Glaukoma - One, Two - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Glaukoma - One, Two

One, Two
One, Two
One, two. One, two. Microphone check. Ero honek eskutan bazeukek sutan jartzek.
One, two. One, two. Microphone check. Will you listen to the sound test honey?
Bat, bi. Bat, bi. Probatzen mikroa. Oain esantzak ez dekela hire estiloa.
But, son. But, son. Testing the microphone. Your style isn't my thing.
Bat, bi. Bat, bi. Ez zekiau bestek, baino gu hontan lepoaino sartuta gatxerek.
Son, son. I don't know about the others, but we are neck deep in here.
One, two. One, two. Hau holaxe dijoa: G-L-A-U-K-O-M-A is gonna break your neck.
One, two. One, two. This is how it goes: G-L-A-U-K-O-M-A is gonna break your neck.
One, two. One, two. My name is Juantxo. Ametsetan poliki ta kaletik mantso.
One, two. One, two. My name is Juantxo. My dreams are slow and my streets are calm.
Reggae dauketenen belarritan sentitzen naiz jauntxo. With the one, two. One, two,
I feel like a young lord with reggae in my ears. With the one, two. One, two,
Ez gaude txintxo-txintxo. Kontxo, kontxo! Glaukomatarrak kantxan.
We're not playing around. Look out, man! Glaukoma is in the ring.
Eskubikin bihurritu ta ezkerrakin gantxo. Bote bat, bote bi. Hi zabalea plantxan.
Dribbling with the right and hooking with the left. One blow, two blows. You crushed wide open on the field.
Nekatu gabe 22, eztek mezi rebantxaik. Déjate de clenchas, hau ez da txantxa.
22 years of no fatigue, no desire for revenge. Stop clenching your fists, this is no joke.
Hau ez da La Concha, hau ez da Pachá. Txapa hotsa latza zeukek hire amets traketsak.
This isn't La Concha, this isn't Pachá. You've got a loud mouth and your dreams are weak.
Izan nahi dek aberatsa? Txeta bat hitzat, peta bat intzak, ta utzi musak paken.
Do you want to be rich? Talk a big game, smoke a joint, and leave us alone.
Asmatukoiu ta entzuten ai danai behar duna ematen.
We're here to make something up and give the people what they need.
Itoko haiz bapaten basamortu hontan duna baten, así que:
You will fall like a fly in this desert, so:
Utzi dakienai orkesta honen batuta eamaten. Galdetzeiate nola ikusteten eszena.
Let the ones who know lead this orchestra. Ask them how they see the scene.
Entrebista hartan ta ke tarten askatu nun melena: egia esanda, sentitzeiat lotsa ta pena.
In that interview, you let loose your hair and smoked a cigarette: to tell you the truth, you made me feel ashamed.
Segi parrandan, tributo ta berbenak! Noa dijoa ba, noa dijoan ez dakin trena?
Keep partying, doing covers and one-night stands! Where is that train going, that doesn't know where it's going?
Hip hop astakirtena, fijo damakitena. Nik opa diet onena bidea iten ai dianai.
Hip hop is amazing, I'm sure you know that. I'll give you the best advice, if that's something you want.
Zenbat lagun in dizkiau? Zenbat anai? Ta arrebak ebai, ahizpak ebai.
How many friends do you have? How many brothers? What about sisters, are there any sisters?
¡Si es pa que bailen! Herri hau dantzan jarri behar diau lehenbailehen.
This is so they can dance! We will make these people dance sooner rather than later.
Herri hau dantzan jarri behar diau, porke bestela ikusiko diau herri hau in silence.
We will make these people dance, because otherwise we will see these people in silence.
Oh my god! Beste partidu bat nahi dek? Oaindik ez al haiz konturatu? Nekin jai dek.
Oh my god! Do you want another game? Haven't you realized yet? I'm done with you.
My rap is HI-TECH, beti aitzakin bat baditek. Teleberrin agertze ez dana esan beharkou norbaitek.
My rap is HI-TECH, you always have an excuse. Someone should tell you that you don't need to be on TV.
O ze? Hainbeste drama, hainbeste posse. Entxufatu Bose-k ta jarri ozen
Oh really? So much drama, so much posse. Plug in your Bose and turn it up
Panorama kopla ta kolorez josten gatozen koblakari hauen kontakizuna.
The story of these poets who sew the scene with verses and colors.
Hemen dauket nik zor nizun ituna. Etorkizun iluna gure zaharren rock'n rollak.
Here I have the agreement that I owed you. The dark future of our elders' rock'n roll.
Momia bilduma, errautsak eta formola. Laister babesle ofiziala Iberdrola.
Mummy collection, ashes and formulas. Soon, official sponsor of Iberdrola.
Quieren seguir en el dollar. Durangoko Azoka euskal photo-call-a.
They want to stay in the dollar. Durango Fair, Basque photo-call.
Hau da oaintxe bertan herri honen zoru estetikoa. Euskaldundutako entertainment patetikoa.
This is the ground-level aesthetic of this country right now. Pathetic entertainment dubbed in Basque.
Euskal Telebistak emateu Telecinco. Es lo que hay si siempre votas a los mismos.
Basque Television broadcasting Telecinco. That's the way it is if you always vote for the same people.
Ultra guayismo super kutxakultureta. Euskal Kapitalismo jantzita bere kareta.
Ultra cool, super trendy culture. Basque capitalism wearing its mask.
Denak txintxo-txintxo al son de su trompeta.
Everyone is playing along to the sound of his trumpet.
Juantxo, trankis ostia. Gaur hardcore hator ba! Bai! Ez det izan nahi artistilla jator bat.
Juantxo, chill out for a bit. Today hardcore is in! Yeah! I don't want to be a nice artist.
Euskerak behar du reggae, euskerak behar du hip hop. Hortaz,
Basque needs reggae, Basque needs hip hop. Therefore,
One, two. One, two. Abestu tinko!
One, two. One, two. Sing it loud!

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