Gisela - Turu Turu Bonus - Catalan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gisela - Turu Turu Bonus - Catalan

Turu Turu Bonus - Catalan
Turu Turu Bonus - Catalan
Tinc un turu turu turu dins del cap
My mind's stuck on a loop of "turu turu turu"
Que fa turu turu turu i no s'en va
It won't go away, it's stuck on repeat
Ho fa sempre quan em sento trista y sola
It always appears when I'm sad and alone
I em deixa mes o menys tal com estaba
Leaving me feeling exactly as before
Si pogues jo detenir un minut del teu cami
If I could pause a moment on your path
Descubrir allà on ets
To discover where you are
Si m'estàs portant a dins
Are you carrying me within you?
Encara sort que entre tu y jo
Thankfully, between you and me
Va neixent un sentiment
A feeling is being born
Que fa turu turu turu turu turu turu tu
It goes turu turu turu turu turu turu tu
Jo et trucare pero donam una excusa
I'll call you, but I'll make up an excuse
Vas olblidar donar-me el numero de casa
You forgot to give me your address
Jo no puc imaginarme tota sola
I don't want to imagine being alone
He pecat si no t'ho dic a tota hora
I've sinned by not telling you constantly
Gariebé perdo el sentit
I'm almost out of my mind
Ja no em queda cap amiga
I have no friends left
El que em falta es nomes tu
All I want is you
Un somriure y mil caricies
A smile and a thousand kisses
Perque tot entre tu y yo
Because everything between you and me
Es tan magic i increible
Is so magical and incredible
No es rendirem pas, no
We won't give up, no
Lluitarem de mica en mica
We'll fight, little by little
Y aquest turu turu turu dins del cap
And this "turu turu turu" in my mind
Em va fent mal que li dic prou, para
It's hurting me, I tell it to stop
Que hi ha un turu turu en aquesta vida meva
But there's a "turu turu" in my life
Que m'esborra poc a poc la melangia
That's slowly erasing my melancholy
I dema ja miraré de deixar de ser perversa
And tomorrow I'll try to stop being so mischievous
Em sento millor aixi jugant a ser princesa
I feel better this way, playing at being a princess
I potser et cantare molt suau dues cançons
And perhaps I'll sing you two songs very softly
Les escoltaras aixi, sentiras mil emocions
You'll listen to them, and you'll feel a thousand emotions
You'll fall in love
Potser t'esperaras, no podras estimar
Perhaps you'll wait, you won't be able to love
Y t'allunyaràs
And you'll distance yourself
D'aquest turu turu turu turu turu turu tu
From this turu turu turu turu turu turu tu
Si et sona un turu turu dins del cap
If you hear a "turu turu" in your mind
És perquè sens dubtes t'has enamorat
It's because you've undoubtedly fallen in love
Cada dia ve a fer-te companyia
It comes to keep you company every day
Ni el mes fort huracà l'allunyaria
Not even the strongest hurricane could keep it away
No preguntis més com és
Don't ask me any more what it's like
Que et roba la conciencia
For it robs you of your consciousness
Perquè si no hi ets no
Because if you're not there, I don't know how
Aturar aquesta impaciencia
To stop this impatience
Trobarem, escolta'm
We'll find, listen to me carefully
Un inmens món ple d'estrelles
A vast world full of stars
Amb un turu turu turu turu turu turu tu
With a turu turu turu turu turu turu tu
Aquest turu turu turu al cap se't fica
This "turu turu turu" lodges itself in your head
Donant voltes com aterra una melodia
Circling like the landing of a melody
I al final descubriràs
And in the end, you'll discover
Que et queda solament
That you're left with only
Turu turu turu turu turu turu tu
Turu turu turu turu turu turu tu

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