Gladys Muñoz - Viuda Sin Nada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gladys Muñoz - Viuda Sin Nada

Viuda Sin Nada
A Widow Without Anything
faltaba todo
everything was lacking
habia un poco de aceite en una
there was a little oil in a
vasija dentro de la casa
vessel inside the house
faltaba pan
there was no bread
y quien miraba en la cocina no
and whoever looked in the kitchen couldn't
encontraba leña, ni fuego, ni nada
find any wood, fire, or anything
vuida sin nada
a widow without anything
vuida sin nada
a widow without anything
el pueblo asi hablaba
that's what the people were saying
faltaban amigos apenas unos enemigos
she had no friends only enemies
y aquellos cobradores se aproximaban
and those debt collectors were approaching
y ellos asi hablaban
and this is what they were saying
queremos llevar a sus hijos
we want to take your children
para hacerlos esclavos y ella lloraba
to make them slaves and she was crying
vuida sin nada vuida sin nada
a widow without anything a widow without anything
el pueblo asi hablaba
that's what the people were saying
mas Dios le vio a ella llorando
but God saw her weeping
entonces se conmovio
and then He was moved
he hiso ke se acordase del profeta fiel
and He caused her to remember the faithful prophet
entonces vino aquella vuida en busca de Eliseo ven dijo el profeta asi
and then that widow came looking for Elisha come said the prophet like this
Dios ya me hablo a mi que te iva a bendecir y va a cambiar tu historia
God has already spoken to me that I was going to bless you and He is going to change your story
apartir de ahora, traigan mas vasijas porque el aceite va a multiplicar
from now on, bring more vessels because the oil is going to multiply
hasta rebosar ahora ahora
until it overflows now now
tus hijos no seran esclavos y usted no va a deber ningun centavo, porque esta casa
your children will not be slaves and you will not owe any money, because this house
sera un deposito de bendicion
will be a storehouse of blessing
y en la mesa que faltaba, ahora va a sobrar, vuida que lloraba, ahora va a cantar
and on the table where there was nothing, now there will be plenty, widow who was crying, now sing
donde no habia nada, ahora hay de todo
where there was nothing, now there is everything
aquellos que cobraban, ahora pagaran
those who were collecting, will now pay
el fuego que era frio, ahora esta quemando, el granero vacio ahora esta rebosando
the fire that was cold, is now burning, the empty barn is now overflowing
quien te puede ver ahora puede ver a nuestro Dios obrando ahora, ahora
whoever can see you now can see our God working now, now

Writer(s): daniel e samuel

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