otra vez mientras tenga yo vida, porque grande es el poder que rebosa en mi corazón,
Again while I have life, because great is the power that overflows in my heart,
y con el me haces ver
And with it you make me see
que no vuelva a caer
That I don't fall again
tu me cuidas señor
You take care of me, Lord
grande precio pagaste en esa cruz por mi un día con tu sangre lavaste con tus llagas curaste mis heridas como he de pensar en quererte soltar si tu me guías,
A great price you paid on that cross for me one day with your blood you washed with your wounds you healed my wounds how can I think of letting you go if you guide me,
porque eres mi razón de vivir y es por eso que te quiero decir
Because you are my reason for living and that is why I want to tell you
mora en mi vida
Abide in my life
reconosco señor que tu amor garantiza paz y seguridad
I recognize, Lord, that your love guarantees peace and security
que no podia hallar pues no te conocía
That I couldn't find because I didn't know you
y a mi encuentro llegaste tú me cubriste en tu manto de amor
And you came to meet me, you covered me in your mantle of love
me compraste señor con la sangre que hoy lavas mi corazón
You bought me, Lord, with the blood that washes my heart today
grande precio pagaste en esa cruz por mi un día,
A great price you paid on that cross for me one day,
con tu sangre lavaste con tus llagas curaste mi heridas como he de pensar en quererte soltar si tu me guías
With your blood you washed with your wounds you healed my wounds how can I think of letting you go if you guide me
por que eres mi razón de vivir y es por eso que te quiero decir
Because you are my reason for living and that is why I want to tell you
mora en mi vida.
Abide in my life.
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