Gleb - Keby (Parkovisko Boys) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - Keby (Parkovisko Boys)

Keby (Parkovisko Boys)
If only (Parking Lot Boys)
What's up?
What's up?
Vieš čo, celý víkend som bol v herni, aj by som došiel, keby mi tak hrozne nešla karta
You know, I spent the whole weekend at the arcade, I would have come over, but my luck was just awful
Hehe, tak ty si dobrý chudec (Keby som vedel)
Hehe, you're a funny dude (If only I knew)
Trunk music shit, okay, yeah, yeah
Trunk music shit, okay, yeah, yeah
Napriek každému hovnu, ktoré sa im stane
Despite every shit that happens to them
Parkovisko boys budú sedieť v káre a pumpovať bass
Parking lot boys will be sitting in the car and pumping bass
Tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo
So what, so what, so what, so what, so what, so what
Napriek každému hovnu, ktoré sa im stane
Despite every shit that happens to them
Parkovisko boys budú sedieť v káre a pumpovať bass
Parking lot boys will be sitting in the car and pumping bass
Tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo
So what, so what, so what, so what, so what, so what
Keby som ten večer vedel, že budú náckovia vonku
If I knew that night that the Nazis would be out
Tak nemám na sebe skejtový cap a mikinu punk is not dead
I wouldn't be wearing a skate cap and a punk is not dead hoodie
Keby som vedel, že príde mothafuckin' virus, tak by som určite nekúpil exotickú dovolenku za päť
If I knew that a mothafuckin' virus was coming, I definitely wouldn't have bought an exotic vacation for five grand
Keby som vyrástal na slušnejšom sídlisku, nemal by som vtedy v deckej tak veľa rapových discov, fakt
If I grew up in a better neighborhood, I wouldn't have had so many rap CDs as a kid, really
Keby som nechodil so stokármi, romákmi von, nekradol by som v obchode, v štrnácti nemal v hube joint
If I didn't hang out with the bums and gypsies, I wouldn't steal from stores and have a joint in my mouth at fourteen
Keby si mi vtedy povedal, že príde 2000 hlav na môj solo koncert, tak sa zasmejem no dobre, fakt
If you told me back then that 2000 people would come to my solo concert, I'd laugh, really
Keby viem, že skončím na plagáte v puberťáckom časáku, tak dnes nerobím hudbu, mám to na háku, fakt
If I knew that I would end up on a poster in a teenage magazine, I wouldn't be making music today, I wouldn't care, really
Keby si ma neriešil ak zmyslov zbavený debil, tak by ma tak netešili všetky prémie a ceny, fakt
If you didn't treat me like a senseless idiot, I wouldn't be so happy about all the bonuses and awards, really
Keby som vedel ako otrasne to dopadne, nezúčastnim sa ani jednej jeblej reklamnej kampane, fakt
If I knew how bad it would turn out, I wouldn't participate in a single fucking advertising campaign, really
Keby som vedel, že môj opitý homie pašuje v taške ľahké drogy
If I knew that my drunk homie was carrying light drugs in his bag
Tak neskončím sedem hodín s nasratými Arabmi a našimi babami
I wouldn't end up spending seven hours with pissed off Arabs and our girls
V studenej policajnej čakárni na švédských hraniciach, fakt
In a cold police waiting room at the Swedish border, really
Keby si nebol naivný, tak by si vedel, že dievčatám nestačí iba princ na bielom koni
If you weren't so naive, you'd know that girls need more than just a prince on a white horse
Dobre by si vedel, že namiesto princa potrebujú whip, no a na ňom dvesto koní, fakt
You'd know that instead of a prince, they need a whip, and two hundred horses on it, really
Keby ťa netrápila moja nová hudba, tak práve teraz nepočúvaš, aký sme prinesli sound, fakt
If you weren't bothered by my new music, you wouldn't be listening to the sound we brought right now, really
Keby som dopredu vedel, že budeš lenivý dement, do teba nevkladáme peniaze a čas, fakt
If I knew in advance that you would be a lazy moron, we wouldn't invest money and time in you, really
Keby som nebol misantrop a samotár, tak fellas nemám iba pár, možno by ich bolo viac, fakt
If I wasn't a misanthrope and a loner, then fellas, I wouldn't have just a few, maybe there would be more, really
A keby neexistovali všetky tie keby, tak to asi neni také zaujímavé
And if all these ifs didn't exist, it probably wouldn't be so interesting
Napriek každému hovnu, ktoré sa im stane
Despite every shit that happens to them
Parkovisko boys budú sedieť v káre a pumpovať bass
Parking lot boys will be sitting in the car and pumping bass
Tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo
So what, so what, so what, so what, so what, so what
Napriek každému hovnu, ktoré sa im stane
Despite every shit that happens to them
Parkovisko boys budú sedieť v káre a pumpovať bass
Parking lot boys will be sitting in the car and pumping bass
Tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo, tak čo (Keby som vedel)
So what, so what, so what, so what, so what, so what (If only I knew)
Keby som nebol interpret, tak ma nezastavujú policajti každý deň
If I wasn't a performer, the cops wouldn't stop me every day
Doklady, otázky čo robím, kam idem
Documents, questions about what I'm doing, where I'm going
Snažím sa vysvetliť, že nemám smer
I'm trying to explain that I have no direction
Jazdím z bodu A do neurčitého bodu B
I drive from point A to an indefinite point B
Celú noc rozmýšľam, počúvam beat, píšem text
All night long, I think, listen to the beat, write lyrics
som mal skoro punch a ty ma vyrušuješ
I almost had a punch and you're interrupting me
som mal skoro bar a váš kolega o pár blokov ďalej robil pred hodinou to isté tiež
I almost had a bar and your colleague a few blocks away did the same thing an hour ago
Vraví mi: "Ok, rozumiem, nejste náhodou ten?"
He says to me: "Ok, I get it, aren't you by any chance the one?"
"Ktorý spieval rýchly život, rýchle BPM?" Áno, ten
"Who sang fast life, fast BPM?" Yes, that one
"Tak dajte podpis a CD mojej dcére, ktorá vás žere a na prekročenú rýchlosť zabudneme.", man (aight)
"So give me an autograph and a CD for my daughter who's crazy about you and we'll forget about the speeding", man (aight)
Oni vravia, že som sa zmenil
They say I've changed
Ne, to neni pravda, to len ty chceš tomu veriť
No, that's not true, you just want to believe it
A ževraj moje tracky nejsú také isté, okay
And supposedly my tracks aren't the same, okay
To bude tým, že je v nich príbeh a zmysel
That's because they have a story and a meaning
Niekto sedí ticho, len aby ho bolo počuť
Someone sits quietly, just to be heard
Ja nahrávam CD, to je ventilácia mozgu
I'm recording a CD, that's brain ventilation
A keby som v rádiu nepočul tvoj track
And if I didn't hear your track on the radio
Tak sa teraz nehanbím za to, že som človek
I wouldn't be ashamed now that I'm human
Showbiznis je ta najtrapnejšia vec a ty vieš, že Gleb je dnes jeho súčasťou
Show business is the most awkward thing and you know Gleb is a part of it today
Nejsom si istý, že tam patrí moja hudba, ale keby som tu nebol, tak by to bola nuda
I'm not sure my music belongs there, but if I wasn't here, it would be boring
(Keby som vedel)
(If only I knew)
A keby neexistovali všetky tie keby, tak to asi neni také zaujímavé
And if all these ifs didn't exist, it probably wouldn't be so interesting
Sedíme v kufri, sedíme v kufri
We're sitting in the trunk, we're sitting in the trunk
Nosíme v kufri swag, nosíme v kufri swag
We carry swag in the trunk, we carry swag in the trunk
Sedíme v kufri, sedíme v kufri
We're sitting in the trunk, we're sitting in the trunk
Nosíme v kufri swag, nosíme v kufri swag
We carry swag in the trunk, we carry swag in the trunk
V kufri skate, nosíme v kufri swag, sedíme v kufri
Skate in the trunk, we carry swag in the trunk, we're sitting in the trunk

Writer(s): Peter Bitter, Gleb Veselov

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