Gleb - FREKVENCIA - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - FREKVENCIA

Vonku je hnusné slnečné počasie a vy práve počúvate Big Boy FM
It's nasty sunny weather outside and you're listening to Big Boy FM
Môj rap je taký smradlavý, že po ňom pomenovali Púchov
My rap is so stinky, they named Púchov after it
Tvoja show všetkým pripomína mesto duchov
Your show reminds everyone of a ghost town
Ak je môj čas zlato, tak rozprava na mic musí byť platina
If my time is gold, then talking on the mic must be platinum
Počúvaj ma dobre, malé ucho
Listen to me well, little ear
V rape som vaša posledná nádej
I'm your last hope in rap
Párkrát som vás sklamal, ale stále, stále som to ja, BBG starý dobrý
I've let you down a few times, but still, I'm still me, BBG old good
Volajte ma Mr., nechcel som, jou, byť, zdrhám, sorry
Call me Mr., I didn't want to, yo, be, I'm running away, sorry
Z turné som sa vrátil unavený, vyhoretý
I came back from the tour tired, burned out
Ale nikdo po mne nechce počuť moje smutné tracky
But nobody wants to hear my sad tracks
Takže vypnem rockové balady od Metallicy, Nirvany
So I'll turn off rock ballads from Metallica, Nirvana
Dnes to bude funny, plujeme život na gleby
Today it will be funny, we sail life on gleby
A moje mesto, to je comedy film
And my city is a comedy film
Včera sa vtierali nám, dneska sa vtierajú tebe, zajtra sa budú vtierať im
Yesterday they rubbed on us, today they rub on you, tomorrow they will rub on them
Keď nabudúce prídeš opäť za mnou, aj sa spýtam: "What the fuck, what you mean?"
When you come to me again next time, I'll even ask: "What the fuck, what you mean?"
Vchádzam do klubu, nevidím tváre, nepočujem hlas
I walk into the club, I don't see faces, I don't hear a voice
Som iba taký že: "Huh, čo, ešte raz?"
I'm just like: "Huh, what, one more time?"
Hovor hlasnejšie, alebo vieš čo, nehovor vôbec
Speak louder, or you know what, don't talk at all
Mám pred očami mic a big ass aplaus
I have a mic and big ass applause in front of my eyes
Všetko pre ňu, nové CD vonku
Everything for her, new CD out
Nenadávajte mne, nadávajte kompu
Don't scold me, scold the computer
Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?
Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?
Keď zaparkujú auto a spravia na teba bu
When they park the car and make a boo at you
Všetko pre ňu, nové CD vonku
Everything for her, new CD out
Nenadávajte mne, nadávajte kompu
Don't scold me, scold the computer
Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?
Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?
Keď zaparkujú auto a spravia na teba bu
When they park the car and make a boo at you
Chcel som mať kérky a grillz jak Paul Wall
I wanted to have tattoos and grillz like Paul Wall
Ale ostávam sám sebou, moje meno Gleb Veselov
But I stay myself, my name is Gleb Veselov
Bez šiltovky vyzerám jak motherfucking nerd
Without a cap, I look like a motherfucking nerd
Ale I don't give a F, lil' bro, yo, rap
But I don't give a F, lil' bro, yo, rap
A môj rap je môj bodyguard, ak ťa nemám rád
And my rap is my bodyguard, if I don't like you
Tak ti v sekunde silnú bombu na bradu
So he will give you a strong bomb on the chin in a second
Všetko preháňaš a nafukuješ
You exaggerate and inflate everything
Ak si král, tak si král nafukovacieho hradu
If you are a king, then you are the king of an inflatable castle
Vďaka sociálnym sieťam som začal nenávidieť všetkých zmrdov
Thanks to social media, I started hating all the assholes
Ktorých som mal predtým možno naživo rád
Whom I may have liked before in person
V mojom meste je tak veľa potkanov, že aj z dobrého chlapca jak ja, sa musel stať nakoniec had
There are so many rats in my city that even a good boy like me had to become a snake in the end
A tvoja svorka sa hrá na real G's, pritom ste horší jak my, a to je čo povedať
And your pack pretends to be real G's, while you're worse than us, and that's saying something
Nerobí mi vôbec problém priznať, že som dick
I have no problem admitting that I'm a dick
Inak by som nevedel žiť, a to je alfa omega
Otherwise I wouldn't be able to live, and this is alpha omega
A viem urobiť TikTokovú hymnu za päť minút
And I know how to make a TikTok anthem in five minutes
No neni to môj cieľ, s Komanderom nesiem špinu
But that's not my goal, I carry dirt with Komander
Neviem čo sa deje, asi si ma s niekým mýlia
I don't know what's going on, you must be mistaking me for someone
Hey, douchebag, toto je rap, toto krídla
Hey, douchebag, this is rap, these are wings
Všetko pre ňu, nové CD vonku
Everything for her, new CD out
Nenadávajte mne, nadávajte kompu
Don't scold me, scold the computer
Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?
Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?
Keď zaparkujú auto a spravia na teba bu
When they park the car and make a boo at you
Všetko pre ňu, nové CD vonku
Everything for her, new CD out
Nenadávajte mne, nadávajte kompu
Don't scold me, scold the computer
Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?
Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?
Keď zaparkujú auto a spravia na teba bu
When they park the car and make a boo at you
To frekvencie rádia Big Boy FM
These are the frequencies of Big Boy FM radio
Chcem ľadovú fľašku, limetku a slamku
I want an ice-cold bottle, lime and a straw
Ako keby som bol ready byť týždeň v punku
As if I was ready to be in punk for a week
Prejdem čiernu mačku, mám na tvári masku
I'll pass a black cat, I have a mask on my face
Ako keby som bol ready hneď vylúpiť banku
As if I was ready to rob a bank right away
Chcem ľadovú fľašku, limetku a slamku
I want an ice-cold bottle, lime and a straw
Ako keby som bol ready byť týždeň v punku
As if I was ready to be in punk for a week
Prejdem čiernu mačku, mám na tvári masku
I'll pass a black cat, I have a mask on my face
Ako keby som bol ready hneď vylúpiť banku
As if I was ready to rob a bank right away

Writer(s): Komander Ground

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