Gleb - Noc v Opere - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - Noc v Opere

Noc v Opere
A Night at the Opera
(Ah shit, here we go again)
(Ah shit, here we go again)
Na hlave mám new york Yankees cap
I got a New York Yankees cap on my head
Pod ním mozog, ktorý nosí track
Underneath it is a brain that carries a track
Nemám čas na to meniť svet
I don't have time to change the world
I don't, I don't, I don't give a f-
I don't, I don't, I don't give a f-
Na hlave mám new york Yankees cap
I got a New York Yankees cap on my head
Pod ním mozog, ktorý nosí track
Underneath it is a brain that carries a track
Nemám čas na to meniť svet
I don't have time to change the world
I don't, I don't, I don't give a f-
I don't, I don't, I don't give a f-
Nikdy nedobyjú, uh-uh
They will never conquer, uh-uh
Big boy impérium, uh-uh
Big boy empire, uh-uh
Zlé CDs nevyjdú - uh-uh
Bad CDs won't come out - uh-uh
Music na minimum - uh-uh
Music at a minimum - uh-uh
Nikdy nedobyjú, uh-uh
They will never conquer, uh-uh
Big boy impérium, uh-uh
Big boy empire, uh-uh
Zlé CDs nevyjdú - uh-uh
Bad CDs won't come out - uh-uh
Music na minimum - uh-uh
Music at a minimum - uh-uh
Stále robím to, čo mám rád a stále mám rád to, čo robím
I'm still doing what I love and I still love what I do
Rovnaký drive ako keď som rýmoval vonku s homies pod balkónmi
Same drive as when I rhymed outside with homies under the balconies
God damn, no dneska mám zodpovednosť
God damn, but today I have responsibility
Za každý názor, ktorý nájdeš v textoch
For every opinion you find in the lyrics
Keby som ho náhodou deň po nahratí
If I happen to change it a day after recording
Zmenil, tak ma odsúdi polka fans, yo
Then half of the fans will condemn me, yo
Ževraj nevynásobíte nulu z nuly som dal koncertnú šnúru
They say you can't multiply zero by zero, I gave a concert tour
Skáčem krivú šípku do poolu s mexičanmi na hoteli v Toulouse
I jump a crooked arrow into the pool with Mexicans at the hotel in Toulouse
Ževraj nevynásobíte nulu z nuly som dal koncеrtnú šnúru
They say you can't multiply zero by zero, I gave a concert tour
Skáčem krivú šípku do poolu s mexičanmi na hoteli v Toulousе
I jump a crooked arrow into the pool with Mexicans at the hotel in Toulouse
Ak si rapper, tak musíš míňať moju bandu vozí limuzína
If you're a rapper, then you have to spend my band drives a limousine
Ale necítim sa v nej dobre cítim sa trápne vráťte mi peniaze naspäť
But I don't feel good in it, I feel awkward, give me my money back
Prinútila ma rap game, Gleb je ovešaný v zlate
Rap game made me, Gleb is hung with gold
Ale necítim sa v tom dobre cítim sa trápne vráťte mi peniaze naspäť
But I don't feel good in it, I feel awkward, give me my money back
Poznám všetky typy človeka niekto ti pomôže, pretože chce
I know all types of people, someone will help you because they want to
Niekto ti pomôže len aby o tom všetkým okolo mohol povedať
Someone will help you just to tell everyone about it
Poznám všetky typy človeka možno ti dokážu pokaziť deň
I know all types of people, maybe they can ruin your day
No vďaka nim viem aký nechcem byť a držím ich ďalej od tela
But thanks to them I know what I don't want to be, and I keep them away from my body
Na hlave mám new york Yankees cap
I got a New York Yankees cap on my head
Pod ním mozog, ktorý nosí track
Underneath it is a brain that carries a track
Nemám čas na to meniť svet
I don't have time to change the world
I don't, I don't, I don't give a f-
I don't, I don't, I don't give a f-
Na hlave mám new york Yankees cap
I got a New York Yankees cap on my head
Pod ním mozog, ktorý nosí track
Underneath it is a brain that carries a track
Nemám čas na to meniť svet
I don't have time to change the world
I don't, I don't, I don't give a f-
I don't, I don't, I don't give a f-
Nikdy nedobyjú, uh-uh
They will never conquer, uh-uh
Big boy impérium, uh-uh
Big boy empire, uh-uh
Zlé CDs nevyjdú - uh-uh
Bad CDs won't come out - uh-uh
Music na minimum - uh-uh
Music at a minimum - uh-uh
Nikdy nedobyjú, uh-uh
They will never conquer, uh-uh
Big boy impérium, uh-uh
Big boy empire, uh-uh
Zlé CDs nevyjdú - uh-uh
Bad CDs won't come out - uh-uh
Music na minimum - uh-uh
Music at a minimum - uh-uh
Dneska platíme za päť hviezd, predtým sme ich mali tisíce
Today we pay for five stars, before we had thousands
Priamo nad hlavou zadarmo v parkoch, nad ránom išli odtiaľ preč
Right over their heads for free in the parks, they left in the early morning
Potkan rýchlo mení tvár tak že Speedy Gonzales
The rat quickly changes its face so that Speedy Gonzales
Zbieral som sily na nové CD a tie prišli práve dnes
I was gathering strength for a new CD and they came just today
Big boy, spomeň čerta a vyskočí Gleb
Big boy, mention the devil and Gleb jumps out
I'll see you in my office right now, Big boy
I'll see you in my office right now, Big boy
Some things are about to get build up empire (Big, Big, Big)
Some things are about to get build up empire (Big, Big, Big)

Writer(s): Peter Bitter, Gleb Veselov

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