Glaukoma - Zelatan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Glaukoma - Zelatan

¿Qué es lo que te duele? Dime, ¿qué te duele?
What is it that hurts you? Tell me, what is it that hurts you?
¿Cuál es la cadena que impide que la cordura vuele?
What is the chain that prevents reason from flying?
Ves la sangre pero no puedes ver la herida,
You see the blood but you cannot see the wound,
Las caretas no protegen de los miedos de la vida.
The masks do not protect from the fears of life.
Hay salida: vivir tras morir en el desierto,
There is a way out: to live after dying in the desert,
Nadar en el pantano de los muertos.
To swim in the swamp of the dead.
Tomar la dirección prohibida hacia el camino menos corto,
To take the forbidden direction towards the shortest path,
Sentir tu nacimiento con el duelo de un aborto.
To feel your birth with the grief of an abortion.
Gritar a las paredes, chillar a las esquinas,
To shout at the walls, to scream at the corners,
Llamar a los fantasmas y escarbar entre las ruinas.
To call upon the ghosts and dig among the ruins.
Ser testigo del poder de la locura en tu destino
To witness the power of madness in your destiny
Y entender por qué de tu alma eres mismo el asesino.
And to understand why you are the murderer of your own soul.
Cavar tu propia tumba y enterrar a las mentiras,
To dig your own grave and bury the lies,
Florecer en el jardín de las respuestas, crueles y honestas.
To flourish in the garden of answers, cruel and honest.
¿Quieres cruzar la puerta? Es el abismo donde duele, donde inspira.
Do you want to cross the door? It is the abyss where it hurts, where it inspires.
Beste gau bat pasa det esna zelatan,
This is another night I spend awake,
Haizerik ez dabilela batel honen belatan.
No wind blows on the sails of this boat.
Noiz sartzen dira musak poeten gelatan?
When do the muses enter the poets' chambers?
Askotan pensatzet hobe gendekela tabernatan.
I often think that they would be better off in taverns.
Baino bazerek kantak ero honen liskarretan,
But knowing the songs in this madman's struggles,
Hatz markak dauden bezela kartzelako kristaletan.
Like the fingerprints on the crystals of a prison.
Nere bilaketan mila akats, mila zauri,
A thousand mistakes, a thousand wounds in my search,
Ta ez da urik gelditzen putzu ilun eta sakonetan.
And no water remains in the dark and deep wells.
Metaforetan, hainbat korapilo gordeketan,
In metaphors, many tangled secrets,
Estilo pilo bat estribilo gabeko akordeetan.
A pile of styles without a chorus in chords.
Itzal beltzak erne dauden gau hauetan,
The black shadows are awake on these nights,
Lau hanketan nabil etsipenen paraje lauetan.
I walk on all fours in the desolate flatlands of despair.
Abuztuko ilargiarekin ernai,
Float with the August moon,
Egunsenti berri bat eguzk argien zai.
A new dawn in the harsh light of the sun.
Hautsontzia beteta, bizi bat bete zor patriketan.
The urn is full, a life full of debts to pay.
Oheratu besterik ez det nahi.
I just want to go to bed.
Zein naiz?
Who am I?
Erantzunik gabeko bideetan nabil maiz.
I often walk on paths with no answers.
Egun argiz deabru ta gauetan apaiz.
A devil in daylight and a priest at night.
Zure begietara iritsi nintzen garaiz,
I came to your eyes in time,
Ta ez zidaten erortzen utzi.
And they didn't let me fall.

Writer(s): Asier Arandia Ariño, Iker Pando Gonzalez, Joaquin Albisua Embil, Juantxo Arakama Biurrun, Pablo Rubio Agesta

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