Partings are frequent in this season of falling leaves
握住妳的手 放在心頭
I hold your hand close to my heart
我要妳記得 無言的承諾
I want you to remember my unspoken promise
啊~不怕相思苦 只怕妳傷痛 怨只怨人在風中 聚散都不由我
Ah~I fear not the pain of longing, but your sorrow. I resent only that we are at the mercy of the winds, unable to control our reunions and separations.
喔~不怕我孤獨 只怕妳寂寞 無處說離愁
Oh~I fear not my own loneliness, but your desolation. There is nowhere to confide my sorrow.
舞秋風 漫天回憶舞秋風
Autumn winds dance, stirring memories
嘆一聲 黯然沉默
I sigh, lost in somber silence
不能說 惹淚的話都不能說
I cannot speak the words that would bring tears
緊緊擁著妳 永遠記得
I hold you close, forever cherishing
妳曾經為我 這樣的哭過
How you have wept for me
喔~不怕相思苦 只怕妳傷痛 怨只怨人在風中 聚散都不由我
Oh~I fear not the pain of longing, but your sorrow. I resent only that we are at the mercy of the winds, unable to control our reunions and separations.
喔~不怕我孤獨 只怕妳寂寞 無處說離愁 無處說離愁
Oh~I fear not my own loneliness, but your desolation. There is nowhere to confide my sorrow. Nowhere to confide my sorrow.
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