Girls' Generation - 봄날 How great is your love - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Girls' Generation - 봄날 How great is your love

봄날 How great is your love
A Spring Day How great is your love
봄날 같은 미소에
Your smile like a spring day,
세상이 환해져요
Brightens up the whole world,
다시 꿈꾸게 해요
Makes me dream again.
햇살이 반짝이는
On a sunny day,
그대 손에 깍지 끼고
Holding your hand,
발걸음을 맞춰 걸어요
We walk in step.
가끔 내가 앞서 걷다가
Sometimes I walk ahead,
문득 뒤를 돌아보면
And when I look back,
나를 보는 얼굴에
In your face looking at me,
눈이 부시죠
I'm dazzled.
봄이 오는 소리 들리면
When I hear the sound of spring,
(꽃이 따라 걸어요)
(We walk along the flower path)
내리는 여름이 오면
When the rainy summer comes,
(무지개만 보며 걸어요)
(We walk, looking only at the rainbow)
가을 지나 겨울이 와도
Through autumn and into winter,
손에 전해지는 온기로
With the warmth transmitted through our hands,
(따스함으로) 함께 걸어가요 Woah
(With warmth) We walk together Woah
How great is your love yeah
How great is your love yeah
하늘을 닮은 사랑이
A love like the sky above,
나에게도 주어지길
Will it be given to me?
언제나 기다려 왔죠 Woah
I've always been waiting Woah
별빛이 반짝이는
On a starlit night,
노래하는 새들의 Yeah
Those birds singing, Yeah
멜로디에 맞춰 걸어요 Ooh woah
Walk to their melody Ooh woah
돌고 도는 계절의
In the cycle of your four seasons,
반복되는 비밀처럼
Like a repeating secret,
변함없는 사랑에
In your love that never changes,
눈이 부시죠
I'm dazzled.
봄이 오는 소리 들리면
When I hear the sound of spring,
(꽃이 따라 걸어요)
(We walk along the flower path)
내리는 여름이 오면
When the rainy summer comes,
(무지개만 보며 걸어요)
(We walk, looking only at the rainbow)
가을 지나 겨울이 와도
Through autumn and into winter,
손에 전해지는 온기로
With the warmth transmitted through our hands,
(따스함으로) 함께 걸어가요 Oh
(With warmth) We walk together Oh
How great is your love whoa ooh
How great is your love whoa ooh
세상에 지쳐 있던 내게
To me, exhausted by the world,
(밝은 빛이 되어 그대)
(You became a bright light)
함께 걷는 좁은 끝에 Yeah yeah whoa
At the end of the narrow road we walk together Yeah yeah whoa
(다시 겨울이 온대도)
(Even when winter comes again)
그대 잡아 준다면
If you hold my hand,
나에게 거친 세상도 Woah woah
Even this harsh world is for me Woah woah
(봄날 같은걸) How great is your love
(Like a spring day) How great is your love
Oh woah yeah whoo
Oh woah yeah whoo
How great is your love
How great is your love

Writer(s): Jean Na, Jenny Hyun

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