Glaukoma - Aberia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Glaukoma - Aberia

Euskal Herria igandero "viendo el Conquis",
Every Sunday in the Basque Country, "watching Conquis",
Ta atzo juergan trago bat "con Goñi y sus compis".
And yesterday he had a drink "with Goñi and his mates".
Bitako bat: izan arraro bat edo izan zonbi,
A label: be an oddball or be a zombie,
Piromano edo yonki, galindok daki ongi,
A pyromaniac or a junkie, the Galindo knows very well,
Gizonki. Ponpisik ez deu jarriko inondik inora,
Manfully. You won't find any pomposity anywhere,
Too much cani, too much choni, too much Rafa Mora.
Too much chav, too much common, too much Rafa Mora.
Lotsagabe gehiegi famaren eskalan gora,
Too much shamelessness rising up the fame ladder,
Adimena albora, herriarentzat droga.
Intelligence to the side, a drug for the people.
Ganorak egin du bere buruaz beste,
Ganora definitively has killed himself,
Gazteria gabiltza pitbull-en kantak abesten,
Young people are singing pitbull songs,
Herbestean. Salbuespenak salbuespen,
In exile. Exceptions apart,
Bada oraindik saldu ez den ametsik, gaztetxean.
There are still dreams that haven't been sold, at the youth center.
Euskadi Gaztea, Los 40, MTV
Euskadi Gaztea, Los 40, MTV
Pantailak zabalik eta begik ezin iriki.
Open screens and with eyes that can't open.
Ezin esan ezertako eredu naizenik ni,
I can't say that I'm an example to follow,
Baino bete behar ez diren arauak badakizkit.
But I know the rules that you don't have to follow.
Bitartean gizartea iparra galtzen,
Meanwhile, society is losing its way,
Diru-jabe lotsagabek kultura saltzen.
Shameless money-grubbers are selling culture.
Herri harresiak telebistan ez dira azaltzen,
The country's walls are not shown on television,
Baino mass mediak garraxiak ez ditu itzaltzen.
But the mass media don't turn off the noise.
Urkullu ta konpainiak diruari men,
Urkullu and friends are in thrall to money,
Nik ez dakit pertsonak garenik ba ote dakiten.
I don't know if they know if we're people or not.
Eusko aberatsen trena mendiak zeharkatzen
The train of the wealthy in Euskadi is crossing the mountains
Oi bai da problema eta ez atez ate, friend.
Oh, yeah, that's a problem, not the people going hungry, friend.
Herriaren ordezkaritzarik ez dago,
There is no representation of the people,
Multinazionalak daude gu baino askoz lehenago.
Multinationals have been there long before us.
Kontrol sozialaren karta berorrek dasta beza
Social control cards will taste, damn it, so that
Munduan pasatzen dana inork ikusi ez dezan.
No one sees what's happening in the world.
Kartzela edo miseria, eskaintza ezin da ondu.
Prison or poverty, the offer can't be better.
Gure partez zoriondu pantailadun polizi berriak.
On our behalf we congratulate the new TV cops.
Ongizate estatuen hilotzak atondu,
We bury the corpses of the welfare states,
Sistema ezin da konpondu: sistema da aberia.
The system can't be fixed: the system is the breakdown.
Botereak ospa egin du parlamentutik,
The power has been extolled from Parliament,
Aldaketa ez da etorriko boto sekretutik.
The change won't come from the secret vote.
Bahituta dute herrien burujabetza,
National sovereignty has been kidnapped,
Merkatua librea dala dioten momentutik.
Since they said the market is free.
Kapitalak gertutik kontrolatzen du legedia,
Capital closely controls legislation,
Barkatu ezin diren krimen ankerrentzat aterkia.
An escape for heinous crimes that cannot be forgiven.
Palkotik beira ai dia kriminalak,
Criminals on the balcony, oh, my,
Hastera doa legebiltzarraren antzerkia.
The parliamentary theater is about to begin.
Drama edo komedia, ikuslearen arabera,
Drama or comedy, depending on the viewer,
Betiko arau bera: etxola edo jauregia.
The same old rule: a shack or a palace.
Miami edo siberia, kaiola bete da,
Miami or Siberia, the cage is filled,
Esklabuak gosetera: good bye klase media.
With starving slaves: goodbye, middle class.

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