammini quella ragazzina all'
Come closer only if that girl walks by the'
Pure quando dico no,
Even when I say no,
Parla solo la mia mente mentre il cuore lo imbavaglio pecche' vo' parla'.
Only my mind speaks while I gag my heart because it wants to speak.
A forza capita',
It happens by force,
Se sape gia' ch'
If you already knew that'
Mezza ascummigliata staje durmenno tu. '
Half asleep you are sleeping. '
A cammisa che annascunn'
The shirt that hides'
E sere te lasso stu core,'
And tonight I leave you this heart,'
Forze pecche' sti cose tu nun me l'
Maybe because these things you never'
E' fatte maje forse le cene assurde coi bastardi amici tuoi nu tribunale nfame pronto sul'
You've ever done, maybe the absurd dinners with your bastard friends, an infamous court ready on the'
A cundanna' che mentre faje e servizie je sento a radio e vo' canta'.
The sentence that while you do the services I hear on the radio and I want to sing.
Maronna saje che scuorno quand'
Madonna you know what a shame when'
A sape' che proprio tuo marito comm'
To know that your husband himself like'
Amante po' tene' na guagliuncella nat'
Lover can keep a little girl born'
A nu vascio a sanita' che sbaglia l'
A kiss to the health care that makes mistakes'
E maje capito niente pecche' nun tiene sentimenti diverse'
And I never understood anything because it doesn't have different feelings'
E sto nfunnenno ancora cu chist'
And I'm still messing with this'
Uocchie chella storia vecchia '
Eyes that old story '
E senza scuorno pure a chi nun saccio doppo nu minuto '
And without shame even to those who don't know after a minute '
A voglio raccunta' e dint'
I want to tell you and inside'
E juorne ca cunsuma '
And days that consume '
A voglio bene sempe,
I will always love you,
Che ce pozzo fa?
What can I do?
Tu nun hai colpa,
It's not your fault,
Io sulo aggio sbagliato quando m'
I only made a mistake when I'
Ha lassato a me spusa' cu te,
He left me to marry you,
Ero accorto ca ce stive tu,
I was aware that you were there,
Pure si chesta canzona nova nun te po' piace'.
Even though you may not like this new song.
A gente ca si ancor'
The people who are still'
A via pecche' nun te ne cacci'
The way because you don't chase them away'
Ha data dio '
God gave it '
Addore do cafe',
Smell of coffee,
E sti quartiere si te a mettere a ffa' ammore nun ce vonno assaje denare pecche' so diverse a te so troppo belle e sanno pure vesti' fotomodelle un po' povere c'
And these neighborhoods if you put yourself to make love they don't want much money because they are different from you they are too beautiful and they also know how to dress as models a little poor c'
Pecche' se vonno spusa'.
Because they want to get married.
O vommero gia' tiene,
Vomero already has,
Chi te vo' nu sacco '
Who wants you a lot '
A sanita' pecche' la' chi te vo' bene pure ngopp'
Health care because she's the one who loves you even on top'
Annare'" quanta guaglione hanno fatto spusa' "
Going'" how many guys got married "
Comme si fragile" e "
As if fragile" and "
A tutte quante vulesse abbraccia' quanno se metteno a chiagnere e mentr'
I would like to hug all of them when they start crying and meanwhile'
Mo che è stanca a voce mia,
Now that my voice is tired,
Appoco cca', pecche' io a tutte sta gente nun voglio lassa'!
Almost here, because I don't want to leave all these people!
Stu cielo fa paura!
This sky is scary!
Appiccia e fa rummore!
It lights up and makes noise!
E o stesso temporale o sta facenno dint'
And the same storm is doing it inside'
Me sento nu criaturo ca nun ha avuto niente sotto all'
I feel like a creature who had nothing under the'
Di notte è finito un amore che aveva il sapore del latte.
At night, a love that tasted like milk ended.
Stanotte non cancello l'
Tonight I don't erase the'
Pure a luna ncazzata ce ll'
Even the angry moon there'
Ave cu tte' sti mumente manch'
Have with you these moments even'
E nun farte tucca',
And don't let yourself be touched,
Annammur' maie a colpa nun è solo a toja tu nun '
We never fell in love, the fault is not only yours, you don't '
Ira essere tu,
Anger be you,
Ma po' dio cu nu lamp'
But then God with a lamp'
E facette tremma' le dicette a cchiu' bella va faccio nventa' sulamente si er'
And he made them tremble, the most beautiful one said I'll invent only if it was'
E sante e a dio raccuntann"
And saints and to God telling"
Sta mezza bugia nun vulesso resta' na mez'
This half lie I wouldn't want to stay half'
Tu faje cchiu' belle tutt'
You make everything more beautiful'
Ca pure a vierno gir'
That even in winter it turns'
A mezze maneche m'
Half sleeves m'
Appicceco ogni sera cu muglierema ha visto ca tu piace pure a mme'.
I light up every night with my wife but she saw that you like me too.
Comme te piace e ghi' a balla',
How you like it and go dancing,
Arraccumann vir'
I recommend coming'
Stennimmece na mano ca nun ce sta nisciuno carnale comme a nuie,
Let's give each other a hand that there is no one carnal like us,
O raccontano a napule nfaccia e mure de viche puo' leggere a storia e sta bella citta'.
They tell it in Naples in front of the walls of alleys you can read the story and this beautiful city.
O raccontano a napule nfaccia e mure de viche puo' leggere a storia e sta bella citta'!
They tell it in Naples in front of the walls of alleys you can read the story and this beautiful city!

Writer(s): luigi giuliano, vincenzo d'agostino

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