Gleb - BIG BOY FM - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - BIG BOY FM

Oh shit, toto je Big Boy FM
Oh shit, this is Big Boy FM
Stanica, ktorá ti pokazí deň
The station that will ruin your day
Moja frekvencia rap (ja hrr), moja frekvencia?
My rap frequency (yeah, I'm on fire), my frequency?
svoj deň
It's having its day
Oh shit, toto je Big Boy FM
Oh shit, this is Big Boy FM
Stanica, ktorá ti pokazí deň
The station that will ruin your day
Moja frekvencia rap, moja frekvencia?
My rap frequency, my frequency?
svoj deň
It's having its day
Sláva, fuck that shit I am not about that
Fame, fuck that shit I am not about that
Nerobí mi problém sa vrátiť pár rokov naspäť
It's no problem for me to go back a few years
Stačilo mi, keď sa rýmy páčili mojej parte
It was enough for me when my rhymes pleased my crew
Nepoznal som výrazy jak grinder a soundcheck
I didn't know terms like grinder and soundcheck
Vôbec som nepoužíval slovo honorár
I never used the word honorarium
Pár zmrdov bolo so mnou no kroky som robil sám
A few jerks were with me, but I took the steps alone
Bol som, malý a nasratý revolucionár
I was a small and pissed off revolutionary
Dneska si podávam ruku s ľuďmi, ktorí išli proti nám
Today I shake hands with people who went against us
WTF, starí fans nespoznávajú Gleba
WTF, old fans don't recognize Gleb
No ak som niekoho sklamal no tak predovšetkým seba
But if I disappointed anyone, then I disappointed myself above all
Stál sa zo mňa ďalší rapový Pokémon
I became another rap Pokémon
Robím presne to isté čo on, on, on a on
I do exactly the same thing as he, he, he, and he
Musel som si sadnúť na chvíľu sa zamyslieť
I had to sit down for a while and think
Zamyslieť sa nad tým, čo robím zle a čo to so mnou je
Think about what I'm doing wrong and what's wrong with me
Dneska som oficiálne späť, nosatý zmrd v šiltovke
Today I'm officially back, a nosed jerk in a cap
Vidíš ma na stage-y zjapať mikrofón check
You see me on stage grab the microphone check
Ďalšia audiokniha do beatov
Another audiobook into beats
Žiadny thug life nemusíš ma volať Don Glebito
No thug life, you don't have to call me Don Glebito
Všetci máme homies z minulosti, kriminálny kruh
We all have homies from the past, a criminal circle
Ale mám mozog, preto som ich musel všetkých odstrihnúť
But I have a brain, that's why I had to cut them all off
nemôžem riskovať svoj dobrý život
I can't risk my good life anymore
Len kvôli tomu, že ty si nevážiš svoj zlý život
Just because you don't value your bad life
A každá tvoja chyba nemusí byť moja chyba je na čase vyrásť Peter Pan
And every mistake of yours doesn't have to be my mistake, it's time to grow up, Peter Pan
So mnou zmrdi, ktorí majú cieľ
With me, jerks who have a goal
Oh shit, toto je Big Boy FM
Oh shit, this is Big Boy FM
Stanica, ktorá ti pokazí deň
The station that will ruin your day
Moja frekvencia rap (ja hrr), moja frekvencia? svoj deň
My rap frequency (yeah, I'm on fire), my frequency? it's having its day
Oh shit, toto je Big Boy FM
Oh shit, this is Big Boy FM
Stanica, ktorá ti pokazí deň
The station that will ruin your day
Moja frekvencia rap, moja frekvencia? svoj deň
My rap frequency, my frequency? it's having its day
Hej Gleb naživo si celkom pohode typ
Hey, Gleb live, you're a pretty cool guy
Myslel som si o tebe, že budeš namyslený dick
I thought you were going to be a conceited dick
Čo je to za blbú vetu
What's that stupid sentence
Každý kto sa venuje rapu musí byť automaticky dick
Everyone who does rap has to be a dick automatically
Okej som total dick, ale o nič väčší ani menší ako ty
Okay, I'm a total dick, but no bigger or smaller than you
Rozdiel medzi nami je len ten, že ja znásilňujem beat
The only difference between us is that I rape the beat
A moja hudba je tvoje ranné presso
And my music is your morning espresso
Tvoj obedný RedBull, tvoj večerný drink
Your lunchtime Red Bull, your evening drink
Tvoj nočný trip, tvoj after-party spliff
Your nighttime trip, your after-party spliff
Tvoja nedeľná prechádzka lesom za mesto ďaleko od všetkých
Your Sunday walk in the forest outside the city far from everyone
Divoké dni, sme tu s tebou počas tých dobrých aj zlých
Wild days, we're here with you during the good and the bad
Sme tu s tebou počas tých dobrých aj zlých my G
We're here with you during the good and the bad, we G
Budú sa meniť štýly žánre a tváre, no BBG je inovátor ostane tu stále
Styles, genres, and faces will change, but BBG is an innovator, it will stay here forever
Bol som tu pred vami a budem tu aj po vás
I was here before you and I will be here after you
Som stará, stredná aj nová škola
I am old, middle and new school
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb
Big Boy Gleb (díky moc)
Big Boy Gleb (thanks a lot)
Rádio Big Boy FM
Big Boy FM Radio
Okej toto je koniec vysielania
Okay, this is the end of the broadcast
Ale nič nekončí všetko začína motherfuckers
But nothing ends, everything begins, motherfuckers
Big Boy FM much love much love
Big Boy FM much love much love
(Fuck you all, this is the last song of the evening)
(Fuck you all, this is the last song of the evening)

Writer(s): Komander Ground

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