Gleb - alibababigbass - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - alibababigbass

Ľudia rovnako dobrí ako zlí
People are as good as they are bad
Cítim sa jak Snoop D-O-G-G
I feel like Snoop D-O-G-G
Laid back, tu je Gleb, jazda - bandwag'
Laid back, here is Gleb, ride - bandwag'
Gauč a CBD, bla, bla, nevieme (Uh)
Couch and CBD, blah, blah, we don't know (Uh)
Ľudia rovnako dobrí ako zlí
People are as good as they are bad
Cítim sa jak Snoop D-O-G-G
I feel like Snoop D-O-G-G
Laid back, tu je Gleb, jazda - bandwag'
Laid back, here is Gleb, ride - bandwag'
Gauč a CBD, bla, bla, nevieme
Couch and CBD, blah, blah, we don't know
A vždycky som bol underdog
And I've always been an underdog
Tento rok nový začiatok - real talk
This year, a new beginning - real talk
Som nenávidený vôdca Kim Čong
I'm the hated leader Kim Jong
Cez celý blok hraje nový joint
The new joint is playing throughout the block
O pol hodinu budem doma babygirl
I'll be home in half an hour, babygirl
Mám za sebou dlhú noc, som unavený ako blb
I've had a long night, I'm as tired as a fool
Kým vstávate do roboty ja idem od Sameya zo štúdia
While you're getting up for work, I'm leaving Sameya's studio
Prázne ulice a symfónia
Empty streets and a symphony
Po ceste domov v aute bangujeme demo
On the way home in the car, we're banging the demo
Skôr či neskôr sa o neho podelíme s tebou
Sooner or later we'll share it with you
Mesto mi šepká, že je na mňa hrdé
The city whispers to me that it's proud of me
Napriek tomu budem navždy kráľ outsiderov
Despite that, I'll always be the king of outsiders
(Aaaa) money-moneymake, A-Abu Dhabi swag out
(Aaaa) money-moneymake, A-Abu Dhabi swag out
Na ulici pripomínam arabského šejka
On the street I resemble an Arab sheikh
Lietajúci koberec, dávam pull up na Shellkách
Flying carpet, I pull up on Shellkas
S nami Alibaba smokin' oriental
With us, Alibaba smokin' oriental
(Aaaa) money-moneymake, A-Abu Dhabi swag out
(Aaaa) money-moneymake, A-Abu Dhabi swag out
Na ulici pripomínam arabského šejka
On the street, I resemble an Arab sheikh
Lietajúci koberec, dávam pull up na Shellkách
Flying carpet, I pull up on Shellkas
S nami Alibaba smokin' oriental
With us, Alibaba smokin' oriental
Ľudia sa menia na dva typy, ten prvý robí kroky
People change into two types, the first one makes steps
Ten druhý sedí, počíta kroky toho prvého
The second one sits, counting the steps of the first one
Jedného dňa bude tak ďaleko
One day he will be so far
Že druhý príde na smiech aj s tvojím blbým kolegom
That the second one will come laughing even with your stupid colleague
Ľudia rovnako dobrí ako zlí
People are as good as they are bad
Cítim sa jak Snoop D-O-G-G
I feel like Snoop D-O-G-G
Laid back, tu je Gleb, jazda - bandwag'
Laid back, here is Gleb, ride - bandwag'
Gauč a CBD, bla, bla, nevieme (Uh)
Couch and CBD, blah, blah, we don't know (Uh)
Ľudia rovnako dobrí ako zlí
People are as good as they are bad
Cítim sa jak Snoop D-O-G-G
I feel like Snoop D-O-G-G
Laid back, tu je Gleb, jazda - bandwag'
Laid back, here is Gleb, ride - bandwag'
Gauč a CBD, bla, bla, nevieme (Uh)
Couch and CBD, blah, blah, we don't know (Uh)
A vždycky som bol underdog
And I've always been an underdog
Tento rok, nový začiatok - real talk
This year, a new beginning - real talk
Som nenávidený vôdca Kim Čong
I'm the hated leader Kim Jong
Cez celý blok hraje nový joint
The new joint is playing throughout the block
Check, s debilmi sme pili vonka
Check, we drank outside with the weirdos
Dneska mám zlatú kartu - Willy Wonka
Today I have a gold card - Willy Wonka
Zakladáme firmu a veci sa hýbu
We're starting a company and things are moving
Byť prosti môjmu týmu by bola fakt veľmi hlúpa voľba
Being rude to my team would be a really stupid choice
Stále zhadzujú rap ako žáner, god damn
They still trash rap as a genre, god damn
No MC žije v každej druhej bráne, god damn
But an MC lives in every second gate, god damn
To najväčšie sa len iba stane, god damn
The biggest thing is just going to happen, god damn
Kultúra nikdy nestratí nádej, god damn
Culture never loses hope, god damn
Rap je slovenská pošta ne každému dojde balík
Rap is the Slovak post, not everyone receives a package
Nikdy nikomu neprezvádzajte svoje plány
Never tell anyone your plans
Buď ich ukradnú alebo ti povedia, že si sa zbláznil
They will either steal them or tell you that you have lost your mind
Dole okno, keep smilin'
Window down, keep smilin'
Vadí ti môj rap, buď rád, že ste ma nepočul spievať
You don't like my rap, be glad you haven't heard me sing
Prečo sa rozpadol label? - hlavná téma
Why did the label break up? - the main topic
Kým sa mi o tom nepodarí napísať bary
Until I manage to write bars about it
Tak ti do tej doby radím to radšej nechať
So until then I advise you to let it go
Vravia, že vláda nerobí nič pre kultúru
They say that the government does nothing for the culture
Nás nikto nezastaví robiť antihudbu
No one will stop us from making anti-music
Komander a Gleb - oni tu vždycky budú
Commander and Gleb - they will always be here
Gauč a bass 2, nový sound do hoodu
Couch and bass 2, a new sound for the hood
Vravia, že vláda nerobí nič pre kultúru
They say that the government does nothing for the culture
Nás nikto nezastaví robiť antihudbu
No one will stop us from making anti-music
Komander a Gleb - oni tu vždycky budú
Commander and Gleb - they will always be here
Gauč a bass 2, nový sound do hoodu
Couch and bass 2, a new sound for the hood

Writer(s): Peter Bitter, Gleb Veselov

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