Glaukoma - Gure Kaiola - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Glaukoma - Gure Kaiola

Gure Kaiola
Gure Kaiola
Ze guapa zauden. Ze guapo zauden
How beautiful you are. How handsome you are
Zer da narratsa hemen ta zer da elegantea?
What is the narrative here and what is elegant?
Zeinek esan behar dizu oain itsusia zeala?
Who should tell you that you are ugly now?
Zeinek marraztu digu koadrantea? Zein dao erotuta ta zein da kabala?
Who drew us the quadrant? Who is the erotic and who is the kabala?
Ilusio bat da errealitatea, ta gizonen bizio bat denai araua jartzea
Reality is an illusion, and it is a vice of men to set rules for everything
Norbeantzako horma bat da
A wall for oneself is
Normalitatea. Baino nik ez det izan nahi normala
Normality. But I don't want to be normal
Ta zuk ezta re!
And neither do you!
Etzealako artalde hontako zifra bat, etzea sartzen trajen
Because you are not a number in this flock, you do not fit into a suit
Gezurren saren eroitzeie makina bat, goitik datorren papila jaten
A web of lies to swallow a machine, eating the papilla that comes from above
Beldurren aurren
Before the fears
Heldu makila ta goazen, pareta mila dauzkeu ta gure paren
Come on, stick and let's go, they have a thousand walls and our wall
Eta erreza ez dan arren
And even though it's not easy
Kareta kenduta zaudenen... ai! Ez dakizu ze sexy zauden
With your mask off you are... oh! You don't know how sexy you are
Ze guapo zauden mozorroik gabe, ta artaldek esan dezala Beeee
How handsome you are without disguises, and let the flock say Beeee
Ze guapa zauden horren lotsagabe, estereotipo danak hausten
How beautiful you are so shameless, breaking all the stereotypes
Ze guapo zauden mundu hau aldatzen, zure rola zalantzan jartzen
How handsome you are changing this world, questioning your role
Ze guapa zauden. Ze guapo zauden
How beautiful you are. How handsome you are
Gizontasun eredu nik izan nun Action
The model of masculinity was Action Man
Man, zure emetasun modelo Barbie bat zan
Dude, your model of femininity was a Barbie
Eztao generoik genitaletan
There is no gender in the genitals
Egitura mentala da, aber sartze zaigun gaztan!
It's the mental structure, but let's put it in when we're young!
Horregatik jartzen gaitue dietan
That's why they put us on diets
Ta danak die Barbie ta Ken telebista ta aldizkarietan
And all the Diet Barbies and Kens on TV and in magazines
Hitzeite ez dun haurran begietan
In the eyes of children who don't talk
Disney-en maitasunaren fabula. Ipuin honen hasiera
Disney's fable of love. The beginning of this story
Nortasunen banaketan, zu woman eta ni man, bakoitza bere ziegan
In the distribution of personalities, you woman and I man, each in their own cage
Nere heziketan dauden urrezko
In my education, there are gold
Hesietan. Zure etiketak dauzken gezur ariketak
Fences. Your labels spell out false exercises
Eredu bezela euki diteun figura
Figures to have as models
Patriarkalak. Pornografia izan da gure heziketa sexuala
Patriarchal. Pornography has been our sexual education
Heteroarau honen aizkorakaden ezpala
Sword of the ax of this heterosexual norm
Hau ez da gizarte naturala. Ez du izan nahi
This is not a natural society. It does not want to be
Kapitalai halaxe komeni zaio, dominazio sistema bereizketan jaio da
Capital likes it that way, a system of domination based on separation
Testikulo gutxigo ta sentimendu gehio
Fewer testicles and more feelings
Gizonezko bezela hautsi nahi det gure kaiola
As a man, I want to break out of our cage
Ze guapo zauden mozorroik gabe, ta artaldek esan dezala Beeee
How handsome you are without disguises, and let the flock say Beeee
Ze guapa zauden horren lotsagabe, estereotipo danak hausten
How beautiful you are so shameless, breaking all the stereotypes
Ze guapo zauden mundu hau aldatzen, zure rola zalantzan jartzen
How handsome you are changing this world, questioning your role
Ze guapa zauden. Ze guapo zauden
How beautiful you are. How handsome you are
Ze guapo zauden mozorroik gabe, ta artaldek esan dezala Beeee
How handsome you are without disguises, and let the flock say Beeee
Ze guapa zauden horren lotsagabe, estereotipo danak hausten
How beautiful you are so shameless, breaking all the stereotypes
Ze guapo zauden mundu hau aldatzen, zure rola zalantzan jartzen
How handsome you are changing this world, questioning your role
Ze guapo zauden. Ze guapa zauden
How handsome you are. How beautiful you are
Ze guapo zauden. Ze guapa zauden
How handsome you are. How beautiful you are
Ze guapo zauden. Ze guapa zauden
How handsome you are. How beautiful you are

Writer(s): Asier Arandia Ariño, Iker Pando Gonzalez, Joaquin Albisua Embil, Juantxo Arakama Biurrun, Pablo Rubio Agesta

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