Glaukoma - Haizea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Glaukoma - Haizea

Hace ya tiempo que las putas rimas no se descontrolan
It's been a while since bitches rhymed out of control
No hacen cola tras farolas, no perforan mis metáforas
They don't queue up under streetlights, they don't pierce my metaphors
Como la moral no colabora, más bien llora
Since morality doesn't cooperate, it rather cries
Se ahoga entre las olas de un silencio sepulcral
It drowns in the waves of a sepulchral silence
Ya no puedo decir más que no hay mejor
I can't say anymore that there's no better
Que el que lo hace con amor
Than the one who does it with love
Sin embargo, es el rencor el que me enseña
However, it's the rancor that teaches me
Noche de dolor y única seña es prender fuego
Night of pain and the only sign is to set fire
Toneladas de leña para quemar mi puto ego
Tons of wood to burn my fucking ego
Luego creo que no es fácil ser pirómano
Then I think it's not easy to be a pyromaniac
En este puto pueblo de bomberos, el enfermo es el que manda, ¿o no?
In this fucking town of firefighters, the sick one is the boss, or not?
Guisándolo en el micrófono con Pando dando los tonos más jartos
Stewing it up on the microphone with Pando giving the gnarliest tones
Sanando las heridas de estos jambos, hartos del largo tango
Healing the wounds of these jambos, fed up with the long tango
Que la vida está bailando de hace un rato y dije
That life has been dancing for a while and I said
Enséñame a fluir en tus fluidos
Teach me to flow in your fluids
Enséñame a surgir del abismo al ritmo de tus latidos
Teach me to rise from the abyss to the rhythm of your heartbeat
Enséñame a vivir desinhibido, a bañar de colorido
Teach me to live uninhibited, to bathe in colorful
Mis sentidos deprimidos, doloridos por el vino
My depressed senses, aching from wine
Y el placer de no saber cuál va a ser la siguiente vez que te vuelva a ver
And the pleasure of not knowing when I'll see you again
Yeah, reggae musikaren haizeak ta keak
Yeah, reggae music's winds and smoke
Uxatzen ditu beldur ta nekeak
They lift up fear and weariness
Txikitzen kateak (oh, yeh-yeh-yeah)
They shatter chains (oh, yeah-yeah-yeah)
Yeah, reggae musikaren haizeak ta keak
Yeah, reggae music's winds and smoke
Uxatzen ditu beldur ta nekeak
They lift up fear and weariness
Beldur ta nekeak
Fear and weariness
¿Puedes creerme? Un torbellino vino a verme
Can you believe me? A whirlwind came to see me
Sus rasgos finos consiguieron convencerme
Her fine features managed to convince me
Lo que antes era gris, ahora es verde
What was gray before is now green
Lo que antes era verde, ahora es gris
What was green before is now gray
Combustión de cannabis inerte
Combustion of inert cannabis
Preferentemente sin verte, sin perpetrar
Preferably without seeing you, without perpetrating
El crimen entre mi mente y mi vientre
The crime between my mind and my stomach
Vuelve a tentarme la serpiente
The serpent tempts me again
Vuelvo a sentarme en el sofá de siempre
I sit back on the same couch as always
Y esto es un "vuelta a empezar", volver a liar
And this is a "start over," roll it up again
Volver a prensar, a pensar si es mejor dejarlo o dejarlo estar
Roll it up again, think about whether it's better to leave it or let it be
En esta vida, en este track vital, de nada sirve gritar
In this life, on this vital track, it's no use screaming
Selektah, pull it up!; Selektah, pull it up!
Selector, pull it up!; Selector, pull it up!
De este pibe tan proclive al declive
Of this kid so prone to decline
Selektah, pull it up!; Selektah, pull it up!
Selector, pull it up!; Selector, pull it up!
De este pibe tan proclive al declive que se desvive
Of this kid so prone to decline who yearns
Por el libre placer de no hacer lo que se le pide
For the free pleasure of not doing what he's asked to do
Yeah, reggae musikaren haizeak ta keak
Yeah, reggae music's winds and smoke
Uxatzen ditu beldur ta nekeak
They lift up fear and weariness
Txikitzen kateak (oh, yeh-yeh-yeah)
They shatter chains (oh, yeah-yeah-yeah)
Yeah, reggae musikaren haizeak ta keak
Yeah, reggae music's winds and smoke
Uxatzen ditu beldur ta nekeak
They lift up fear and weariness
Beldur ta nekeak
Fear and weariness
Yeah, reggae musikaren haizeak ta keak
Yeah, reggae music's winds and smoke
Uxatzen ditu beldur ta nekeak
They lift up fear and weariness
Txikitzen kateak, irikitzen ateak (oh, yeh-yeh-yeah)
They shatter chains, they open doors (oh, yeah-yeah-yeah)
Yeah, reggae musikaren haizeak ta keak
Yeah, reggae music's winds and smoke
Uxatzen ditu beldur ta nekeak
They lift up fear and weariness
Txikitzen kateak, irikitzen ateak (oh, yeh-yeh-yeah)
They shatter chains, they open doors (oh, yeah-yeah-yeah)

Writer(s): Asier Arandia Ariño, Iker Pando Gonzalez, Joaquin Albisua Embil, Juantxo Arakama Biurrun, Pablo Rubio Agesta

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