Gilberto Santa Rosa - Tiene Un Amigo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gilberto Santa Rosa - Tiene Un Amigo

Tiene Un Amigo
She's Got a Friend
Hoy la vi, tan radiante como siempre
Today I saw her, as radiant as ever
La princesa de todos mis sueños
The princess of all my dreams
La que hace realidad mis deseos
The one who makes my wishes come true
Hoy la vi, y senti la misma euforia
Today I saw her and felt the same euphoria
De correr y estrecharla en mis brazos
Of running to hold her in my arms
De probar nuevamente sus labios
Of tasting her lips again
Pero un rostro indiferente puso freno a mi sentir
But an indifferent face put a stop to my feelings
De repente senti ganas de morir
Suddenly I felt like dying
Le senti frías las manos
Her hands felt cold
Le pregunto ¿Cómo estamos?
I asked her, "How are we doing?"
Y nerviosa me contesta: "yo muy bien"
And nervously, she answered, "I'm doing very well."
Tiene un amigo
She's got a friend
Un hombro donde llorar
A shoulder to cry on
Ya se canso de esperar mi desición, que nunca llega
She got tired of waiting for my decision, which never came
Tiene un amigo
She's got a friend
Que la comprende muy bien
Who understands her very well
Y que le ha dado a entender la realidad mas que un amigo
And who has made her understand the reality of more than a friend
Y que puedo hacer si esa es su desición
And what can I do if that's her decision?
Si se siente tan distante de mi amor
If she feels so distant from my love
Si me busca y nunca me puede encontrar
If she looks for me and can never find me
Ha llenado su vacío
She has filled her emptiness
Termino su soledad
She has ended her loneliness
Es tan fácil despedirse y no saber si volverá
It's so easy to say goodbye and not know if she'll ever come back
Siempre el corazón te pide un hombro donde llorar
The heart always asks for a shoulder to cry on
Tiene un amigo
She's got a friend
Que la comprende muy bien
Who understands her very well
Y que le ha dado a entender la realidad mas que un amigo
And who has made her understand the reality of more than a friend
Y que puedo hacer si esa es su desición
And what can I do if that's her decision?
Si se siente tan distante de mi amor
If she feels so distant from my love
Si me busca y nunca me puede encontrar
If she looks for me and can never find me
Ha llenado su vacío
She has filled her emptiness
Termino su soledad
She has ended her loneliness
(Ahora tiene un amigo, un hombro donde llorar)
(Now she has a friend, a shoulder to cry on)
No tiene un amor de ratos
She doesn't have a love that comes and goes
Tiene alguien con quien contar
She has someone to count on
(Ahora tiene un amigo, un hombro donde llorar)
(Now she has a friend, a shoulder to cry on)
Alguien que llena el vacío
Someone who fills her emptiness
Da amor a sus noches
Gives love to her nights
Y pinta sus dias de felicidad
And paints her days with happiness
(Ahora tiene un amigo, un hombro donde llorar)
(Now she has a friend, a shoulder to cry on)
Y yo que creí que por mi cariño
And I who thought that for my love
Esperaría una eternidad
She would wait for an eternity
(Ahora tiene un amigo, un hombro donde llorar)
(Now she has a friend, a shoulder to cry on)
Tiene un amigo, tiene un amigo
She has a friend, she has a friend
Que la salvo de la incertidumbre que tenia conmigo
Who saved her from the uncertainty she had with me
(Ahora tiene un amigo, un hombro donde llorar)
(Now she has a friend, a shoulder to cry on)
Tiene una voz que llena sus mañanas
She has a voice that fills her mornings
Tiene un abrazo en su soledad
She has an embrace in her loneliness
En las horas de ansiedad no pudo contar conmigo
In her hours of anxiety, she couldn't count on me
(Tuvo que buscar, un hombro donde llorar)
(She had to find a shoulder to cry on)
Tampoco tuvo un abrigo en ratos de soledad
She didn't have a shelter in her times of loneliness
Ella merece algo más por eso tiene un amigo
She deserves something more, that's why she has a friend
(Tuvo que buscar, un hombro donde llorar)
(She had to find a shoulder to cry on)
Pues siempre se necesita alguien que llore contigo
Because you always need someone to cry with you

Writer(s): Charlie Donato

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