Glaukoma - Fire (They're Comin') - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Glaukoma - Fire (They're Comin')

Fire (They're Comin')
Fire (They're Comin')
Ekaitza ai dik hor kanpon, holokausto mode on. Tronban bonbak ta metraila
Fire outside, holocaust mode on. Bombs and bullets in the streets
Ta zerun milaka dron. Ta lurren mila kabroi, mila milioi morroi.
And thousands of drones. And thousands of graves, millions of dead.
Esklabu ta jaben garaia oaindik ez da eroi.
Slavery and war are still not heroic.
Denak denen klon, bata besten ondon, bakoitzai bere txokon cacahuetes de neón
All of us are clones, one better than the other, each in his own corner, peanuts with neon
Eta urrezko txekorrak. Kultura ezkorra, jenden patriketan zorrak, karriketan porrak,
And golden horns. Sour culture, the people in debt to the patriarchy, bullets in the streets,
Berriketa txorrak. Pakeak baja ta justiziak oporrak. Etiketa hikorrak, heziketa altxorra.
The birds howling. Peace in decline and justice on vacation. Crooked labels, education is a treasure.
Beldurra, kontrola. Lasterketan atzen geatzen danai: hor konpon!
Fear, control. Those who are left behind in the race: you deserve it!
Babylon ta bere propaganda, baztertuen resaka da Inperioaren parranda.
Babylon and its propaganda, the protest of the marginalized is the party of the Empire.
Osama Bin Osaba Sam-en barbie bat izan da. Estos cerdos tienen que aprender
Osama Bin Uncle Sam’s Barbie became. These pigs have to learn
Quien es aquí el que manda. Que pasen miedo entre cuatro paredes,
Who is the boss here. Let them live in fear between four walls,
Sistemantzat pertsonak ta ez aldrebes. Dana hire mesedez: demokrazia izenez, gerra izanez.
For the system, people and not vice versa. Everything for your convenience: in the name of democracy, in the form of war.
Petrolio bila junda, ez zuten utzi ezer ez.
Looking for oil, they left nothing behind.
Migranteen hilobi Mare Nostrum. Bitarten, magnate baten yatea Pasaiako portun.
The grave of migrants is the Mare Nostrum. Meanwhile, the yacht of a magnate is in the port of Pasai.
Ez da komeni nahastea etorri edo jun. Zein dijoa noa zer inbaditzea ordun?
It is not advisable to get confused about coming or going. Who says, then, we are invading?
Ez eroi jokun, kontua ez da nun baizik eta zenbat zifra dauzkezun bankuko kontun.
Don't play the hero; it is not about who, but how many digits you have in your bank account.
Diruk ez du pasaporteik behar, libre dibisak baino bisaik ez dauken pertsonai
Money needs no passport, only people without visas
Arma, tiro, pun! Klase borroka, lagun. Botere kamaleoi mutantea.
Weapon, shot, boom! Class struggle, my friend. Chameleon mutant power.
Kapitalisten mozorro bat da bandera bat edo bestea. Herbestea bonbak etxen dauzkatenei,
The disguise of the capitalists is one flag or another. That's why they bomb the houses of those who have roots,
Oaindala 80 urte bezela milaka euskaldun. Emakumek haurdun, gazte-gaztetatik alargun.
As it happened 80 years ago to thousands of Basques. Pregnant women, widowed from their youth.
Siriako esklabuk ez al du zuk daukezun jabe bea? BMWa ordaintzeko bankukin zorretan,
Doesn't the Syrian slave have the same master as you? Paying off your BMW at the bank,
Gero gerretan gastatzeue diru hoixe bea. BBVA kriminala, XXI. Mendeko forma koloniala.
Then spending the same money on wars. Criminal BBVA, the colonial form of the 21st century.
Gizakien arteko muga bertikalak.
Vertical limits between human beings.
Esvastika damakie demokrata itxuran azpin. Badaukate bere burua nola estali,
Swastika ladies in the guise of democrats. They know how to cover themselves,
Ta gutzat ondo pentsatutako plan bat, nahiz eta zuk ez jakin.
And a well-thought-out plan for everything, even if you don't know about it.
Iruituko zaik broma bat Iósif Stalin. Etsaia ondon bizi da, ikasi deu aspaldi.
You'll think Joseph Stalin was a joke. The enemy lives well; he learned it a long time ago.
Segurtasun kamarak piztu ta etxeko argik itzali. Paranoia globalaren gizaldi, gu.
Turn on the security cameras and turn off the house lights. We are the generation of global paranoia.
Klase berbereko batek beldurra emate al dik?
Can someone from the same class scare you?
Egiz mozorrotutako Troiako zaldik. Xenofobia kriminala zuritzeuen esaldik.
Trojan horses disguised as sheep. Your criminal xenophobia is whitewashing your words.
Pobreak gerran, anai-arreben erahilketan. Kate berberak hanketan, zeinen garaipena banaketan?
The poor at war, killing each other. The same chain on their feet, whose victory is in their division?
Kontuz hitzekin, ta etsaiez konfunditzeakin. Nos quitan el pan-ekin hasten da,
Be careful with words and confusing them with enemies. It starts with “they’re taking our bread”
Para acabar Auschwitz-ekin. Denok etorkin, denok esklabo, denok berdin
To end with Auschwitz. All immigrants, all slaves, all equal
Historiako terroristaik haundina dan kapitalismoakin.
With the greatest terrorist in history, which is capitalism.

Writer(s): Asier Arandia Ariño, Iker Pando Gonzalez, Joaquin Albisua Embil, Juantxo Arakama Biurrun, Pablo Rubio Agesta

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