Gleb - NA SKALÁCH FREESTYLE - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - NA SKALÁCH FREESTYLE

Krásne je v Tatrách
It's beautiful in the Tatras
Tam hore vysoko na skalách
Up there high on the rocks
Na kosodrevinách a stráňach
On the dwarf pines and slopes
V hlbokých dolinách
In deep valleys
Krásne je v Tatrách
It's beautiful in the Tatras
Tam hore vysoko na skalách
Up there high on the rocks
Na kosodrevinách a stráňach
On the dwarf pines and slopes
V hlbokých dolinách
In deep valleys
Krásne je v Tatrách
It's beautiful in the Tatras
Tam hore nad voňavým lesom
Up there above the fragrant forest
Vysoko nad Skalnatým Glebom (plesom)
High above Skalnaté Pleso (lake)
V hlbokých (jej) roklinách (ej eeej)
In deep (her) gorges (oh yeah)
Yeah, pop your head, pop your head
Yeah, pop your head, pop your head
Hej G toto neni letný track
Hey G, this ain't no summer track
To je pre rukavice a kukly, zimné bundy
This is for gloves and balaclavas, winter jackets
Studené ulice a bubny (fuuu)
Cold streets and drums (fuuu)
Vypni Eurodance, dementov z ulice vozí veľký Benz
Turn off Eurodance, idiots from the street ride in a big Benz
Ale je mi jedno v akom aute človek sedí
But I don't care what car a person drives
To neovplyvní to, či mi človek sedí
It doesn't affect whether I like them or not
Yeah, pop your head, pop your head
Yeah, pop your head, pop your head
Hej G toto neni letný track
Hey G, this ain't no summer track
To je pre rukavice a kukly, zimné bundy
This is for gloves and balaclavas, winter jackets
Studené ulice a bubny (fuuu)
Cold streets and drums (fuuu)
Vypni Eurodance, dementov z ulice vozí veľký Benz
Turn off Eurodance, idiots from the street ride in a big Benz
Ale je mi jedno v akom aute človek sedí
But I don't care what car a person drives
To neovplyvní to, či mi človek sedí
It doesn't affect whether I like them or not
Každý môj homie sa chová jak decko
Every homie of mine acts like a kid
Premeníme štúdio na Holandské veľvyslanectvo
We turn the studio into the Dutch embassy
Keď píšem bary, som retardovaný
When I'm writing bars, I'm retarded
Potrebujem auto-corrector (ehh)
I need auto-correct (ehh)
Nosatý zmrd v šiltovke
Snotty bastard in a shirt
Mám viac riadkov jak v diplomovke
I have more lines than in a thesis
Keď vydávam CD ich tváre bledé
When I release a CD, their faces turn pale
No Big Boy sa smeje všetko je okej
But Big Boy's laughing, everything's okay
Silueta Tatier na mojej veste
Silhouette of the Tatras on my vest
Volaj ma gazda, nevolaj ma gangster
Call me the host, don't call me a gangster
Vysielam hore na streche
Broadcasting up on the roof
Vysielam hore na skalách
Broadcasting up on the rocks
No táto hudba je best made
This music is the best made
V zime som nespal jak medveď
In winter, I didn't sleep like a bear
Všetko čo robíme pre rap
Everything we do for rap
Doručíme to jak FedEx
We deliver it like FedEx
Pod Tatrami bude madness
Under the Tatras there will be madness
Pod Tatrami bude (ííha)
Under the Tatras there will be (ííha)
Zameraný na svoj cieľ ako laser
Focused on my goal like a laser
Mám temné plány a s nami Darth Vader
I have dark plans and Darth Vader is with us
Zameraný na svoj cieľ ako laser
Focused on my goal like a laser
Mám temné plány a s nami Darth Vader
I have dark plans and Darth Vader is with us
Zameraný na svoj cieľ ako laser
Focused on my goal like a laser
Mám temné plány a s nami Darth Vader
I have dark plans and Darth Vader is with us
Zameraný na svoj cieľ ako laser
Focused on my goal like a laser
Vždy keď to DJ zapojí, player
Every time the DJ puts it on, player
Krásne je v Tatrách, tam hore nad voňavým...
It's beautiful in the Tatras, up there above the fragrant...
Krásne je v Tatrách, tam hore nad voňavým...
It's beautiful in the Tatras, up there above the fragrant...
Krásne je v Tatrách, tam hore nad voňavým...
It's beautiful in the Tatras, up there above the fragrant...
Krásne je v Tatrách
It's beautiful in the Tatras
Krásne je v Tatrách, tam hore nad voňavým lesom (lesom, lesom)
It's beautiful in the Tatras, up there above the fragrant forest (forest, forest)
Krásne je v Tatrách, tam hore nad voňavým lesom (lesom, lesom)
It's beautiful in the Tatras, up there above the fragrant forest (forest, forest)
Yeah (Yeah)
Yeah (Yeah)
Bol som nízko, dneska Big Boy sedí vysoko na skalách
I was down low, today Big Boy is sitting high on the rocks
Zajtra budem opäť dole, to je život, ďalšia dráma
Tomorrow I'll be down again, that's life, another drama
Spálim reprák, toto je prepataná hlave balak hlava
I'll burn the speaker, this is blessed head balak head
Špinavý bailer bailer, fuck that, duní, duní celá kára
Dirty bailer bailer, fuck that, bouncing, bouncing the whole car
Pop your head, pop your head (Krásne je v Tatrách)
Pop your head, pop your head (It's beautiful in the Tatras)
Hej G toto neni letný track (tam hore vysoko)
Hey G this ain't no summer track (up there high)
To je pre rukavice a kukly, zimné bundy (Na skalách)
This is for gloves and balaclavas, winter jackets (On the rocks)
Studené ulice a bubny (fuu)
Cold streets and drums (fuu)
Vypni Eurodance, dementov z ulice vozí veľký Benz (Krásne je v Tatrách, tam hore vysoko)
Turn off Eurodance, idiots from the street ride in a big Benz (It's beautiful in the Tatras, up there high)
Ale je mi jedno v akom aute človek sedí (Na skalách)
But I don't care what car a person drives (On the rocks)
To neovplyvní to, či mi človek sedí
It doesn't affect whether I like them or not
Yeah, Pop your head, pop your head
Yeah, Pop your head, pop your head
Hej G toto neni letný track
Hey G this ain't no summer track
To je pre rukavice a kukly, zimné bundy
This is for gloves and balaclavas, winter jackets
Studené ulice a bubny (fuu)
Cold streets and drums (fuu)
Vypni Eurodance, dementov z ulice vozí veľký Benz
Turn off Eurodance, idiots from the street ride in a big Benz
Ale je mi jedno v akom aute človek sedí
But I don't care what car a person drives
To neovplyvní to, či mi človek sedí
It doesn't affect whether I like them or not

Writer(s): Vibe Chief

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